Size: 19622
Comment: ADD #debian-quebec to the channel's list
Size: 19642
Comment: fix blends link
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* '''[[irc://|#debian-blends]]''': [DebianPureBlends]] | * '''[[irc://|#debian-blends]]''': [[DebianPureBlends|Debian pure blends]] |
Translation(s): English - Español - Français - Italiano - Svenska
IRC is used to get on-line Real Time Help.
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More information can be found on GettingHelpOnIrc. The channel has its own FAQ.
Debian IRC channels
The hostname is an alias for Most Debian IRC channels are on the OFTC IRC network:
#debian: Meant for Debian users support. Any questions related to using Debian are welcome. See how to get useful help on IRC.
#debian-3dprinting: Debian 3D-Printing Team - Project HomePage - Mailing List - Wiki
#debian-au: Australian Debian users and developers chat
#debian-boot: Meant for discussing the Debian Installer (and, occasionally, supporting users of it).
#debian-br: for Lusophone. Por favor, use #debian-br para ajuda em português.
#debian-br-eventos: Brazilian Events Channel.
#debian-bugs: Meant for discussing how to fix bugs. This channel is not for reporting bugs.
#debian-catalan: Debian en Català
#debian-cd: Discussion about development of the debian-cd package and the production and distribution of official CD and DVD images.
#debian-cl: Debian chilean users. Also developers (spanish language).
#debian-cli: Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) runtimes, apps & libs for Debian Teams/DebianMonoGroup
#debian-ctte: Debian Technical Committee -
#debian-devel: Meant for discussions about the development of Debian. This channel is not a support channel. Asking support questions here is inappropriate. German-language user channel, also developers.
#debian-devel-br: Brazilian developer channel. Not a support channel. German developer channel. Used when is busy. Not a support channel.
#debian-devel-es: Spanish developer channel.
#debian-devel-fr: French developer channel. Not a support channel.
#debian-devel-it: Italian developer channel
#debian-devel-id: Indonesian developer channel. Not a support channel.
#debian-dpkg: Teams/Dpkg (used for dpkg development topics, not a user support channel).
#debian-dpl: DPL helpers
#debian-ec2: VMBuilder (?)
#debian-es: for Hispanophone. Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.
#debian-fr: for Francophone. Les personnes qui parlent francais mais peu ou pas anglais et qui ont besoin d'aide avec Debian peuvent demander sur #debian-fr.
#debian-gr: for Greek users. Για χρήστες που ομιλούν Ελληνικά κανάλι υποστήριξης
#debian-ha: Debian-HA development and support channel - Debian-HA
#debian-i3: Support channel for i3 (and i3gaps) window manager users
#debian-id: Indonesian Debian Users
#debian-ie: Irish Debian Users
#debian-in: Indian Debian Users
#debian-it: for Italian speakers. Le persone che parlano italiano possono chiedere e ottenere aiuto in questo canale. it/IRC/debian-it.
#debian-jr: - DebianJr
#debian-kde: Support channel for KDE in Debian
#debian-l10n-br: Brazilian Portuguese translators for Debian
#debian-mate: Debian MATE Desktop Environment - PkgMate
#debian-meeting: Meant for meetings and training sessions, see scheduled sessions or book the channel for a meeting on IRC/debian-meeting
#debian-mentors: Meant for support for beginning developers getting their packages into the Debian archive. See also the debian-mentors mailing list.
#packaging: Meant for support for people doing packaging outside of Debian. See #debian-mentors for packaging within Debian.
#debian-newmaint: New Maintainer Process - -
#debian-next: for users of testing or sid.
#debian-nginx: Nginx packaging related discussions.
#debian-nl: for Dutch speakers. Voor ondersteuning in het Nederlands.
#debian-nordic: Nordic Debian community LocalGroups/DebianNordic
#debian-ocaml: Packaging and development of OCaml-related stuff in Debian.
#debian-oo: LibreOffice/ legacy packaging channel
#debian-openstack: Debian OpenStack packaging
#debian-ops: #debian operators channel | IRC |
#debian-outreach: Debian Outreach team - Teams/Outreach - Outreachy and Google Summer of Code
#debian-ps3: Debian on PlayStation3 - PS3
#debian-python: Packaging and development of Python-related stuff in Debian - DebianPython
#debian-qa: Debian Quality Assurance -
#debian-quebec: For users based in Quebec, Canada. Pour les utilisateurs et utilisatrices basées au Québec, Canada.
#debian-release: Teams/ReleaseTeam - NOT a support channel, only release related discussion here
#debian-remote: Debian Remote Maintainers Team
#debian-reproducible: ReproducibleBuilds related discussions
#debian-riscv: Debian RISC-V port
#debian-ro: Romanian Debian community and Romanian translators for Debian Swedish Debian community For Slovene speakers. Kanal za slovenske uporabnike.
#debian-sv: Salvadoran Debian Users -
#debian-talk: ?DebTalk
#debian-uk: Debian in the UK (United Kingdom, not Ukraine); NOT a support channel.
#debian-uy: Debian Uruguay -
#debian-vim: Packaging and development of Vim-related stuff in Debian.
#debian-women: discussion about Debian Women.
#debian-www: - Teams/Webmaster
#debian channels have a Netiquette.
Debian Pure Blend IRC channels
Other DebianPureBlends project pages and IRC information.
How to create a new #debian-* channel
Join the chan you wish to create (e.g.: /join #debian-foo)
Register the chan with a proper description: /msg chanserv REGISTER #debian-foo <description>. You are automatically added as MASTER.
Add @debian-master as MASTER: /msg chanserv ACCESS #debian-foo ADD @debian-master MASTER
Add @debian-chanop as CHANOP: /msg chanserv ACCESS #debian-foo ADD @debian-chanop CHANOP
Add your channel to the list above.
Inform people about your channel via Planet Debian, DevNews, the mailing lists or the publicity team.
- Enjoy your brand new chan!
See also
IRC/DpkgBot: #debian and #debian-next factoid bot
judd bot: #debian's window into the Ultimate Debian Database for package information
IRC servers:
DebianMailingLists -- Obtain support via email