Hack call: 14:00 UTC
- Debian Bullseye release is today
Next FreedomBox release to unstable planned for Monday, August 16.
- Update on Kiwix (offline Wikipedia reader) app
- v1 contains zim file upload, list content, edit and delete content
- Shows remaining disk space
- further versions:
- upload file using direct HTTP(s) link
- adding zim file by file path
discovering zim files in folders such as BitTorrent download folders and any other folders configured by the user
- Add daemon user to freedombox-share group.
- Changing default folder?
- Avoid UI elements where the user makes a setting but cannot change it later.
- v1 contains zim file upload, list content, edit and delete content
- Uninstallation of apps
- Re-implementation using the component library
- Gives users an opportunity to reset settings that can only be set once.
- Uninstallation would require removal of database tables as well
- Each component in the app uninstalls itself and the primary app itself at the end
A bit more thorough than apt remove --purge
- Primary purpose of uninstallation is not to save disk space but to do a clean reinstall or as a troubleshoting step
- Wordpress (sunil)
- Issue with plugins and themes management
- Folder owned by www-data
- Discuss with Debian package maintainer
- GSoC21 (Email Server):
- Dates
- August 16-23: Students wrap up their projects and submit final URL. MR2064?
- August 30 18:00 UTC: Deadline for submission of Mentor's Final Evaluation of their Student
- Code Looks good.
- Long term aimed design (the right way).
- Went the extra step to extend the framework (actions+audit, public views etc.)
- Plan remaining coding time (prioritize features and/or fixes)
- Task sources:
- Student Proposal (official):
- Functional tests (secondary)
- rspam working? clamav not.
- diagnostic tools that check SPF records and test TLS configurations.
backup and restore. Incorporate BTRFS snapshots to reduce downtime. (not ES core => secondary)
- third-party data import. If we have time, write an email deduplication method based on message identifiers. (secondary)
LetsEncrypt renewals (<----high prio)
- (estim: few days with support)
- No need to implement a form for certificates
Continue to implement using the LetsEncrypt component
- This way will be easier and closer to the expected UX
- fail2ban (secondary)
- Default webmail aliases (easy)
smart relaying (after LetsEncrypt)
- Server-side full text search (secondary)
- Oauth via SASL
- rspam learning:
- bayes autolearning
- user moves to junk
- pre-built statistics
- Good behaviour
- Diagnostics (secondary)
- Roundcube (secondary)
- plugins
- sieve
- change password
- session lifetime
SoGo (https://www.sogo.nu ?) (secondary)
- Auto discovery (fully done?)
- by Flynn
- by Sunil
- Simplify domain configuration
- Use existing form/view for domain name selection
- This form picks up the list of domains from names module automatically
- Student Proposal (official):
- Task sources:
- Dates
Packaging workshop during DebConf21
Epicyon ? https://libreserver.org/epicyon/
Libraries used in FreedomBox development
- pytest-splinter, pytest-bdd, gecko, pytest-xvfb?
MediaWiki plugins?
- Django extensions
- Issues
- New freedombox-dev Matrix channel
- #freedomboxdev:synapse.sds-ip.de