
During this Debian/Ubuntu games party we plan to create screenshots for as many of the games in Debian/Ubuntu as possible, upload them to, have them approved and make them available to goplay and other Debian/Ubuntu package managers.

Before the party, you will need to have a recent Debian/Ubuntu installation (preferrably Debian sid or Ubuntu precise), give it a good network connection and enough disk space for installing games, then make sure you have some tools for creating screenshots. To help out during the party, first visit the list of games that are missing screenshots and join the #debian-games IRC channel on OFTC (if you don't have an IRC client, please install one or use a web version such as mibbit).

Browse the list of packages and select a package you are interested in. You will then be able to claim it by mentioning that on IRC. Once you claim a package, play the game a bit to create good screenshots for different parts of the game and then upload them to the website. Claiming packages is meant to reduce duplication of effort so please try to do it.

If you see packages ending in -dbg, -dev -data, -common, -music, -sound, -server or other packages in the list that do not need screenshots, please ignore them.

If there are games packages missing from the list, please feel free to mention it on IRC and submit a screenshot.

We will primarily be focussing on screenshots from the versions in the in-development versions of Debian/Ubuntu, but if you are running an older version that is fine. Please fill out the package version numbers in the upload form correctly based on your system.

Please read and follow the guidelines before contributing new screenshots. In addition, the following guidelines are useful for games screenshots:

All screenshot addition and removal requests will be approved or rejected by the admins of, probably during the party itself.



Decide on a date, time and duration.

Brainstorm requirements for the participants.

Brainstorm who is our target for attending the party.

Write press stuff and do advertising for our targets. Might want to get the Debian publicity/press folks involved here?

Fill out this page with useful information for participants.

Add the resulting screenshots to the thumbnails package afterwards or alter goplay to download images instead.


Paul Wise volunteers to do admin during these parties.

February 2012