Debian Malaysia ( aka DebMal / DebianMY)
This is local community from Malaysia for GNU/Linux enthusiasts who uses or is interested with Debian distro to hangout together.
Tagline : "Malaysian Debian GNU/Linux enthusiasts community"
You can be reach us by various means:
Chat: Telegram group or Freenode OFTC IRC #debian-malaysia / Matrix or Kampung Chat IRC #debian-malaysia
Website: (mirror:
Mailing lists: Debmal google group / Debian DUG Malaysia
Email : Debian Malaysia (irc/matrix: debianmalaysia) <<debianmalaysia AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>>, Robbi Nespu (irc/matrix: rnm/mambang) <<robbinespu AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>>
Social media: Twitter - / Mastodon (both cross-posted)
Please choose what ever communication channel and you are welcome! Don't forget to introduce yourself after joined our communication channel
News / Update / History
2021 June
We are leaving FREENODE IRC/Matrix server, we only stay on OFTC IRC/Matrix and Kampung Chat IRC server now. Read the announcement here
2021 May
We registered IRC channel #debian-malaysia on OFTC server. This channel are logged on
- We registered IRC channel #debian-malaysia on server (the Malaysia largest IRC community). Come and join us! (open ports 6660-7000 / SSL port 6697)
Debian Malaysia joined Ubucon Asia 2021 Organizer team as one of hosts
Ubucon Asia 2021 - CFS (Calling for speakers), will closed on 30 June, 2021 3:00 PM (-09)
Ubucon Asia 2021 - Calling for Video Translation Volunteers, May 5th ~ June 30th (-09)
2021 April
Malaysia team salsa created -
Debian Malaysia localgroup website is available on (mirror:
website source code hosted on Gitlab and mirrored (push) on Debian Salsa instance, please use Gitlab to commit changes, not on Salsa!
2021 March
- Our IRC channel are bridge with Matrix. However, but for those who prefer modern communication you may join our Telegram group.
- For everyone information, IRC are logged (as mentioned previously) and it work well
- Currently, we bridge matrix, irc and telegram asynchronously. It would be much fun like this but it depend on Robbi personal server availability
- Adding and start using tagline "Malaysian Debian GNU/Linux enthusiasts community"
2021 Feb
IRC (Freenode) channel #debian-malaysia logged using logbot
- Reach and communicate with Debian-Localgroups Team regarding Debian Malaysia localgroup establishment
Umarzuki add Robbi as manager on debmal googlegroups , so Debian Malaysia will use this platform as mailing list channel
2021 Jan
Create and publish Debian Malaysia Wiki on official Debian wiki.
Telegram debianmalaysia group created
IRC channel #debian-malaysia registered on FREENODE server and bridge on matrix protocol
- Robbi contacted previous debmal community about his idea to revamp / restart / continue / start Debian Malaysia local group
We use FREENODE instead of using OFTC server for IRC, because we believe it have more active ops and users and it offer web-based IRC client which easier for new comers to use (OFTC also offer web-based IRC too, if you're curious)
- Plus we mostly can find Malaysian people whom active on others opensource project on FREENODE too, so staying on same server is much convenient.
- Jonathan Cristopher Carter and Moray Allan give talk during Debconf20 about the possibility of setting up a local group support team bootstrapped, support, administer/approve budgets, create/distribute Debian merchandise and many more in a proper way.
Video are available on if your are interested.
Bits are available on