Various vendors will pre-install Debian on hardware that you can buy from them.
A short list of products that ship with Debian pre-installed:
Lemote Fuloong 2F Mini-PC uses “红旗 Linux/Debian”
NETGEAR ReadyNAS shipped with sarge and a modified kernel
Aleutia E2 low power desktop PC shipped with Debian etch on one flash card TS-7800 ARM9/FPGA developer board
Moxa Communication-centric RISC computing platform UC-8100-ME-T
W.E. Phone (review on Phone in Debian Tartan design, running Debian, shipping with a Debian SDK. Vaporware or not (as of 2008-02-05)?
AML MT7550 (review on computer in a robust case, with a touchscreen. Intended for vehicle mounting (forklifts etc.). Default install Debian etch.
Movidis Revolution: a 16 core 64 bit MIPS machine, boots Debian from flash memory. (No reference to Debian on their web site, unfortunately, but InformationWeek says its Debian.
Nokia 770: The Internet Tablet uses a Nokia-specific, Debian based Linux distribution. Not pure Debian, but close enough.
Groovix: Debian-based PCs, configured for up to 10 simultaneous consoles (yes, physical ones!)
Information about hardware support and certification for Debian derivatives is available in the derivatives census (all pages).