Differences between revisions 76 and 78 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 76 as of 2020-07-13 19:25:09
Size: 7320
Editor: ?Fosshost
Comment: added fosshost per Paul Wise
Revision 78 as of 2020-07-30 09:20:05
Size: 7047
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: remove ARM DS offer: it was never used by Debian and the program suffered bitrot, so the offer is discontinued
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 ARM Development Studio::
 :: DDs [[https://lists.debian.org/20140830235214.GJ24523@einval.com|may obtain]] a [[https://ds.arm.com/debian/|gratis copy of ARM Development Studio]], '''proprietary''' development tools for the ARM architectures.
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 :: DDs and DMs must apply at [[https://www.fosshost.org/apply]] stating that they are from the debian project and have seen this page. All applications are processed typically within 24-48 hours. Fosshost has a presence in the UK, EU and US and provides high quality services, with full support offered via Freenode IRC and email (admin (at) fosshost.org). Please use your @debian.org address when emailing or applying in the notes. Any applications from DDs or DMs are automatically pre-approved. All services are free of charge.  :: DDs and DMs must [[https://www.fosshost.org/apply|apply]] stating that they are from the Debian Project and have seen this page. All applications are processed typically within 24-48 hours. Fosshost has a presence in the UK, EU and US and provides high quality services, with full support offered via Freenode IRC and email (admin (at) fosshost.org). Please use your @debian.org address when emailing or applying in the notes. Any applications from DDs or DMs are automatically pre-approved. All services are free of charge.

Benefits available to Debian members and contributors are listed below.

To offer benefits to Debian contributors, register an account and add your organisation below in alphabetical order.

Your organisation may also be interested in helping Debian using your resources. If so, you can donate to us, form ongoing partnerships with us, sponsor our conferences, provide gratis products or services to Debian contributors, provide gratis hosting for Debian service experiments, run mirrors of our software, installation media or conference videos or promote our software and community by providing a testimonial or selling Debian merchandise, installation media, pre-installed systems, consulting or hosting. If any of your staff are interested to help Debian, there are many technical and non-technical ways to help out.


Most standard benefits of Debian membership are documented in the welcome mail sent to new and returning members. In addition members can create debian.net subdomains and vote in Debian Project Leader elections and General Resolutions.


DDs, DMs and other contributors may obtain certification of their membership/contributions.


DDs, DMs and other contributors may ask for hardware donations or obtain access to Debian hardware related to their contributions.


Bytemark offer a 5% discount on Premium Dedicated hosts to Free Software authors, where "Free Software" is defined as per the DebianFreeSoftwareGuidelines.


Condless provides Advanced Cloud Services for SMBs, and are able to offer a VPS in Europe for your FOSS project at a cost price. To obtain the VPS, DDs and DMs should send their request to info@condless.com from their Debian address.


Software Freedom Conservancy offers to hold copyright on works produced by the Debian community and or to enforce the licenses on free software works in accordance with their community-oriented principles. It also offers the same services to other segments of the Free Software community. Conservancy signs contracts with individual contributors.

Debian contributors should contact debian-services@sfconservancy.org to discuss these services.

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean offers free credits for open source projects, including Debian-related activities. See sponsorships program about details.

Debian contributors should contact opensource@digitalocean.com


GPLHost provides virtual servers running Xen. Provided that your need is to host something related to free software (it doesn't have to be Debian related though), GPLHost can host your project for free. This will be of the form of a free VPS with 512 to 2048 MB of RAM, and 25 to 100 GB of HDD. Everything is currently hosted on a single server in Paris, connected with 1Gbits/s link. The service is self managed (you can reinstall Debian by yourself using the control panel), though zigo will be happy to provide support on IRC.

DDs should send emails to zigo@debian.org (main owner of GPLHost) to get the discount and directions on how to obtain the virtual machine. Mails should be sent using OpenPGP signatures, to prove that you're really a DD (or a DM).


Gandi provides website hosting, cloud computing, domain registration and X.509 certificate services. Gandi provides discounts to the open source community.

DDs and DMs must send an OpenPGP-signed email to non-profit@gandi.net indicating your status (Debian Developer or Debian Maintainer) and your Gandi account's username or handle (personal accounts only; no company or reseller accounts). To expedite provisioning, set your account's billing currency before sending the email. Once verified, Gandi will apply discounted grid (level 'E') to the account.


Fosshost provides virtual servers, web hosting, storage, mirrors and associated hosting services including dedicated hardware to the open source community.

DDs and DMs must apply stating that they are from the Debian Project and have seen this page. All applications are processed typically within 24-48 hours. Fosshost has a presence in the UK, EU and US and provides high quality services, with full support offered via Freenode IRC and email (admin (at) fosshost.org). Please use your @debian.org address when emailing or applying in the notes. Any applications from DDs or DMs are automatically pre-approved. All services are free of charge.


LeaseWeb provides dedicated servers, bare metal servers, private clouds, virtual servers and content delivery networks. LeaseWeb offers discounts to Debian Developers.

DDs should send emails to sales@us.leaseweb.com (for North America) or sales@nl.leaseweb.com (for Europe) from their @debian.org address with subject "debian.org membership special offer (ref VLCH)".

After confirmation of identity by replying to emails sent to their @debian.org address, DDs are entitled to discounts. The specific amount of discount is dependent on the service requested and the availability of resources (eg, number of dedicated servers available at the time of the request).


LWN is a news and information source for the free software community.

DDs and DMs should send OpenPGP-signed emails to lwn-subscription@debian.org indicating their LWN usernames. Thereafter, DDs and DMs should patiently wait while the provisioning process unfolds.


Purism offers discounts for all active Debian Developers.

DDs should send OpenPGP-signed emails to ops@puri.sm requesting keys.


This offer is currently on hold.

Steam offers subscriptions to select titles to the open source community. Collabora coordinates the dissemination of keys.

DDs and DMs should send OpenPGP-signed emails to debian-steam@collabora.com requesting keys. Steam and most games distributed by it are proprietary software.
