Translation(s): none

Since Wheezy, Debian kernels on platforms with UEFI (e.g. x86, ARM, RISC-V) contain their own BootLoader called EFI stub. Therefore it is possible to load the kernel directly, without any additional bootloader (like grub-efi). With the help of systemd-stub, it's also possible to create a Unified Kernel Image, combining the kernel, cmdline, initrd, and an optional splash screen into one single EFI binary, convenient for SecureBoot signing.

Manually setting up EFIStub

To set up EFIStub, you need to first copy the kernel and initrd into the EFI system partition, then set up an EFI boot entry for it.

Copy the files

The UEFI firmware is only able to load files from the EFI partition (usually FAT). If you use a standard UEFI installation of Debian, you should copy the kernel and the initrd to /boot/efi. The best way to keep it up to date is to place a script in /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-efistub:

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 set -e
   4 cp --verbose "$2" /boot/efi/EFI/Debian/vmlinuz

Make it executable and create the destination folder:

chmod +x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-efistub
mkdir -p /boot/efi/EFI/Debian

Repeat for the initrd update hook in /etc/initramfs/post-update.d/zz-update-efistub:

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 set -e
   4 cp --verbose "$2" /boot/efi/EFI/Debian/initrd.img

Make it executable:

chmod +x /etc/initramfs/post-update.d/zz-update-efistub

To copy the kernel and initrd while also testing the hooks work correctly run:

dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)

Add the boot entry

Replace /dev/sda3 with the device of your / partition. The --disk and --part options specify your EFI partition (here /dev/sdb1). Paths are relative to the root of the EFI partition (with optional leading / or \). efibootmgr will translate forward slashes to backslashes for the --loader option, but the initrd= option must use backslashes because it is interpreted in the EFI environment.

export UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/sda3)
efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/sdb --part 1 --label "Debian" --loader EFI/Debian/vmlinuz --unicode "root=UUID=$UUID ro initrd=EFI\\Debian\\initrd.img"

You can check your new boot entry. Since EFI uses UCS2, it should look like this:

#efibootmgr -v

The kernel and initramfs hooks above will be run on every kernel or initrd update. Depending on the order of operations it is possible to end up with the wrong kernel and/or initramfs copied. Running update-initramfs -u -k all in particular will update initramfs' in reverse order of kernel versions (the last initramfs updated -- and copied -- will be the one for the oldest kernel installed). If the kernel and initramfs are mismatched the system will very likely fail to boot. Always keep another boot manager like grub-efi or refind installed as backup.

Setting up EFIStub with a script

There are many automated solutions available for EFIStub. Here's an example from TriMoon:

  1. Create the script below with it's contents. (Tip: Highlight and copy with linenumbers hidden)

  2. Edit the parts to accommodate your needs.
  3. Make it executable.
    • chmod a+x /sbin/

  4. Execute the script as root.

    • sudo

Here are some line numbers with usage explanation:

   1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
   2 #       /sbin/ v0.2
   3 #       Automatically create an EFI Boot entry.
   4 #
   5 #       (C) 2018+ ©TriMoon™ <>
   6 #       ------------------------------------------------
   7 #       License: BY-SA 4.0
   8 #       This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
   9 #
  10 #
  12 # First compose the variables used as arguments:
  13 label='Debian (EFI stub)'
  14 loader='\EFI\debian\vmlinuz' # Use single \'s !
  15 initrd='\EFI\debian\initrd.img' # Use single \'s !
  16 # Compose default kernel arguments for an EFI-boot
  17 printf -v largs "%s " \
  18         "root=UUID=$(findmnt -kno UUID /) ro" \
  19         "rootfstype=$(findmnt -kno FSTYPE /)" \
  20         "initrd=${initrd}"
  21 # Grab extra kernel arguments from grub2 config.
  22 grub_cmdline=''
  23 if test -f /etc/default/grub; then
  24         grub_cmdline="$(sed -nE '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"/ {s#GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"##; s#\"$##; p}' </etc/default/grub)"
  25 fi
  26 # Append extra kernel arguments
  27 if test -n "${grub_cmdline}"; then
  28         printf -v largs "%s " \
  29                 "${largs%* }" \
  30                 "${grub_cmdline}"
  31 else
  32         printf -v largs "%s " \
  33                 "${largs%* }" \
  34                 "quiet splash" \
  35                 "add_efi_memmap" \
  36                 "intel_iommu=on" \
  37                 "nvidia-drm.modeset=1"
  38 fi
  39 # echo "${largs%* }"; exit
  40 # Then create the EFI entry:
  41 efibootmgr -c -L "${label}" -l "${loader}" -u "${largs%* }"

On my system this EFI-entry was created using the script above:

Boot0000* Debian (EFI stub)     HD(1,GPT,1e4d16a9-ba85-4a29-9fd1-277c77f4e461,0x800,0x100000)/File(\EFI\DEBIAN\VMLINUZ)r.o.o.t.=.U.U.I.D.=. .r.o. .r.o.o.t.f.s.t.y.p.e.=.e.x.t.4. .i.n.i.t.r.d.=.\.E.F.I.\.d.e.b.i.a.n.\.i.n.i.t.r.d...i.m.g. .q.u.i.e.t. .s.p.l.a.s.h. .i.n.t.e.l._.i.o.m.m.u.=.o.n. .n.v.i.d.i.a.-.d.r.m...m.o.d.e.s.e.t.=.1. .h.u.g.e.p.a.g.e.s.z.=.1.G.B. .h.u.g.e.p.a.g.e.s.=.4.

