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LVM is a Logical Volume Manager for the Linux operating system.
Logical volume management provides a higher-level view of the disk storage on a computer system than the traditional view of disks and partitions. This gives the system administrator much more flexibility in allocating storage to applications and users.
Storage volumes created under the control of the logical volume manager can be resized and moved around almost at will.
PV : Physical Volumes. This means the hard disk, hard disk partitions, RAID or LUNs from a SAN which form "Physical Volumes" (or PVs).
VG : Volume Groups. This is a collection of one or more Physical Volumes.
LV : Logical Volumes. LVs sit inside a Volume Group and form, in effect, a virtual partition.
PE : Physical Extents. In order to manipulate the actual data, it is divided into blocks of data called Physical Extents.
LE : Logical Extents. Similar to Physical Extents, but at the Logical Volume level. Physical Extents are to Physical Volumes as Logical Extents are to Logical Volumes. The size of blocks are the same for each logical volume (LV) in the same volume group (VG).
An example:
||-------------------------OS----------------------------|| ||-------------------------LVM---------------------------|| || LV-1 (/) |LV-2 (swap)| LV 3 (/home) | LV-4 (/tmp)|| Logical Volumes(LV) ||------------------------------------------|------------|| || VG 1 | VG 2 || Volume Groups(VG) ||------------------------------------------|------------|| || /dev/sda2 | /dev/sda3 | /dev/sdb2 | /dev/sdd4 || Physical Volumes(PV) ||-------------------------------------------------------||
Good to know
Encrypted LVM
When formatting a LVM volume, you can choose between encrypted LVM or not encrypted LVM. To protect the confidentiality of your valuable data, for instance in the event of the loss or theft of your computer or storage, such as volume, solid state disk, or hard drive, when formatting a LVM volume it is suggested to consider formatting it using the encrypted LVM option.
If you choose the encrypted LVM option, it is suggested to consider creating backup passwords. So that recovery is quick and easy
Otherwise it the event that somehow your password is not working, you risk permanently losing all your valuable data. It is surprisingly frequent that people lose all their data because somehow their password is no longer working, and they did not created backup passwords. Encrypted LVM is very strong, so if somehow you locked yourself out, unless you have backup passwords it is likely that you would be permanently locked out
Backup passwords
Creating backup passwords is a two steps process. First you add backup passwords, second you backup those passwords.
- Add backup passwords
Run the following command in Terminal as Root
cryptsetup luksChangeKey <device> -S <slot>
- Notes
Where -S means you want to edit a specific key-slot. You need to change <slot> for a number ranging from zero to 7. This number will identify which key-slot you want to edit. There are 8 key-slots total available. Ranging from zero to 7. You need to replace <device> with the path to your encrypted LVM volume. For example /dev/sda.
- Notes
It is suggested to create at least 3 backup passwords. If you want to add an additional backup password simply run the same command, but change the <slot> number to your liking. For example:
cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/sda -S 2
- Backup passwords
Run the following command in Terminal as Root
cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup <device> --header-backup-file <file>
- Notes
Where <device> is the location to save your backup to, for example /dev/sda. And <file> is the name of your backup file, for example /media/jenn/2017-05-18_luks_sda_backup. This command backup all height key-slots.
- It is suggested to store that backup file into a secured, off-line, and different location. So that in the unlikely event that your computer is damage or stolen you would still be able to recover and access your backup data if any.
Source and official LUKS wiki documentation
- Notes
Restore passwords
- Restore passwords backup
Run the following command in Terminal as Root
cryptsetup luksHeaderRestore <device> --header-backup-file <file>
- Notes
This command will delete all present height passwords slots, then restore all your backup passwords. Before running this command, it is suggested to double check this command is correctly configured and you really need to proceed. There is no undo
You need to change <device> for the path to your encrypted LVM volume, for example /dev/sda. You need to change <file> to the path to your backup file, for example /media/jenn/2017-05-18_luks_sda_backup.
Source and official LUKS wiki documentation
- Notes
Note: The password(s) of a encrypted LVM volume are stored inside its Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) header(s). Creating backup passwords is important because if in the future somehow you first password is no longer working, or you simply forget your password, or you do remember your password but something unexpected happens such as a bug after a kernel update and somehow the password is no longer working, then without backup password(s) you risk to permanently lose all your valuable data stored into that encrypted LVM storage.
Encrypted LVM swap partition
When an encrypted LVM partition is used, the encryption key is stored in memory (RAM). Since retrieving this key allows the decryption of the data, it is of recommended to avoid leaving a copy of this key that would be accessible to the possible thief of the computer or volume, or to a maintenance technician. This is however something that can easily occur with a laptop, since when hibernating the contents of RAM is stored on the swap partition. If this partition isn't encrypted, the thief may access the key and use it to decrypt the data from the encrypted partitions. This is why, when you use LVM encrypted partitions, it is recommended to also encrypt the swap partition. The Debian installer will warn you or the users if they try to make an LVM encrypted partition while the swap partition is not encrypted. Source.
You should use labels for Logical Volume (LV) identification in /etc/fstab, instead of UUIDs or the kernel naming rules (/dev/sda) in order to avoid conflicts with the restoration of volume snapshots.
Since DebianSqueeze Grub v2, which can read files directly from LVM and RAID devices is the default Debian bootloader.
If you plan to encrypt your root filesystem /boot may need to be located in a separate unencrypted Logical Volume or partition. Refer to the Cryptsetup documentation for more information.
GRUB v1 and LILO are not compatible with LVM, if you use one of those legacy bootloaders /boot should be outside the storage disk managed by LVM.
