Translation(s): none
A Live CD is a distribution (that contains as much software as possible) stored on a bootable CD-ROM that can be executed from it, without installation on a hard drive. Nothing is installed, and the system returns to its previous OS once you pop the Live CD out.
One can use a ready CD or burn an ISO image downloaded from the Internet.
Some Live CDs come with an installation utility launchable from a desktop icon that can optionally install the system on a hard drive or USB keydrive. Most Live CDs can access too the information on internal and/or external harddrives, diskettes and USB Flash memories (i.e. to store data home directory or to be used like rescue systems).
Generating Debian Live CDs
Projects and tools for creating a Debian Live CD from standard Debian packages:
Debian Live: Official Debian project taking care about the tools to build, run, and install live systems.
bootcd debian packages
FAI: Easy creation of customized live ISOs, a web service for creating your own ISO is available