If you were installing Debian from UEFI medium, efibootmgr should be installed by default. However, sometimes it can report that EFI variables are not supported. If you are sure that you have EFI partition, probably you need to download efivar package and modprobe efivars module.

Secure Boot

Debian kernels are already signed with Debian's key, and DKMS modules provided by Debian should be signed by the DKMS signing key.

Since the kernel image is booted directly by the UEFI the Debian UEFI CA cert (and the DKMS signing key if applicable) must be added to the UEFI.

How exactly this is done varies by manufacturer and motherboard model, but it generally implies copying the keys to some storage accessible by the UEFI, usually a USB stick formated as FAT (but it could also be a FAT partition on an internal drive), and importing them via the key management interface in the UEFI setup, typically as a Database Key (db), though it might be called something else by each UEFI.

/!\ Disregard all information on adding a Machine Owner Key (MOK) since that implies using shim.

Setting up a Unified Kernel Image

To build a unified kernel image, you will need the systemd-boot-efi and binutils packages installed, as well as sbsigntool if you want to sign the image. You will also need to place your kernel cmdline into a file to be read by the tool used.


Some math is used to calculate the offsets that each part of the image are placed in, then objcopy is used to create the image:

   1 align="$(objdump -p /usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/linuxx64.efi.stub | awk '{ if ($1 == "SectionAlignment"){print $2} }')"
   2 align=$((16#$align))
   3 osrel_offs="$(objdump -h "/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/linuxx64.efi.stub" | awk 'NF==7 {size=strtonum("0x"$3); offset=strtonum("0x"$4)} END {print size + offset}')"
   4 osrel_offs=$((osrel_offs + "$align" - osrel_offs % "$align"))
   5 cmdline_offs=$((osrel_offs + $(stat -Lc%s "/usr/lib/os-release")))
   6 cmdline_offs=$((cmdline_offs + "$align" - cmdline_offs % "$align"))
   7 splash_offs=$((cmdline_offs + $(stat -Lc%s "/path/to/cmdline")))
   8 splash_offs=$((splash_offs + "$align" - splash_offs % "$align"))
   9 initrd_offs=$((splash_offs + $(stat -Lc%s "/path/to/splash.bmp")))
  10 initrd_offs=$((initrd_offs + "$align" - initrd_offs % "$align"))
  11 linux_offs=$((initrd_offs + $(stat -Lc%s "/path/to/initrd.img")))
  12 linux_offs=$((linux_offs + "$align" - linux_offs % "$align"))
  14 objcopy \
  15     --add-section .osrel="/usr/lib/os-release" --change-section-vma .osrel=$(printf 0x%x $osrel_offs) \
  16     --add-section .cmdline="/path/to/cmdline" --change-section-vma .cmdline=$(printf 0x%x $cmdline_offs) \
  17     --add-section .splash="/path/to/splash.bmp" --change-section-vma .splash=$(printf 0x%x $splash_offs) \
  18     --add-section .initrd="/path/to/initrd.img" --change-section-vma .initrd=$(printf 0x%x $initrd_offs) \
  19     --add-section .linux="/path/to/vmlinuz" --change-section-vma .linux=$(printf 0x%x $linux_offs) \
  20     "/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/linuxx64.efi.stub" "/boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi"

Replace example paths with the actual paths to kernel, cmdline, initrd, and the splash image (/dev/null can be used to disable the splash screen). Optionally sign the image for SecureBoot:

sbsign --key /path/to/db.key --cert /path/to/db.crt --output /boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi

This will need to be done every time the kernel is updated, initrd is regenerated, or the cmdline is changed. There are apt hooks like this available that automatically manage this.

