Hack call: 14:00 UTC
- Update to support Django 4.2 (sunil)
- Has been in experimental for a long time. Could be in unstable/testing soon.
- Very few changes needed.
- auto-focus to move input to forms:
- We use it in a few places, but it's not a good practice.
- Confusing for users with screen readers, they miss the description above the form.
- Only use for specific cases
- Firewall patch (sunil)
- Issue also affects internet connectivity after VPN.
- Be careful not to allow external packets forwarded to internal network.
- Understanding the root cause can help support other firewall use cases such as ad blocking, transparent proxy, redirecting traffic through tor, etc.
Pi-hole DNS filtering software, FreedomBox as DNS gateway
- Already moved to nftables which allows more flexibility.
- systemd-resolved for local DNS resolving
- Replaces glibc built-in function with additional daemon
- Might clash with bind's port
- If there is an issue, either change systemd-resolved's port number, or configure bind to only listen on non-localhost interfaces.
- Advantage: DNS-over-TLS support, DNSSEC
- backports upgrades fix for bookworm (James)
- daily diagnostics run (James)
- use operation module to start thread
- Don't start thread while schdeduling, start with Operation module
- shows notification at start, and upon error
- remove old errors if resolved
- consider storing the results to see later
- use operation module to start thread