Differences between revisions 174 and 175
Revision 174 as of 2020-09-20 03:59:38
Size: 13142
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: link to DebianLocations
Revision 175 as of 2021-01-04 03:30:56
Size: 13137
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: Brian Russo moved to Tampa, FL according to https://github.com/brianrusso
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 402: Line 402:
 * FL, Tampa: Brian Russo <brian@entropy.net>
Line 404: Line 405:

 * HI, Honolulu: Brian Russo <brian@entropy.net>

Debian GPG Signing Coordination -- People looking for GPG Signing

See Keysigning and Keysigning/Coordination for instructions.

Please, don't sign up here if there is a key Keysigning/Offers in your area already, rather get in touch with the offerers.

If there are no offers in your area, check the list of local groups, recent release parties and other locations, you may be able to find Debian members or contributors.

AR - Argentina

AT - Austria

AU - Australia

BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina

BE - Belgium

BO - Bolivia

BR - Brazil

BZ - Belize

CA - Canada

CN - China

CO - Colombia

CU - Cuba

CY - Cyprus

CZ - Czech Republic

DE - Germany

DK - Denmark

EG - Egypt

ES - Spain

FR - France

GB - United Kingdom

GR - Greece

ID - Indonesia

IL - Israel

IN - India

IT - Italy

KZ - Kazakhstan

  • Almaty, Zhezkazgan (or any other place in Kazakhstan): Timur Birsh <taem@linukz.org>

MG - Madagascar

MK - North Macedonia

MX - Mexico

MY - Malaysia

NL - Netherlands

NO - Norway

PK - Pakistan

PH - Philippines

PL - Poland

PT - Portugal

RE - Reunion

RO - Romania

RU - Russian Federation

  • Irkutsk: Anton Anikin <htower@icc.ru>

  • Saint-Petersburg: Andrey Skvortsov <Andrej . Skvortzov [ 0x40 ] gmail.com >

  • Tomsk: Vladimir Gorelov <skylark@mail.tsu.ru>

SE - Sweden

SG - Singapore

TH - Thailand

TR - Turkey

TW - Taiwan

UA - Ukraine

US - United States

VE - Venezuela

ZA - South Africa