It is sometimes claimed that the strong ownership of packages by their maintainers is detrimental to Debian's progress in cases when a maintainer can't, for whatever reason, fix a problem speedily. The NMU procedure takes a long time, usually at least two weeks, depending on the severity of the bug.
The maintainers and maintainer groups listed below declare that their packages (all, or the ones listed specifically below) may be fixed and uploaded without delay, at any time, as long as the NMU procedure in the Debian Developer's Reference is otherwise followed. You don't need to contact the maintainers beforehand, and you don't need to use a delayed upload queue. If the package maintainer or maintainer group is active, it is polite to let them have a stab at fixing the problem first.
Every change should be to fix a reported bug. Changes should not be frivolous. For example, don't change from debhelper to cdbs just because you prefer it that way; if you really want to make such big changes to the package, talk with the maintainer or maintainer group first, and maybe offer to adopt the package.
This list is utterly and totally opt-in. The above relaxation of time limits does not apply to anyone else's packages.
Some other maintainers also allow low-threshold package adoption.
The majority of records in this page is written in a (pseudo) machine-friendly markup, following this rule:
- - as field separator
- first field: Developer Name
- second field: packages under NMU lowthreshold, (all packages) for all
- other fields: additional optional info, one per field, like:
- Comaintainers welcome
except: <package [motivations]>
check: <package [motivations]>
comment: <freeform comment>
An «except» field means that <package> is excluded from this lowthreshold list because of <motivations>.
A «check» field means that before NMUing <package> you should get in touch and check with original maintainer because special <motivations> apply.
A «comment» field contains general information regarding all the packages of that DD.
N.B. Sometimes groups of packages were specified in a more complex human-like form. I've marked them with a prepended "ie." label, as I haven't yet found a proper solution. A common example is: "except: ie. comaintained [by the FOO team]".
Debian Perl Group - (all packages) - please use our git repositories
Debian Printing Team (all packages) - please use the git repositories
CipUX Team - (all packages) - please use the git repository
Debian GSS Team - (all packages)
Debian Shishi Team - (all packages)
Debian Authentication Maintainers - (all packages)
Individual Maintainers
Please keep the alphabetical according to first and last name.
The PTS fetches all email addresses in links to, and displays a link to this page next to the Maintainer name. Please add such a link to your entry.
Aaron M. Ucko - (all packages)
?Adrian Bridgett - (all packages)
?Adrian von Bidder - (all packages)
Afif Elghraoui - (all packages) - comment: no need to contact me before uploading unless you have questions; please commit to package's SCM repository; if review is needed, use a topic branch and send an email - Comaintainers welcome
?Agustin Henze - (all packages) - Please commit the changes on salsa and open a MR!
?Alexander Reichle-Schmehl - (all packages)
?Alexander Dreyer - (all packages)
Alex Muntada - (all packages) - comment: Please check with co-maintainers.
Aloïs Micard - (all packages) - except: Co/Team-maintained
Amaya Rodrigo Sastre - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained - Comaintainers welcome
Andreas Barth - (all packages) - except: libapache-mod-dav - check: mgetty please ask first - check: netpbm-free please make sure you don't do copyright violations as upstream is a bit lazy - check: dpkg-sig that's HE's domain - Comaintainers welcome
Andrea Pappacoda - (all packages) - comment: Please upload with dgit and commit the fixes to the package VCS
?Andres Mejia - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Andrew Pollock - (all packages) Comment: please don't NMU out of the blue, I hate surprises
Andrew Starr-Bochicchio - (all packages) - please commit to VCS when possible
Andy Li - (all packages)
?Angus Lees - (all packages)
Ansgar Burchardt - (all packages)
Antonio Terceiro - (all packages) - except: Co/Team-maintained
Antoine Le Gonidec (vv221) - (all packages)
?Apollon Oikonomopoulos - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Ari Pollak - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Arnaud Cornet - (all packages)
Axel Beckert - evolvotron iselect unclutter xrootconsole - if VCS is in collab-maint, also commit your changes - Comaintainers welcome
?Barak Pearlmutter - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Baruch Even - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Bastian Germann - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained packages
Bayle Florent - (all packages)
Ben Armstrong - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Ben Hutchings - (all packages) - except ie. Co-maintained - comment: see here and here
Ben Pfaff - (all packages)
Bernd Zeimetz - (all packages, all packages) - except: Co-maintained packages Comment: Only fix RC bugs. For everything else - talk with me. Neither upload new upstream versions nor make any other kind of mess.
