Hack call: 14:00 UTC
- Quick update on setup refactoring (sunil)
- One remaining issue to fix
- Introduce uninstall feature after this
- zoph and wordpress use mariadb. If only one app is installed, should we uninstall mariadb?
- Backup data and purge
- Nagios monitoring (Benedek)
Monitor apps on FreedomBox
- Periodic diagnostics with notification
- Shaarli backport update (James)
- Dependencies have been uploaded to bullseye-backports
- Within one week, all dependencies will be available (one pending in queue)
- One will be reuploaded to use uglifyjs, minor patch
- Shaarli can be backported after this
- nss-pam-ldapd issue (#989409)
- James looked into it, complicated
- Functional tests. nslcd
- Error message is "not allowed do anything but change password"
- Mismatch between what LDAP does and PAM allows after password reset
FAQ https://discuss.freedombox.org/t/frequently-asked-questions/1906
- At the end there is a link to "Silly Questions From A First Timer". Is that intended?
- Email server is still reported as not included on FAQ 1.3.
- FAQ 4.2.2 says that the web interface cannot be accessed from outside the network. But my installation allows it (Debian stable).
On the last FAQ, the link to the FBX Identity Manual https://github.com/freedombox/Plinth/blob/master/static/themes/default/FreedomBox-Identity-Manual.pdf gives a 404.
Delete wiki page "QuestionsAndAnswers" (https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/QuestionsAndAnswers), it is older version of same content. Fix above issues in forum post.
- Discourse forum
- Vertical scroll and search (Ctrl-f) do not work. Only arrow keys work for scrolling vertically.
- Is the forum integrated with mailing list?
- Mailing list app
- Will it be integrated to FBX in the future?
- Video conferencing
- How to make video calls without running Javascript.
- Desktop app for XMPP or Matrix
- ssh
- ssh from remote is not possible even for administrative users.
- ssh: connect to host "name-of-the-domain.tld-name" port 22: Connection timed out
- Check with ISP
- Mail server
- Roundcube title does not show the domain name of the server. It shows "Roundcube webmail: Inbox"
- Issue for upstream
- Mailing error:
- Mails are received correctly if they come from other users (my own domain).
- Mails are sent correctly when sent to users on other servers (riseup.net).
- Mails are not received when sent from other servers (riseup.net).
- Use host/dig to check DNS records.
- Roundcube title does not show the domain name of the server. It shows "Roundcube webmail: Inbox"