Translation(s): none
Gradle is a build system for Java.
There are still many tasks for the Gradle package remained to finish. For example:
Update gradle to the latest version.
- Package all missing dependencies of Gradle.
- The Gradle package has a bunch of large patches, most of which is simply for making the package buildable on Debian rather than fixing bugs or providing security enhancements. Simplify them.
- Improve current approach of generating Class-Path in the manifest.
- Make the package more reproducible.
- Install symlinks to depending JARs in /usr/share/gradle/lib
Missing Dependencies of Gradle
- Apache Mina SSHD (for build tests)
- AWS SDK for Java (for subproject "resources-aws")
- geronimo-annotation (for plugin "jetty", only needed for runtime)
- jhighlight (for compiling documentaions)
jQuery TipTip (for compiling documentaions)
LittleProxy (for build tests)
SonaQube (for plugin "sonar")
- sonar-runner
- Zinc (for plugin "scala"
- sbt (for building Zinc, but we can use Gradle instead)
Other Gradle Packaging Efforts
notes on packaging gradle 2.x
notes on packaging gradle 1.0