Bernhard Schmidt - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Blair Noctis - (all packages, old email) - comment: for Rust team packages ask other team members to help you; for other packages (usually under the debian namespace on salsa) please push your changes to the repos.
Boyuan Yang - (all packages) - comment: Please commit the fixes to the package VCS - Co-maintainers welcome - Packaging hijacking welcome as long as you keep me in the uploaders list
Brice Goglin - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained packages
Carsten Hey - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained packages - check: deborphan
Carsten Leonhardt - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages - comment: Please commit the fixes to the package VCS
Changwoo Ryu - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages - comment: Please commit the fixes to the package VCS
Chris Boot - (all packages) - except: Co-/Team-maintained packages, but ppp is fine
Chris Butler - (all packages)
Christian Aichinger - (all packages)
?Christian Hammers - (all packages) - except: mysql - except: quagga - Comaintainers welcome for all
Christian Perrier - all packages - except: Co-maintained
?Christine Spang - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained
Christoph Berg - (all packages) except: postgresql-NN - Comaintainers welcome
Christoph Egger - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained - Comaintainers welcome
Christopher Cramer - (all packages)
Clément Stenac - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Colin Watson - (all packages) - except: base-passwd - Comaintainers welcome - check: base-passwd comaintainers are welcome
CristianGreco - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained packages
Daniel Burrows - (all packages)
Daniel Gröber - (all packages)
Daniel Leidert - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained by debichem team - comment: read my blog
Daniel Ruoso - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
David Nusinow - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained by the XStrikeForce - except: ie. comaintained by libruby-extras team
David Paleino - (all packages) - except: bash-completion - except: ie. co-maintained
David Prévot - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
- David Steele - cryfs
?Decklin Foster - (all packages)
Denis Barbier - (all packages) - comment: check packages where I am listed as Maintainer - Comaintainers welcome
Didier 'OdyX' Raboud - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages - comment: Please commit the fixes to the package VCS - Comaintainers welcome
Dima Kogan - (all packages) - Please use the underlying git repos whenever possible
Dmitry E. Oboukhov - (all packages) - all patches must be commited into git-repo (
Dominique Dumont - (all packages) - comment: Please check with co-maintainers and commit to VCS when possible
Don Armstrong - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Dylan Aïssi - (all packages)
EddyPetrisor - aspell-ro and any package without co-maintainers - even new upstream versions are ok (contact me before such an upload), Co-maintainers welcome
Eduard Bloch - (all packages) - except: ie. on strategic upstream issues where I am (defacto) upstream of a package - Comantainers welcome
Emanuele Rocca - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained by the Debian Xfce Group
?Emilio Pozuelo Monfort - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained.
Enrico Rossi - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Enrico Tassi - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Enrico Zini - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Erich Schubert - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Étienne Mollier - (all packages)
?Evan Broder - (all packages)
Evgeni Golov - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Fabio Tranchitella - (all packages) - comment: check with comaintainers where appropriate - Comaintainers welcome
Fabrice Bauzac - (all packages) - comment: check with comaintainers where appropriate - Comaintainers welcome
Falk Hueffner - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Federico Gimenez Nieto - (all packages)
Felipe Sateler - (all packages) - except: co-maintained with pkg-multimedia, ask on first
Félix Sipma - (all packages)
Filippo Giunchedi - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Florian Ernst - (all packages) - comment: check packages where I am listed as Maintainer - Comaintainers welcome
Florian Schlichting - (all packages) - packages are either group-maintained (pkg-perl, pkg-mpd) or in collab-maint, please use vcs - Comaintainers welcome
Francesco Namuri - (all packages)
Franz Pletz - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Ganesan Rajagopal - (all packages)
Gaudenz Steinlin - (all packages - comment: advance notices for me to comment welcome - Comaintainers welcome
Geert Stappers - (all packages)
George Danchev - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Georges Khaznadar - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained packages - check: chemeq, units-filter
Giovanni Mascellani - (all packages) - comment: Please check with comaintainers and/or teams
?Gonéri Le Bouder - (all packages)
Gwen Weinholt - (all packages)
Graham Inggs - (all packages) - except: team maintained - comment: please commit changes to collab-maint - Co-maintainers welcome
Gregor Herrmann - (all packages) - comment: Please check with co-maintainers.
