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This page lists Debian LTS contributors together with their "professional affiliation" when they are contributing as part of their paid work (and not as an individual on their free time).
The list is sorted by alphabetical order and affiliations are between parentheses:
- Abhijith Pa (Freexian)
- Adrian Bunk
- Anton Gladky (Freexian)
- Andrew Bartlett (Catalyst)
- Arturo Borrero González (Freexian)
- Ben Hutchings (Freexian)
- Brian May (Freexian)
- Chris Lamb (Freexian)
- Christoph Berg (credativ)
- Christoph Biedl
- Enrico Zini (Freexian)
- Evgeni Golov
- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort (Freexian)
- Guilhem Moulin (Freexian)
- Holger Levsen
- Jochen Sprickerhof (Freexian)
- Lee Garrett (Freexian)
- Lucas Kanashiro (Freexian)
- Markus Koschany (Freexian)
- Matt Palmer
- Michael Banck (credativ)
- Michael Prokop (Sipwise)
- Moritz Mühlenhoff
- Ola Lundqvist (Freexian)
Paride Legovini (Freexian)
Raphaël Hertzog (Freexian)
Roberto C. Sánchez (Freexian)
- Salvatore Bonaccorso
- Santiago Ruano Rincón (Freexian)
- Sean Whitton (Freexian)
Stefano Rivera (Freexian)
- Sylvain Beucler (Freexian)
- Tobias Frost (Freexian)
- Thorsten Alteholz (Freexian)
- Utkarsh Gupta (Freexian)
NOTE: The above affiliation information might be used to generate statistics about contributing organizations.