Janus (WebRTC server)
Available since version: 22.13
Janus is a lightweight, general purpose WebRTC server. It can support different kinds of real-time communication apps, such as video chat and streaming.
Currently, in FreedomBox, a simple video conference room is included with Janus. This video room can be accessed by anyone who visits your FreedomBox; it does not require logging in with a user account.
In the future, the simple video room app will be replaced by Jangouts, a fully-featured video conference app.
Coturn is required to use Janus, so it also needs to be installed and running on your FreedomBox.
Using Janus
The Janus shortcut will take you to the Janus Video Room page. From here, press the Start button at the top of the page.
Next, you will need to provide a display name. Any name can be used here. Press the "Join the room" button to enter the room.
The first time you enter the video room, your web browser will ask if this page has permission to access your camera and microphone. Press "Allow" to proceed.
Your own video will be displayed in the "Local Video" window. From here you can mute your audio, or use unpublish to stop sharing your video and audio. If other people join the video room, they will appear in the "Remote Video" windows.
External links
Upstream project: https://janus.conf.meetecho.com
Upstream end user documentation: https://janus.conf.meetecho.com/docs
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