Alex Myczko - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Gustavo Franco - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Gustavo Noronha Silva - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Gustavo Panizzo - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained, uhexen2. Comaintainers welcome - please commit to VCS.
Hans-Christoph Steiner - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained. Comaintainers welcome
Heikki Mäntysaari - (all packages)
Helge Kreutzmann - (all packages)
Helmut Grohne - (all packages) - except: co-maintained and gcc-cross-support - Comaintainers welcome - comment: for co- and team-maintained packages apply the thresholds of all other maintainers
Holger Levsen - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Iain Lane - (all non-team packages) (for team packages contact the team first)
Inaki Malerba - (all packages)
intrigeri - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
itd - (all packages) - except: comaintained - Comaintainers welcome - comment: MR on salsa, please
?Ivan Kohler - (all packages - comment: check packages where I am listed as Maintainer - Comaintainers welcome
Jaldhar H. Vyas - (all packages) - except: dovecot
James Valleroy - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages - Comaintainers welcome - comment: Please commit the fixes to the package VCS
James Westby - (all packages - except: co-maintained - Co-maintainers welcome
Jamin W. Collins - (all packages) - Co-maintainers welcome
Jan Dittberner - (all packages) - except: migrate
?Jan Lübbe - (all packages) - except: bitbake
?Jan Niehusmann - (all packages) - Co-maintainers welcome
Jan Nordholz - (all packages) - except: ebtables already co-maintained
Jason Pleau - (all packages)
?Javi Merino - (all packages)
Jeff Bailey - (all packages, all packages, all packages) - except: glibc - Comaintainers welcome
?Jeremie Corbier - (all packages)
Jeremy Bicha - (all packages)
?Jérémy Bobbio - (all packages) - comment: please note that most of them are already team maintained
Joachim Reichel - (all packages)
?Jochen Friedrich - (all packages) - except: net-snmp - Comaintainers welcome. - comment: net-snmp Please commit to SVN first.
Jochen Sprickerhof - (all packages)
Joe Wreschnig - (all packages)
?Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues - (all packages)
?John Goerzen - (all packages)
?John Wright - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome - except: python-debian already team-maintained
?Jonathan Carter - (all packages except team maintained, comaintainers welcome). When making changes in a package in VCS, please also commit the change to debian/changelog. I'm also on LowThresholdAdoption
Jonas Smedegaard - (all packages, all packages) - if VCS is in collab-maint, also commit your changes - Comaintainers welcome
Jongmin Kim - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages - comment: Please commit the fixes to the package VCS
Joost van Baal - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Jordi Mallach - (all packages) - comment: Co-maintained for GNOME ask on #debian-gnome@OFTC or debian-gtk-gnome@lists.d.o first.
Joshua Kwan - (all packages) - comment: I'm super busy with school so NMU away. I'll pick up the pieces in the summer.
Josselin Mouette - (all packages) - except: python-support - comment: Co-maintained for GNOME ask on #debian-gnome@OFTC or debian-gtk-gnome@lists.d.o first
?Juan A. Diaz - (all packages)
?Kalle Kivimaa - (all packages)
?Karl Bartel - (all packages)
Kartik Mistry - (all packages, all packages) - ask for: Co-maintained packages
Kevin B. McCarty - (all packages) - check: cernlib - check: paw - check: geant321 - check: mclibs - check: mn-fit - comment: Cernlib-related please try to contact me first.
kpcyrd - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Kyle McMartin - (all packages)
Lev Lamberov - (all packages) - if VCS is in collab-maint, also commit your changes
Lionel Elie Mamane - (all packages) - except: ie. Comaintained (consult with comaintainers first) - except: ie. exception to the exception: scsh* seem like they are co-maintained, but they are not, so they *DO* fall under LowThresholdNMU.
Loic Minier - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained
Louis-Philippe Véronneau - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages - comment: Please commit the fixes to the package VCS
Luca Capello - (all packages) - comment: if possible please send darcs patches
Lucas Nussbaum - (all packages)
Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt - (all packages)
Marco Presi (Zufus) - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome - check: python-scipy *please* watch out the (svn repository) - check: python-numpy *please* watch out the (svn repository)
Marco Rodrigues - (all packages)
Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva - (all packages)
Marcos Talau - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained - Co-maintainers welcome
Marcus Better - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Margarita Manterola - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Mario Iseli - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Marius Gavrilescu - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Mark Howard - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Markus Koschany - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Martin F. Krafft - (all packages, incl. patches for reproducible builds) - comment: check with comaintainers where approriate - Comaintainers welcome.
