Differences between revisions 24 and 25
Revision 24 as of 2024-10-05 17:00:24
Size: 3329
Editor: BouD
Comment: add link to new page HardwareTesting, per irc discussion on #mobian
Revision 25 as of 2025-01-19 05:32:06
Size: 4011
Comment: Added information for newbies section
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Information for Newbies =

The command "lspci" doesn't work on most (all?) mobile devices as they don't have a PCI bus or a compatible mapping of their devices to the PCI interfaces. The commands "lshw" and "hwinfo" do this.

Plan backups as a first step when using mobile devices (or any embedded devices). None of the easy methods of recovering from broken systems that work on laptops and desktop PCs will work on mobile devices.

A serial console is a really good thing. The risks of making a device unbootable or having a system crash are much greater than on PCs or Android devices. You may think that you won't need such access and then get surprised by breakage.


The Mobian project aims to bring Debian to mobile devices. Over time, the idea is to minimize the Mobian specific pieces by “upstreaming” customization to the original projects. It is maintained by 2 distinct (but overlapping) teams:

  • the Mobian team is responsible for maintaining downstream packages (containing non-upstreamable patches and/or not ready for inclusion into Debian) and non-packaging tasks, such as image generation and distribution

  • the DebianOnMobile team maintains packages which are already part of the Debian archive.


For a list of supported devices, along with installation instructions for each one, see Supported Devices.

Wiki pages

See our FAQ page if you have questions.

For a list of mobile-friendly apps, see the "What applications can I use for "X"?" section of our FAQ.

For instructions on how to do common things you may want to do with your Mobian device, see How-to.

For instructions on how to tweak common things you may want to tweak with on Mobian device, see Tweaks.

For information on accessibility, see Accessibility.

For instructions on how to test hardware components using Mobian software, see Hardware testing.

For information on hardware accessories for devices Mobian supports, see Hardware Accessories.

If you want to contribute to Mobian, see Contribute.

Information for Newbies

The command "lspci" doesn't work on most (all?) mobile devices as they don't have a PCI bus or a compatible mapping of their devices to the PCI interfaces. The commands "lshw" and "hwinfo" do this.

Plan backups as a first step when using mobile devices (or any embedded devices). None of the easy methods of recovering from broken systems that work on laptops and desktop PCs will work on mobile devices.

A serial console is a really good thing. The risks of making a device unbootable or having a system crash are much greater than on PCs or Android devices. You may think that you won't need such access and then get surprised by breakage.


Follow us

Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@mobian


Project wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/Mobian (Wayback archive of old wiki, deprecated since Aug 2023)


Matrix: #mobian:matrix.org - bridged to IRC, XMPP, Telegram

Matrix: #mobian-ports:matrix.org - for porting-related discussions

IRC: #mobian on OFTC - bridged to Matrix, XMPP, Telegram

XMPP: #mobian%irc.oftc.net@irc.cheogram.com - bridged to Matrix, IRC, Telegram

Telegram: https://t.me/mobian_project - bridged to Matrix, IRC, XMPP

Report bugs

Remember a chat room isn't a bug tracker: bugs reported to the Mobian room will be ignored; such reports MUST go to https://salsa.debian.org/Mobian-team/ or https://bugs.debian.org . For the latter, an introduction to bug reporting is available at https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting.

Sources and development

Mobian vs Debian vs upstream: https://packages.mobian.org

Salsa: https://salsa.debian.org/Mobian-team/

GitLab.com (for upstream development; deprecated for the Debian level of Mobian as of 2022-07-08): https://gitlab.com/mobian1

Search all debian source code: https://codesearch.debian.net

Development pipeline overview for PACKAGE: https://tracker.debian.org/PACKAGE