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Minetest (Block Sandbox)
Available since: version 0.9
Minetest is a multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox. This module enables the Minetest server to be run on this FreedomBox, on the default port (30000). To connect to the server, a Minetest client is needed.
Port Forwarding
If your FreedomBox is behind a router, you will need to set up port forwarding on your router. You should forward the following ports for Minetest:
- UDP 30000
Install and enable mods
After SSHing into your FreedomBox server, install (unzip or git clone) mods in /var/games/minetest-server/.minetest/mods (for example, for the mobs_animal mod, you'd have the new /var/games/minetest-server/.minetest/mods/mobs_animal/ directory).
To enable a mod, first restart minetest:
sudo systemctl restart minetest-server.service
This will update the world config file, located in /var/games/minetest-server/.minetest/worlds/world/, with a line related to the added mod. Set that line from false to true in order to enable the new mod in your minetest instance. For example:
load_mod_mobs_animal = true
After that, save your changes, restart minetest one more time, then you should be all set.
External links
Upstream Project:
Upstream Documentation:
Using Minetest in Education:
Client Apps
Debian: the client app package name is minetest.
Other platforms:
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