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Debian Java Goals
This page contains the list of things that the Java Team would like to finish within the given release. These goals are generally goals that either affects a lot of packages, may involve a lot of work or improve the Debian Java infrastructure.
Feel free to claim any goal without a driver; if you wish to help with a specific goal, please contact the driver of that goal.
- Get rid of the explicit dependency on openjdk-6 for default-jdk
- Matthias Klose proposes to remove packages needing openjdk 6 (and doesn't work on 7) from testing when it is possible
Driver: Sylvestre Ledru, Status: openjdk-7-transition tag
- Remove OpenJDK 6 as a release goal of Jessie
Driver: Sylvestre Ledru, Status: Bug #720911
- Debhelper integration for maven-repo-helper and maven-debian-helper
- Jakub Adam and Wolodja Wentland provided a patch to fix issue on this package
- Driver: Thomas Koch was: Ludovic Claude (Seems MIA), Status: in progress
- Update the policy regarding maven. Maybe use the documentation for maven-repo-helper
- Driver: Thomas Koch for writing and Wookey for reviewing
Maybe make java-policy normative ?
- Switch to maven 3
- Driver: James page + Damien Raude-Morvan
- see topic-maven3 in maven-debian-helper git
- Remove *-gcj packages
- except the one necessary for bootstrapping openjdk
- at least ecj-gcj + libecj-java-gcj should be kept (ant-gcj?)
- Driver: Damien Raude-Morvan
- Start packaging of OpenJDK-8 package. It is expected to next March/April.
- Should get ride of icedtea to use a plain openjdk (but keep the possibility to switch to other JVM)
- start with current mercurial repository build daily ?
- d/rules from scratch but keep the current package layout
- Driver: contributions are welcome/Adnan Hodzic (cooperation is more then welcome)
- Cleanup of maven-{repo,debian}-helper ?
- Thomas Koch/Jakub Adam/Emmanuel Bourg have done great work to clean it
- usage as dh sequence is ok
- some bugfix still waiting
- Move icedtea-plugin (or eqv.) into java-common source package
- Driver: Adnan Hodzic
- Install the Java sources into the -doc packages as a .jar
- Our helpers should do that for us.
- Driver: Thomas Koch
- Get in touch with the policy editor to find out what to do with the Java Policy
- Driver: Sylvestre Ledru
- OpenJDK-7 - rebuild of the archive with this version
Driver: ?Sylvestre Ledru
- Status: Done
- OpenJDK on kfreebsd
Driver: DamienRaudeMorvan
- Status: Done
Snapshots package here:
Last status update:
- Enforce the well-documented classpath policy
Complete default-jdk-builddep -> default-jdk + gcj-native-helper split
- Status: Still 5 packages needs to be checked.
Lintian nags about this :
Dropped / Postponned
- A Debian Maven repository
- Driver: ?
- A Debian OSGi repository
- Driver: ?
Use of OBR? Fedora appears interested in OBR solution.
libmaven-bundle-plugin-java should help for all Maven-based build system
- Allow Java Library Transitions (possibly) via a SONAME-like method.
Driver: ?, Status: debated at DebConf10.
- Make jarwrapper installable and functional on non-Linux ports.
- Driver: ?
- Compile bytecode to native code post install (removal of -gcj packages).
- Driver: ?
- Driver: ?, Status: Draft