Testing Plinth Translation
If you want to test an unreleased Plinth (FreedomBox user interface) translation you can use a previous Virtualbox image on a host computer, and update it with the latest Plinth and your translation.
Please follow these steps.
Setup a VirtualBox FreedomBox as described on VirtualBox image page (this recipe based on the 2015-10-18 image).
Boot FreedomBox and access Plinth in a browser on host (https://fbx-ip). Complete the first boot setup process. During the process, you will create a system user account on Debian (administrator account). Use this account to login in the next step.
Access the terminal (eg. in the VirtualBox window or through ssh) and login with the administrator account created during above first boot process.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gettext sudo mv /etc/plinth/plinth.config /etc/plinth/plinth.config_disabled git clone https://github.com/freedombox/Plinth cd ~/Plinth nano plinth.config (change line 8 to read "server_dir = /plinth")
Fetch the translation you want to test, by eg. downloading django.po from Weblate/GitHub or use your local copy and place it in ~/Plinth/plinth/locale/<yourlanguage>/LC_MESSAGES/ (download on host, transfer to guest using e.g. scp or VirtualBox Shared Folders)
- To prepare translation and run new plinth do:
sudo service plinth stop ./setup.py compile_translations sudo ./run --debug --no-daemon
Go to Plinth in browser on host (https://fbx-ip). For Plinth to automatically show its interface in your language, make sure that your browser language settings has your language as first choice. Alternatively, change your locale in System Configuration (gears symbol upper right)->Configure->Language (https://fbx-ip/plinth/sys/config/)
- Enjoy your translation!
1. Notes
The procedure outlined here might break and become non-functional at any time because it follows development master branch in git which changes constantly.
After reboot of the VirtualBox system the old Plinth will be restarted automatically. Do like this to stop it and start the new.
sudo service plinth stop cd ~/Plinth sudo ./run --debug --no-daemon
To run the latest Plinth update source code from GitHub :
cd ~/Plinth git pull
- To update .po files with new strings from source code run (.po needs review after this!):
cd ~/Plinth ./setup.py update_translations
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