git is broken wrt validating service certs, apply the git workaround from ServicesSSL
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
Line 25: | Line 25: |
printf "[http]\n\tsslVerify = false\n" >> ~/.gitconfig && \ | dir=/etc/ssl/ca-debian && \ test -d $dir && git config --local --add http.sslCAInfo $dir/ca-certificates.crt && |
Line 31: | Line 32: |
# TODO: figure out the Alioth cert issue; use the below insecure version for now. |
eller is way faster than minkus
The backslashes save you time. Love the backslash.
echo pkg=rustc > ./vars; \ echo bmaster=debian/experimental >> ./vars; \ echo bupstream=upstream/experimental >> ./vars; \ echo ssid=$(schroot -b -c sid) >> ./vars; \ . ./vars; \ dd-schroot-cmd -c $ssid apt-get update; \ dd-schroot-cmd -c $ssid apt-get upgrade -y; \ dd-schroot-cmd -c $ssid apt-get build-dep -y $pkg; \ dd-schroot-cmd -c $ssid apt-get install -y devscripts equivs quilt nano git git-buildpackage pristine-tar; \ echo 'set -g history-limit 8192' > ~/.tmux.conf && tmux
Inside tmux:
. ./vars; \ schroot -r -c $ssid . ./vars; \ apt-get source "$pkg" && \ dir=/etc/ssl/ca-debian && \ test -d $dir && git config --local --add http.sslCAInfo $dir/ca-certificates.crt && debcheckout "$pkg" && \ cd $pkg && \ git checkout pristine-tar && git checkout ${bupstream:-upstream} && git checkout ${bmaster:-master} && \ mkdir dl && cd dl && tar xvf ../../rustc_*.orig-dl.tar.* && cd .. && \ # Inside: ################ either ################ gbp buildpackage ################ or ################ export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches; \ quilt push -a && \ debian/rules build && \ fakeroot debian/rules binary ################ end ################ # hack hack exit # Outside: schroot -e -c $ssid rm ~/ssid