Packaging apaste
In this page will be tracked packaging information about apaste nodejs module.
Please do not edit this page by hand. Use this script instead.
For more information about packaging a Node.js module, please take a look at this page.
Build Dependencies
Name |
npm |
debian |
task |
None |
Name |
npm |
debian |
task |
apaste |
apaste (1.2.4) |
├── form-data |
form-data (2.3.2) |
node-form-data (2.3.2-2 |
│ ├── asynckit |
asynckit (0.4.0) |
node-asynckit (0.4.0-2 |
│ ├── combined-stream |
combined-stream (1.0.7) |
node-combined-stream (1.0.6-1 |
│ │ └── delayed-stream |
delayed-stream (1.0.0) |
node-delayed-stream (0.0.5-1 |
│ └── mime-types |
mime-types (2.1.20) |
node-mime-types (2.1.20-1 |
│ └── mime-db |
mime-db (1.36.0) |
node-mime-types (2.1.20-1 |
├── home-config |
home-config (0.1.0) |
│ └── ini |
ini (1.3.5) |
node-ini (1.3.5-1 |
├── mime |
mime (2.3.1) |
node-mime (2.3.1-1 |
├── mmmagic |
mmmagic (0.5.1) |
│ └── nan |
nan (2.11.1) |
node-nan (2.11.1-1 |
├── snack-cli |
snack-cli (1.1.0) |
│ └── lodash |
lodash (4.17.11) |
node-lodash (4.17.11+dfsg-1 |
├── string |
string (3.3.3) |
└── tor-request |
tor-request (2.3.0) |
├── request |
request (2.88.0) |
node-request (2.88.1-2 |
│ ├── aws4 |
aws4 (1.8.0) |
node-aws4 (1.8.0-1 |
│ ├── aws-sign2 |
aws-sign2 (0.7.0) |
node-aws-sign2 (0.7.1-1 |
│ ├── caseless |
caseless (0.12.0) |
node-caseless (0.12.0-1 |
│ ├── combined-stream |
combined-stream (1.0.7) |
node-combined-stream (1.0.6-1 |
│ ├── extend |
extend (3.0.2) |
node-extend (3.0.2-1 |
│ ├── forever-agent |
forever-agent (0.6.1) |
node-forever-agent (0.6.1-1 |
│ ├── form-data |
form-data (2.3.2) |
node-form-data (2.3.2-2 |
│ ├── har-validator |
har-validator (5.1.0) |
node-har-validator (5.1.0-1 |
│ │ ├── ajv |
ajv (6.5.4) |
node-ajv (5.0.0-1 |
│ │ │ ├── fast-deep-equal |
fast-deep-equal (2.0.1) |
node-fast-deep-equal (1.0.0-1 |
│ │ │ ├── fast-json-stable-stringify |
fast-json-stable-stringify (2.0.0) |
│ │ │ ├── json-schema-traverse |
json-schema-traverse (0.4.1) |
node-json-schema-traverse (0.3.1-1 |
│ │ │ └── uri-js |
uri-js (4.2.2) |
node-uri-js (4.2.2+dfsg-1 |
│ │ │ └── punycode |
punycode (2.1.1) |
node-punycode (2.1.1-2 |
│ │ └── har-schema |
har-schema (2.0.0) |
node-har-schema (2.0.0-1 |
│ ├── http-signature |
http-signature (1.2.0) |
node-http-signature (1.2.0-1 |
│ │ ├── assert-plus |
assert-plus (1.0.0) |
node-assert-plus (1.0.0-1 |
│ │ ├── jsprim |
jsprim (2.0.0) |
node-jsprim (1.4.0-1 |
│ │ │ ├── assert-plus |
assert-plus (1.0.0) |
node-assert-plus (1.0.0-1 |
│ │ │ ├── extsprintf |
extsprintf (1.4.0) |
