These are the notes from the December 28th, 2014 call, the original notes are available.
Issue Tracker TODO Move
Progress on moving TODOs to issue tracker: complete!
0.3 Blockers
When Sunil pushes a new Plinth version, 0.3 is ready.
- Complete, aside from merging James's pull request (plinth 0.4.5 / 0.5; fbx-setup 0.2).
- btrfs root file system doesn't boot on raspberry pi.
0.3 Changes
- plinth ui redesign
- plinth package kit integration: allows progress bar during installation, redirection to installed package.
- can run Tor intermediary node / hidden service publishing apache's root.
- conflicting reports for jwchat over .onion:
- jwchat works over .onion address for local communication?
- jwchat doesn't work over .onion address for s2s communication without configuration?
1.0 Blockers
- Identify 1.0 (developer-release) blockers:
- markus and sunil discussed: people don't understand the consumer-grade goals, and we're bad about telling people how to get it.
- why do we have reservations about distributing the 100-developer boxes? that's a good task list for 1.0.
- we need to release something that people can use
- updates:
- how does the update process work?
- how do we fix broken updates/upgrades?
- will a clean upgrade path be too burdensome? will developers accept loading new images?
- Bdale thinks forcing a reinstall at 1.0 is ok, but after that should try to avoid.
- Using file system snapshots might help handling broken updates. similar to how OLPC handle it, by upgrading to one new image keep the old intact and have a mechanism to revert to the old working version. btrfs snapshots might help here.
Contribute Page
We need a general "Contribute" wiki page telling people how to pull projects, put them together, and submit changes. Should also detail expected code style and expected test granularity/coverage.
Dashboard Progress
- Progress of Dashboard regarding augeas/python3-configobj: waiting for augeas-lens to land in Debian proper. pull request merged 2 months later, but the new release isn't packaged.
- doesn't have lenses for new packages like pagekite
- consider using python3-configobj
- are we missing anything? doesn't seem so.
- seems easier than augeas, and doesn't require a new augeas release.
- only supports ini-style files with optional sections, which isn't all of the config files.
- Would be useful to check the etckeeper output for /etc/ to see which files we are modifying, and which format they are using.
Cubietruck Support
Markus working on it outside of 0.3.
- less open than olinuxino boards?
- wifi driver is the non-free bit (which chip do they use?)
- how do we fight our only-for-(hardware X) image?
Plinth Landing Page
Should we use the Plinth service directory as a front-page?
- nick: +1
- pere: +0: it should be the place where I can communicate with other people (without sub-navigation?).
- jvalleroy: +1, just need to improve the plinth front page
Disable non-free
Non-free repository is enabled on all hardware. That's bad.
- needed only for DP wifi
- disable everywhere else
- should be enabled when hardware that requires it is plugged in. See isenkram package for a way to do that. (pere wrote it)
- Everybody: what are our concerns about distributing boxes? put on mailing list. (1.0 task list)
- Nick: getting security review of the 1.0 code written specifically for fbx (the external services at least).
- Pere: dangerous to discribute boxes with known username/password (fbx/frdm).
- Everybody: create a general contribute-to-the-project-as-a-whole page.
- Everybody: think about places we can meet up and give talks: fosdem, libreplanet, etc.
- Sunil/Markus: update wiki to describe that the box is a consumer device
- Pere: should we disable btrfs for raspberry pi for the 0.3 release? - pere: yes, to get rpi working again.
Sunil: publish images regularly (daily / weekly) after plinth 0.3 published -> (pere fixes access, need username and ssh key)
- Fonfon: dashboard progress, try using configobj instead of augeas (unless there's a release in the meantime)
Marc: apache/gpg client <--> server login
- Nick: work on ldap-pgp-fbuddy integration
- Nick: remove non-free from non-DP in FM by default.
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Next call: Sunday, October 27 at 17:00 UTC
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