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Getting Help
The FreedomBox community provides live help via forum, chat and email. Feel free to join and ask anything you like. If you receive help, please consider to report your solution to the Questions and Answers page, so others can benefit in the future.
Discussion Forum
The easiest way to get support is by using the discussion forum. You can browse solutions to known problems or request help from community contributors by asking a question. This is also the best way to provide community contributors with feedback about your FreedomBox experience.
To post new content, you will need to register for an account with name and email address (but you can provide pseudonym and non-primary email address). By watching topics and categories or by enabling 'mailing list mode' in your account preferences, you can interact with the forum by just sending and receiving emails similar to a mailing list.
You can join our Matrix room The room is federated with the IRC channel and remembers the chat history. If you do not yet have a client installed, you can use your web browser to join. For more options, see this matrix client overview page.
IRC #freedombox
Providing you are familiar with Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and IRC client, you can get an instant online help from the community on, channel #freedombox. Potentially it takes some time before some member is answering you, be patient, a reaction will come later.
FreedomBox users and contributors can be reached by email via a discussion list. In order to ask a question and get an answer from the community, please register from the mailing list page providing your email adress and creating a password. You can also read discussions archives. This list gathers about 700 readers.
Help Back
Once you've got your solution, don't forget to add it to the Questions and Answers page and tell which features do you use from the box on Use Cases page. It could help others to use FreedomBox in a way they would have not imagined.
Back to Features introduction or manual pages.
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Next call: Saturday, February 08 at 14:00 UTC
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