node-extsprintf (1.3.0-1 |
│ │ │ ├── json-schema |
json-schema (0.2.3) |
node-json-schema (0.2.3-1 |
│ │ │ └── verror |
verror (1.10.0) |
node-verror (1.10.0-1 |
│ │ │ ├── assert-plus |
assert-plus (1.0.0) |
node-assert-plus (1.0.0-1 |
│ │ │ ├── core-util-is |
core-util-is (1.0.2) |
node-core-util-is (1.0.2-1 |
│ │ │ └── extsprintf |
extsprintf (1.4.0) |
node-extsprintf (1.3.0-1 |
│ │ └── sshpk |
sshpk (1.14.2) |
node-sshpk (1.13.1+dfsg-1 |
│ │ ├── asn1 |
asn1 (0.2.4) |
node-asn1 (0.2.3-1 |
│ │ │ └── safer-buffer |
safer-buffer (2.1.2) |
│ │ ├── assert-plus |
assert-plus (1.0.0) |
node-assert-plus (1.0.0-1 |
│ │ ├── bcrypt-pbkdf |
bcrypt-pbkdf (1.0.2) |
node-bcrypt-pbkdf (1.0.1-1 |
│ │ │ └── tweetnacl |
tweetnacl (1.0.0) |
node-tweetnacl (0.14.5+dfsg-2 |
│ │ ├── dashdash |
dashdash (1.14.1) |
node-dashdash (1.14.1-2 |
│ │ │ └── assert-plus |
assert-plus (1.0.0) |
node-assert-plus (1.0.0-1 |
│ │ ├── ecc-jsbn |
ecc-jsbn (0.2.0) |
node-ecc-jsbn (0.1.1-1 |
│ │ │ └── jsbn |
jsbn (1.1.0) |
node-jsbn (1.1.0-1 |
│ │ ├── getpass |
getpass (0.1.7) |
node-getpass (0.1.7-1 |
│ │ │ └── assert-plus |
assert-plus (1.0.0) |
node-assert-plus (1.0.0-1 |
│ │ ├── jsbn |
jsbn (1.1.0) |
node-jsbn (1.1.0-1 |
│ │ ├── safer-buffer |
safer-buffer (2.1.2) |
│ │ └── tweetnacl |
tweetnacl (1.0.0) |
node-tweetnacl (0.14.5+dfsg-2 |
│ ├── isstream |
isstream (0.1.2) |
node-isstream (0.1.2+dfsg-1 |
│ ├── is-typedarray |
is-typedarray (1.0.0) |
node-is-typedarray (1.0.0-2 |
│ ├── json-stringify-safe |
json-stringify-safe (5.0.1) |
node-json-stringify-safe (5.0.1-1 |
│ ├── mime-types |
mime-types (2.1.20) |
node-mime-types (2.1.20-1 |
│ ├── oauth-sign |
oauth-sign (0.9.0) |
node-oauth-sign (0.9.0-1 |
│ ├── performance-now |
performance-now (2.1.0) |
node-performance-now (2.1.0+debian-1 |
│ ├── qs |
qs (6.5.2) |
node-qs (6.5.2-1 |
│ ├── safe-buffer |
safe-buffer (5.1.2) |
node-safe-buffer (5.1.2-1 |
│ ├── tough-cookie |
tough-cookie (2.4.3) |
node-tough-cookie (2.3.4+dfsg-1 |
│ │ ├── psl |
psl (1.1.29) |
│ │ └── punycode |
punycode (2.1.1) |
node-punycode (2.1.1-2 |
│ ├── tunnel-agent |
tunnel-agent (0.6.0) |
node-tunnel-agent (0.6.1-1 |
│ │ └── safe-buffer |
safe-buffer (5.1.2) |
node-safe-buffer (5.1.2-1 |
│ └── uuid |
uuid (3.3.2) |
node-uuid (3.3.2-2 |
└── socks-proxy-agent |
socks-proxy-agent (4.0.1) |
├── agent-base |
agent-base (4.2.1) |
│ └── es6-promisify |
es6-promisify (6.0.0) |
└── socks |
socks (2.2.1) |
├── ip |
ip (1.1.5) |
node-ip (1.1.5-1 |
└── smart-buffer |
smart-buffer (4.0.1) |
The package.json for apaste can be seen by typing:
npm view apaste