With systemd-ukify

systemd's ukify provides an easy way to generate unified kernel images. To run it automatically with every kernel upgrade and initrd generation, create these two scripts:


   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 set -e
   4 /usr/lib/systemd/ukify build \
   5     --linux="$2" \
   6     --initrd="/boot/initrd.img-$1" \
   7     --cmdline="replace with your cmdline" \
   8     --splash="/path/to/splash.bmp" \ # Remove this line if you don't want one
   9     --output="/boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi"
  11 # Add this line if you want to sign the image for secure boot
  12 sbsign --key /path/to/db.key --cert /path/to/db.crt --output /boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi


   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 set -e
   4 /usr/lib/systemd/ukify build \
   5     --linux="/boot/vmlinuz-$1" \
   6     --initrd="$2" \
   7     --cmdline="replace with your cmdline" \
   8     --splash="/path/to/splash.bmp" \ # Remove this line if you don't want one
   9     --output="/boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi"
  11 # Add this line if you want to sign the image for secure boot
  12 sbsign --key /path/to/db.key --cert /path/to/db.crt --output /boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Linux/debian.efi

Make them executable, create the destination folder, and update the initrd to create the first image:

chmod +x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-ukify
chmod +x /etc/initramfs/post-update.d/zz-ukify
mkdir -p /boot/efi/EFI/Linux
update-initramfs -u

With mkosi-initrd

A UKI can provide many more features than what can be obtained by assembling it manually from Debian's initramfs-tools initrd. Using mkosi it is possible to set up local builds of UKIs that assemble the initrd using standard Debian packages, instead of the initramfs-tools or dracut local scripts. Among other things, this also sets up the UKI with a corresponding signed TPM2 policy, so that secrets (e.g.: full disk encryption with systemd-cryptenroll) can be sealed against the public key signing the image, rather than raw values that change on every build.

Install the required packages:

apt install mkosi systemd-boot-efi

Set up the kernel-install configuration to make it use mkosi-initrd:

   1 mkdir -p /etc/kernel/
   2 cat <<EOF >/etc/kernel/install.conf
   3 initrd_generator=mkosi-initrd
   4 uki_generator=mkosi
   5 layout=uki
   6 EOF
   8 This is enough to get an initrd with the default configuration, that will match the content of the local host in terms of kernel modules being loaded. A kernel command line can be added via /etc/kernel/cmdline, for example to configure a rootfs on a BTRFS subvolume and plymouth:
   9 {{{#!highlight bash
  10 mkdir -p /etc/kernel/
  11 cat <<EOF >/etc/kernel/cmdline
  12 rootflags=subvol=@rootfs quiet splash
  13 EOF

In case additional packages are required, for example any firmware package, a mkosi-initrd configuration can be also added. This can be extended at will, including any desired extra packages, a root password for emergency shell, etc.

For example, to add plymouth, firmware for Atheros wifi cards and the kernel module for erofs:

   1 mkdir -p /etc/mkosi-initrd/
   2 cat <<EOF >/etc/mkosi-initrd/mkosi.conf
   3 [Content]
   4 Packages=
   5  plymouth-themes
   6  firmware-atheros
   7 KernelModulesInclude=
   8  erofs.ko
   9 EOF

A /etc/mkosi-initrd/mkosi.extra/ directory can also be created, and any file/directory under it will be added to the root of the generated initrd.

To sign the UKI and its PCR policies the means to access a signing key must be given, for a plaintext key (not recommended):

   1 mkdir -p /etc/mkosi-initrd/
   2 cat <<EOF >>/etc/mkosi-initrd/mkosi.conf
   3 [Validation]
   4 SecureBoot=yes
   5 SecureBootCertificate=/path/to/cert
   6 SecureBootKey=/path/to/key
   7 SignExpectedPcrCertificate=/path/to/cert
   8 SignExpectedPcrKey=/path/to/key
   9 EOF

It is better for security to store the secret key on a hardware token, but be aware that this means interactive builds are required, so automated generation of the UKI will need to be disabled (along with unattended-upgrades). For example, if the key can be used via PKCS11:

   1 mkdir -p /etc/mkosi-initrd/
   2 cat <<EOF >>/etc/mkosi-initrd/mkosi.conf
   3 [Validation]
   4 SecureBoot=yes
   5 SecureBootKeySource=provider:pkcs11
   6 SecureBootCertificateSource=provider:pkcs11
   7 SecureBootKey=pkcs11:<PKCS%%URI>
   8 SecureBootCertificate=pkcs11:<PKCS%%URI>
   9 SignExpectedPcrKeySource=provider:pkcs11
  10 SignExpectedPcrCertificateSource=provider:pkcs11
  11 SignExpectedPcrKey=pkcs11:<PKCS%%URI>
  12 SignExpectedPcrCertificate=pkcs11:<PKCS%%URI>
  13 EOF

For SecureBoot, the public key needs to be enrolled in MOK, following the same steps detailed elsewhere on this page.

Finally, when the configuration is in the desired state, build UKIs for all available kernels:

kernel-install add-all

Add the boot entry

Assuming your EFI partition in on /dev/sdb1:

efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/sdb --part 1 --label "Debian" --loader '\EFI\Linux\debian.efi'

Automatic initrd generation can be disabled by setting INITRD=no in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf
