LXDE is designed to work well with computers on the low end of the performance spectrum, such as older resource-constrained machines, new generation netbooks, and other small computers. |
LXDE in Debian
LXDE is one of the DesktopEnvironment options in the DebianDesktopHowTo.
The core LXDE desktop, best suited for minimal installations:
# apt install lxde-core
The full LXDE desktop:
# apt install lxde
A complete Debian LXDE desktop (starting from Debian 7.0 "Wheezy"):
# apt install task-lxde-desktop
Running LXDE
GDM / KDM / LightDM / SDDM
No extra configuration is needed for GDM / KDM / LightDM / SDDM: just simply select the LXDE option at the login screen menu.
For XDM, you will need to have the ~/.xsession file in your home folder. If you do not have one, create it. XDM reads this file as a script. See the XDM documentation for more information. The final line in your ~/.xsession file should read:
exec startlxde
If you are starting X with startx, the same line would go in your ~/.xinitrc file.
An alternate way you can change the default session manager system-wide is by updating the link Debian holds in /etc/alternatives/:
# update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
You will be given a list of options. Select startlxde to select LXDE as your default session manager system-wide.
Keyboard layout switching
First of all, you need to add the necessary keyboard layouts into the /etc/default/keyboard config file (see also: Keyboard in Debian Wiki).
Here is an example with 5 layouts (US English, Ukrainian, Russian, German and French) and <Alt>+<Shift> as a layout changer key combination:
# KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page. XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="us,ua,ru,de,fr" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS="grp:alt_shift_toggle" BACKSPACE="guess"
For the changes to take affect, you need to execute the following command:
# udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change
or to reboot the system.
After that, you can add a "Keyboard Layout Switcher" applet onto the LXPanel and finally test it.