LVM2 snapshots and udev on Debian
There are some caveats when creating LVM snapshots on Debian with udev, see 343671
All tools to manage an LVM volume are available in lvm2 package
sudo apt install lvm2
That's all. If you have a very old Debian (before 2018) also try to start the main service:
sudo service lvm2 start
This is not needed in recent Debian versions (for example in Debian buster it's not necessary).
If needed, you can install system-config-lvm, it's a utility for graphically configuring Logical Volumes.
sudo apt install system-config-lvm
List of LVM commands
lvmchange — Change attributes of the Logical Volume Manager.
lvmdiskscan — Scan for all devices visible to LVM2.
lvmdump — Create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes.
Physical Volumes (PV)
Create a PV
To declare the /dev/sda2 as a physical volume available for the LVM:
sudo pvcreate /dev/sda2
Remove a PV
In order to remove the Physical Volume (PV) on /dev/sda2 all data must be moved off it. To do this, make sure other physical volumes containing the same volume group have enough free space and then issue this command:
pvmove /dev/sda2
After the data is moved off the disk, remove it from the volume group (in this case, the one named myVirtualGroup1:
sudo vgreduce myVirtualGroup1 /dev/sda2
And after these preparations finally:
sudo pvremove /dev/sda2
List of PV commands
pvchange — Change attributes of a Physical Volume.
pvck — Check Physical Volume metadata.
pvcreate — Initialize a disk or partition for use by LVM.
pvdisplay — Display attributes of a Physical Volume.
pvmove — Move Physical Extents.
pvremove — Remove a Physical Volume.
pvresize — Resize a disk or partition in use by LVM2.
pvs — Report information about Physical Volumes.
pvscan — Scan all disks for Physical Volumes.
Volume Groups (VG)
Create a volume group of physical volume
sudo vgcreate myVirtualGroup1 /dev/sda2
Extend a volume group
Declare another physical volume:
sudo pvcreate /dev/sda3
Then add the new PV to the VG that already exists:
sudo vgextend myVirtualGroup1 /dev/sda3
Renaming a volume group
Renaming a volume group can be tricky of the it contains the root or swap partition. In that case it should be insured that the old names are still accessible via /dev/mapper until a full reboot cycle is complete.
sudo vgrename somename-vg vgsomename cd /dev/mapper ls somename-vg* ## somename--vg-lv1 ## somename--vg-lv2 ... sudo ln -s vgsomename-lv1 somename--vg-lv1 sudo ln -s vgsomename-lv2 somename--vg-lv2 ... # if logical volumes of the group are contained in /etc/fstab: sudo -i 's#/dev/mapper/somename--vg-#/dev/vgsomename/#g' /etc/fstab # if logical volumes of the group are contained in /boot/grub/grub.cfg: sudo -i 's#/dev/mapper/somename--vg-#/dev/vgsomename/#g' /boot/grub/grub.cfg # this is only good for the initramfs run and the initial next reboot sudo update-initramfs -c -k all sudo reboot sudo update-grub #creating final /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Verify VG configuration
Simply run this command:
sudo vgdisplay
List of VG commands
vgcfgbackup — Backup Volume Group descriptor area.
vgcfgrestore — Restore Volume Group descriptor area.
vgchange — Change attributes of a Volume Group.
vgck — Check Volume Group metadata.
vgconvert — Convert Volume Group metadata format.
vgcreate — Create a Volume Group.
vgdisplay — Display attributes of Volume Groups.
vgexport — Make volume Groups unknown to the system.
vgextend — Add Physical Volumes to a Volume Group.
vgimport — Make exported Volume Groups known to the system.
vgimportclone — Import and rename duplicated Volume Group (e.g. a hardware snapshot).
vgmerge — Merge two Volume Groups.
vgmknodes — Recreate Volume Group directory and Logical Volume special files
vgreduce — Reduce a Volume Group by removing one or more Physical Volumes.
vgremove — Remove a Volume Group.
vgrename — Rename a Volume Group.
vgs — Report information about Volume Groups.
vgscan — Scan all disks for Volume Groups and rebuild caches.
vgsplit — Split a Volume Group into two, moving any logical volumes from one Volume Group to another by moving entire Physical Volumes.
Logical Volumes (LV)
Create an LV
Don't forget to check that you have enough space: naturally, an LV of 100 GB (Giga Bytes) doesn't fit in a 10 GB Virtual Group.
Create a logical volume in a volume group:
sudo lvcreate -n myLogicalVolume1 -L 10g myVirtualGroup1
Format the logical volume to the filesystem you want (ext4,xfs...)
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/myVirtualGroup1/myLogicalVolume1
You can test to see if it's working:
mkdir /test sudo mount /dev/myVirtualGroup1/myLogicalVolume1 /test df -h
You also can check your logical volumes with:
sudo lvdisplay
Remove a LV
To remove a logical volume, make sure it is not in use anymore. Then simply issue this command to remove the logical volume myLogicalVolume1 in volume group myVirtualGroup1:
sudo lvremove myVirtualGroup1/myLogicalVolume1
You might get asked if you really want to remove an active logical volume. If so, confirm it.
List of LV commands
lvchange — Change attributes of a Logical Volume.
lvconvert — Convert a Logical Volume from linear to mirror or snapshot.
lvcreate — Create a Logical Volume in an existing Volume Group.
lvdisplay — Display the attributes of a Logical Volume.
lvextend — Extend the size of a Logical Volume.
lvreduce — Reduce the size of a Logical Volume.
lvremove — Remove a Logical Volume.
lvrename — Rename a Logical Volume.
lvresize — Resize a Logical Volume.
lvs — Report information about Logical Volumes.
lvscan — Scan (all disks) for Logical Volumes.
See also:
Comparison of Linux volume management solutions for Debian users
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