Martin Meredith - (all packages)
Martin Pitt - (all packages - check: postgresql* please be extra conservative about them
Martin Wuertele - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Martin Zobel-Helas - (all packages) - except: ed
Masayuki Hatta - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Matej Vela - (all packages)
?Mathieu Malaterer - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Matt Brubeck - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Matt Kraai - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Maximiliano Curia - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained. Comaintainers welcome
Mestiashvili Alex - (all packages)
Michael Casadevall - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained packages comment: Comaintainers welcomes. Also see [here|] for packages under my old email address. Please ping on IRC or send email beforehand.
Michael Hanke - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Michael Janssen - (all packages)
Michael Lustfield (MTecknology) - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages
Michael Mende - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Michael Stapelberg - (all packages) - except: i3 - except: i3lock - except: i3status - comment: please check back on IRC before, I respond within 24h max. Please prefer working through the collab-maint Git repositories where you can find the packages
Michael Tautschnig - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Michal Čihař - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Miguel Gea Milvaques - (all packages)
Miriam Ruiz - (all packages) - Except Team Maintained - Comaintainers welcome
Mike Gabriel (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome - except: debian-edu-*
Mike Miller - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages - Co-maintainers welcome
Mohammed Adnène Trojette - (all packages)
Moray Allan - (all packages)
Moritz Muehlenhoff - (all packages)
Morten Hustveit - (all packages)
Nathanael Nerode - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Neutron Soutmun - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Nico Golde - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Nicolas Braud-Santoni - (all packages) - Feel free to NMU without delay if I do not answer a bug within a week, except for team-maintained packages; feel free to ask for co-maintainership.
Nicolas Dandrimont - (all packages) - Co-maintainers are welcome for all packages.
Nicolas Duboc - (all packages)
Nikolaus Rath - (all packages)
Niels Thykier - (all packages) - comment: Co-maintainers are welcome. - except: Team-/Co-maintained packages.
?Niv Sardi - (all packages)
Ondřej Čertík - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Ondřej Surý - (all packages)
Osamu Aoki - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Otto Kekäläinen - (all packages) - co-maintainers welcome
Patrick Schoenfeld - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained
Patrick Winnertz - (all packages)
Paul Gevers - (all packages) - comment: be careful with motif, contact ; Please push changes to VCS if you have access to it, otherwise I suggest you use dgit and make logical small commits.
Paul Tagliamonte - (all packages) - except desktop-base fluxbox dput-ng - comment: Please get in touch with any co-maintainers. Please push changes to VCS.
Paul Wise - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Per Olofsson - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Peter Makholm - (all packages) - except debnest
Peter Van Eynde - (all packages) - comment: if possible please send darcs patches
?Petter Reinholdtsen - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained - Comaintainers welcome
?Philip Hands - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Philipp Hug - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Pierre-Elliott Bécue (all packages) - except: team maintained packages, join the team instead of uploading from outside. Comaintainers welcome.
Pierre Habouzit - (all packages) - except: ie. KDE packages - comment: for KDE ones, ask - Comaintainers welcome
Pierre Machard - (all packages)
Prach Pongpanich - (all packages) - except: Co/Team-maintained
?Qingning Huo - (all packages)
Rafael Laboissiere - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained packages - Comaintainers welcome
Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Raphael Hertzog - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Raúl Benencia - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Reinhard Tartler - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Rémi Vanicat - (all packages)
Ricardo Mones - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained - Comaintainers welcome
?Richard Nelson - (all packages) -
Riku Voipio - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained
Robert Collins - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Robert Jordens - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Robert Lemmen - (all packages)
?Robert McQueen - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Roberto C. Sanchez - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained - comment: please file a bug including a diff with the source changes
Robin Gustafsson - (all packages) - except: Team-maintained packages - comment: Please commit the fixes to the package VCS
Roger Leigh - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
RogerShimizu - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Roger So - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Rogério Brito - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Recai Oktaş - (all packages)
Roland Mas - (all packages) - comment: Please try to ping me on IRC or email beforehand - comaintainers welcome - check: gforge please refrain from touching the database maintenance code in gforge as it's somewhat fragile
Romain Beauxis - (all packages)
Ross Burton - (all packages)
Rudy Godoy - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained - Comaintainers welcome.
