Get Involved
From code, design and translation to spreading the word and donation, here are a number of ways to contribute to FreedomBox.
Quick Links
Our vision explains what we want to achieve.
Welcome to newcomers
As a new contributor, you are more than welcome to introduce yourself to others on the FreedomBox discussion forum, mailing list or on the #freedombox IRC channel. In addition to make useful contacts, you can start reporting bugs and translate (see below) the wiki website and the FreedomBox web interface.
Contributions needed
Sorted by ascending difficulty
Obviously, donating is the easiest way to contribute.
You can help the project financially by donating via PayPal, Bitcoin or by mailing a check. Please see the donation page for details on how to donate.
FreedomBox project is run by volunteers. The FreedomBox Foundation is a 501(c)(3) federal nonprofit corporation with recognition from the IRS.
Spread the Word
Spreading the word about FreedomBox only requires to know about the basic goals of the project and an overall description of the product.
Speak to your family, friends, local community or at global conferences about the importance of FreedomBox. To be a successful project we need much more awareness and many more participants, be it users or contributors. Write about your efforts on the wiki.
If you are into marketing, you can get in touch with the marketing team through the marketing section of our forum.
Feed Us Back (Comment)
After some time, we lose the fresh view of newcomers. Just providing your feedback helps us a lot.
Browse our websites and documentation and play with FreedomBox and comment your impressions on the feedback section of our forum.
Request applications
Check our applications wishlist and help us extend it by searching the web for other interesting free software to include in FreedomBox.
All text visible to users of FreedomBox needs to be localized to various languages. If you know english and speak another language you can contribute translating. Translating is a nice way to get familiar with the project while contributing.
This translation work includes:
Web Interface of FreedomBox
FreedomBox documentation, including the FreedomBox wiki
FreedomBox website and foundation website.
Django web framework that FreedomBox uses.
Individual applications that FreedomBox exposes to users.
The localization of FreedomBox web interface happens mainly on the web-based tool at Weblate.
If you wish to see FreedomBox available for one of your languages, please start a discussion on the FreedomBox discussion forum's development category to work with others translating for that language.
For more information, please visit the FreedomBox translators page.
Document: User Manual, Website and Wiki, HowTo/demo videos
FreedomBox needs better documentation for users and contributors. Sometimes, just rewording or presenting the information another way, already helps. Others, a certain knowledge is needed.
FreedomBox manual is prepared by aggregating various pages on the wiki and exporting to various formats. The manual is then used in FreedomBox Service and elsewhere.
If you wish to contribute to the FreedomBox wiki (and consequently the FreedomBox manual), you can create a wiki account and start editing.
For contributing to the website please start a discussion on the FreedomBox discussion forum's development category.
Another way of documenting FreedomBox is to record and publish screencasts showing how to use it, or videos on why to use it. Like these or these.
Assure Quality (Test and Check)
FreedomBox already runs on many platforms and it is not possible for developers to test all possible platforms. If you have one of the supported hardware you can help with testing FreedomBox on the platform.
When an application is made available on FreedomBox, not all of its functionality is tested in the real world by developer doing the work. Deploying the application and testing it will help ensure high quality applications in FreedomBox.
See the quality assurance page for a basic list of test cases to check for and information on reporting bugs.
If you are a developer, you can contribute code to one of the sub-projects of FreedomBox. Step-by-step process of contributing code to FreedomBox is available.
FreedomBox Service: a web interface to administer the functions of FreedomBox.
Freedom Maker: a script to build FreedomBox disk images for use on various hardware devices or virtual machines.
You can pick up a task from one of the TODO lists. The individual page project pages contain information availabily of the code, how to build and TODO lists.
Fix Bugs
List of bugs, feature requests and improvements are tracked on the FreedomBox issue tracker. In addition to that, see list of bugs to help out the Debian package we depend on. Also see the FreedomBox packaging team's dashboard for status of various packages that we use.
Add an Application
If you are a developer and wish to see an application available in FreedomBox, you can contribute by adding the application to FreedomBox. See the FreedomBox Developer Manual. Many applications that can be added to FreedomBox have been identified on the leaving the cloud page.
Development priorities
Upcoming priorities are discussed on an regular basis. You find the progress of the FreedomBox Service with its priorities here: issues board and milestones.
Please check next progress calls to keep yourself on track and meet members of the release team. A TODO page aggregates the complete list of the items to work on for FreedomBox.
User Experience Design
If you are a user experience designer, you can help FreedomBox with the following items:
UI experience for the FreedomBox Service web interface
Web design for, and the wiki pages
Logo and branding (we currently have an identity manual and logos)
Possible designs for custom FreedomBox cases on single board computers
Technical Design
FreedomBox needs your technical expertise to devise implementation plans for upcoming features. You can contribute to the discussion on various technical design and implementation aspects of FreedomBox. See FreedomBox discussion forum's development category.
Package Applications
FreedomBox is a Debian Pure Blend. In order to add applications to FreedomBox we need applications first to be Debian-packaged. Check our applications wishlist.
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Next call: Sunday, September 22 at 17:00 UTC
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