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This application is no longer available in FreedomBox.
With Monkeysphere, an OpenPGP key can be generated for each configured domain serving SSH. The OpenPGP public key can then be uploaded to the OpenPGP keyservers. Users connecting to this machine through SSH can verify that they are connecting to the correct host. For users to trust the key, at least one person (usually the machine owner) must sign the key using the regular OpenPGP key signing process. See the Monkeysphere SSH documentation for more details.
Monkeysphere can also generate an OpenPGP key for each Secure Web Server (HTTPS) certificate installed on this machine. The OpenPGP public key can then be uploaded to the OpenPGP keyservers. Users accessing the web server through HTTPS can verify that they are connecting to the correct host. To validate the certificate, the user will need to install some software that is available on the Monkeysphere website.
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