Russ Allbery - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained - check: heads-up welcome so that I can comment
?Ryan Kavanagh - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained, rxvt-unicode - comment: before NMUing please send me a direct email and wait 48 hours for a reply
?Salvatore Bonaccorso - (all packages - comment: advance notices for me to comment welcome (for group maintained packages check there))
Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained - check: vlc - check: ffmpeg - check: yasm - comment: be careful with things that will cause utter retaliation if you break them more than needed
Samuel Henrique - (all packages) - except: team maintained and co-maintained (unless co-main is also on this list) - comment: please ensure changes get to Salsa
Sascha Steinbiss - (all packages) - except: team maintained and co-maintained - comment: please ensure changes get to Salsa
Santiago Ruano Rincón - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained
Sebastian Dröge - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained
?Scott Howard - (all packages)
Serafeim Zanikolas - (all packages) - comaintainers welcome
Siegfried-A. Gevatter - (all packages)
?Simon Josefsson - (all packages)
Simon McVittie - (all packages) - except: ie. co-maintained - co-maintainers welcome
Simon Quigley - (all packages) - except: team maintained - comment: Use of VCS (and proposal of a PR to my packaging once uploaded) is mandatory, otherwise this isn't applicable. Comaintainers are welcome, just ping me if you add yourself as one.
Søren Boll Overgaard - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Stefan Fritsch - (all packages) - except: ie. Co-maintained
Stefan Potyra - (all packages)
Stefano Zacchiroli - (all packages - except: Co-maintained
?Steinar H. Gunderson - (all packages) - except: pkgsync - except: amoeba - except: the ones I'm also upstream for
Stéphane Glondu - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained
Steve McIntyre - all packages - except: cvs - except: cdrtools - except: debian-cd - except: Co-maintained - Comaintainers welcome
Steve M. Robbins - (all packages) - except: Co-maintained - Comaintainers welcome
Sven Mueller - all packages - except co-maintained - Comaintainers welcome
Sylvain Le Gall - all packages - except: Co-maintained
?Sylvain Thénault - all packages
?Sylvestre Ledru - all packages - Comaintainers welcome
Taowa - (all packages)
Ted Percival - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Thijs Kinkhorst - (all packages)
Thom May - all packages - except: Co-maintained
Thomas Girard - all packages - except: co-maintained - Co-maintainers welcome
Thomas Goirand - all packages - except: co-maintained - Co-maintainers welcome, and intl (because it would often breaks sync with Git)
?ThomasPreudhomme - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Thorsten “mirabilos” Glaser - kwalletcli libbsd-arc4random-perl php-htmlpurifier pidgin-openpgp(orphaned) rs - only listed packages - check with me on Freenode IRC (/msg memoserv send mirabilos ping) but if I don’t answer within an hour, go ahead
Timo Juhani Lindfors - (all packages) - check: omhacks (must test on openmoko) - check: qi (must test on openmoko) - comment: Comaintainers welcome
Timo Jyrinki - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Tobias Frost - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome, packages must remain in the debian group on salsa. You must merge your changes to the repository or at least create a merge request.
Tobias Klauser - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Tobias Quathamer - (all packages) - except: iso-codes - Comaintainers welcome
Todd Troxell - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Tommi Vainikainen - (all packages)
Tony Mancill - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome.
Torsten Landschoff - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Torsten Werner - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
?Trent W. Buck - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Tristan Seligmann - (all packages) - check: python-cryptography sensitive because of security concerns - comment: I try to respond quickly to communication about my packages even when I'm short on time to work on them
Uwe Kleine-König - (all packages) - comment: git pull requests for your NMU welcome
?Varun Hiremath - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Victor Seva - (all packages) - Comaintainers welcome
Victor Cuadrado Juan - (all packages) - comment: please note that most of them are already team maintained
Vincent Danjean - (all packages)
Martin - (all packages) - all packages, co-maintainers welcome, please use package VCS
William (Bill) Blough - (all packages) - except: co-maintained - Co-maintainers welcome - comment: Please check with co-maintainers/teams for co/team maintained packages
William Pitcock - (all packages) - except: co-maintained - Comaintainers welcome
Wookey - (all packages) - comment: Yes, please fix my packages
Xavier Guimard - (all packages)
Y Giridhar Appaji Nag - (all packages) - comment: As applicable, check with co-maintainers and commit the fixes to the package VCS - Co-maintainers are welcome.
Yuri D'Elia - (all packages) - co-maintainers welcome
(Reminder: Please keep the alphabetical according to first and last name.)