やまねひでき (Hideki Yamane, henrich _at_ debian.org)
- Hello world :-), welcome to my page at Debian Wiki.
I'm not a programmer, but I could do make a patch for linux kernel(just add 1 pci id), so you also can do more thing. Let's try it
bug reporter
submitted bugs in DebianBTS
Debian package maintainer (Debian Developer, and was First Japanese Debian Maintainer)
full list, see Debian Developer's Overview
Maintainer Dashboard for my TODO
font packages as member of Debian Fonts Task Force (maintain Japanese font packages)
- push Japanese authors' software to Debian
2ch-browser JD, TOMOYO Linux, chasen, naist-jdic and darts, sylfilter, and sylph-searcher, pleiades
translator (EN -> JA)
- po-debconf, webpages and document and more
see http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po-debconf/ja ... I did po-debconf translation for over 200 packages
see Debian Developers Reference, Debian 6.0 release note, Debian 7 release note, Debian 8 release note, Debian 9 release note
and GNOME L10N
- for some public mirror servers
http://debian-mirror.sakura.ne.jp/ (one of official Debian mirror in Japan)
shutdown, need new sponsor: http://ubuntu.mithril-linux.org (one of official Ubuntu mirror in Japan)
shutdown, need new sponsor: http://mirrors.mithril-linux.org (various)
shutdown, need new sponsor: http://clamavdb.mithril-linux.org (one of clamav official mirror in Japan)
www.jp.backports.org (it was unofficial backports mirror in Japan, now you can use Official service from Debian as backports.debian.org)
tech writer
some Debian/Ubuntu related articles for Magazines and some website (in Japanese, of course)
community member
a member of Japanese Local Debian Community "Debian JP Project", established at 1996
(I'm an auditor (2007, 2008), secretary-general(2009-2012), leader(2013,2014) and one of webmasters)
a member of Ubuntu Japanese Team (LoCo) and see wiki page (in Japanese)
shrink Debian package archive by XZ. See my proposal slide (pdf) and video on youtube Done!
- follow i18n NMU (it's hard...umm, but I'll do it.)
Think "How to manage with improve Japanese Debian environment?"
I hope...