Translation(s): English - Indonesia - Italiano - 한국어 - Português (Brasil) - Українська - 简体中文
Debian Localization
If you want to help translate Debian in your language.
Even if you can only spend an hour a week, you will be welcome.
Several language teams use Debian mailing lists to coordinate their work.
If you’re lucky enough to be a speaker of one of these languages, try joining<yourlanguage> and follow what’s happening there.
Don’t try to immediately jump in some translation work.
First, participate to peer reviews: comment on others’ translations. Learn about the team’s processes, jargon and habits.
Then, progressively, start working on a few translations: you may want to start with translations of debconf templates: they are short, often easy to do. That’s perfect if you have few time.
If no language team exists for your language, try joining debian-i18n and ask about existing effort for your language. Someone may be able to point you to individuals working on Debian translations (very often along with other free software translation efforts). If not, then you might be named “coordinator” for your language… you may even be asked to work on translating the Debian Installer.
for more info see
Translation Software
Team specific
page written in English
pages written in local languages
in alphabetic order of the language in English: