/!\ Note that the census is currently inactive. If you would like to help revive the project, please contact the DerivativesFrontDesk about it.

Debian Derivatives Census

The Debian derivatives census is an attempt to gather detailed information about Debian derivatives that is useful to Debian, for integration of that information into Debian infrastructure and for the development of relationships between Debian and our derivatives. In addition we will be doing some QA on the data that you enter into the census.

If you are not involved in the Debian derivative that you would like to see added to the census, please consider sending an invitation to join the census to a contact point of the derivative you would like to see added to the census.

To add a new derivative to this page, register an account, login and enter the short name of your derivative below, with no spaces. When you click "Add a new derivative", an editor will be loaded containing the census template (please fill out as much information as you have) and when you save the page, the new page will be created and added to the list below. If you are the maintainer of a census page, you are expected to subscribe to both it and the census template or subscribe to the RecentChanges RSS feed so that you are notified when your census page is out of sync with the template and more information needs to be added. When editing your census page, please replace the date at the end with @TIME@ so that the current date is added.

Please use no spaces when entering a name for the page.

The list of derivatives below includes the names, logos and descriptions of each derivative in the census. More details on each derivative can be found by clicking through to the page about the derivative. There is also a list of derivatives that includes the full details about each derivative. More lists of distributions directly and indirectly derived from Debian are available on the main derivatives page.

AIMS Desktop

AIMS Desktop Logo

AIMS Desktopis a Debian derivative for maths and science users primarily in tertiary education environments.

It is mostly used by AIMS centres in Africa, but also by individuals and other institutions. It aims to be a turn-key solution that includes the most popular free software packages available.


abalar logo Abalar is a derivative of Debian developed by the government of the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) intended to be a distribution for the integration of ICT in the educational field.

AlienVault OSSIM

AlienVault OSSIM Logo

AlienVault Open Source SIEM (OSSIM) is a complete Security Management solution. Along with the AlienVault Unified SIEM for IT and AlienVault ICS SIEM for industrial / SCADA applications, AlienVault OSSIM is in use at more organizations than all alternatives combined. AlienVault OSSIM provides all of the functionality required to detect and profiles attacks and provides a comprehensive, intelligent Security Management platform and toolset. The entire solution is based on Debian's, including all seamlessly integrated tools and the security management platform. The OSSIM project was created and is currently coordinated by the founders of AlienVault.

The OSSIM platform consists of a Management Server, and Sensor or "Probe". A professional version that includes Logger functionality is also available (please see below). The solution may be implemented as a single monolithic appliance or a set of appliances in which probes are separated from the management server, and distributed throughout the enterprise.

Probes capture network and system information in real time, and send it to the central Management Server where the data is analyzed to assess immediate threats and risk, filter out false positives, and locate false negatives that other security devices and software on the network cannot detect.


Apertis logo

Apertis is a FOSS (Free and open source) GNU/Linux-based platform for infotainment in automotive vehicles. It is a distribution derived from Debian and geared towards the creation of product-specific images for ARM and Intel x86 systems.



aptosid is made up of 2 words, firstly apto, which is a Latin word which means 'to fit, adapt, adjust, make ready, or fit'. The second word is sid and is the codename of Debian's unstable branch.

aptosid holds fast to the core values and social contract of Debian. (DFSG).

We aim to be 100% compatible with debian sid, and is at the forefront regarding the definition of a rolling distribution.


ArcheOS logo ArcheOS is a Debian derivative aimed at being a complete operating system for archaeologists.

ArchivistaBox 64Bit

https://archivista.ch/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/av2e.png ArchivistaBox 64Bit is available in two versions:

a) ArchivistaVM: Virtualisation with KVM

b) ArchivistaBox: Document Management System (DMS)

The ArchivistaBox has a very fast and powerful installer, in about 1 to 2 minutes the whole solution is installed.


Armbian logo is a Debian derivative aimed at ARM development boards.

Astra Linux


Astra Linux is the Russian Debian derivative. Its structure includes many free software components and also software decisions of the Astra Linux developers that allow to work with unique simple and fast graphical interface and raise the security level and to expand possibilities of its application on desktops tablets mobiles and servers.


Auxtral logo Auxtral is a custom stable Debian distribution with no pre-installed applications.The specific applications (office automation, image editing, etc.) will be installed by the user, according to their software needs according to the destination they want to give to their PC.


BCCD logo BCCD (Bootable Cluster CD) is a live CD intended for use as an pedagogical tool for high school and college computational science educators. Using the BCCD, one can quickly setup a compute cluster with all the tools needed to start teaching computational science or parallel programming. Optionally, a permanent cluster maybe automatically configured by copying the live CD image onto a hard drive.


https://bosslinux.in/sites/default/files/boss (1).png

BOSSLinux is a Debian derivative aimed at Schools and Government sectors with more support in Indian Languages and for Indian usage scenarios

Bayanihan Linux


Bayanihan Linux was a Debian derivative aimed at creating an easy to use alternative desktop-oriented operating system particularly for use in the Philippines.



Black|Web is a Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. Black|Web contains several hundred tools which are geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering. Starting from an appropriately configured LXDE desktop manager it offers stability and speed. Black|Web has been designed with the aim of achieving the maximum performance and minimum consumption of resources.



Aims to build a Linux distribution according to the needs of Indonesian computer users.


bloss logo bloss OS is a Debian derivative aimed at making the desktop experience awesome and helping people with technology.

BunsenLabs Linux

BunsenLabs logo

BunsenLabs Linux is a Debian derivative, it is a community continuation of CrunchBang.



Canaima GNU/Linux is a Venezuelan desktop distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux. It was primarily designed as a solution for the computers of the National Public Administration (NPA) in accordance with the presidential decree N° 3.390 about the use of free technologies in NPA. Nowadays, Canaima is no longer a distribution of the state but a Metadistribution developed, promoted, and used by a large Community in Venezuela and various latin-american countries. It also continues to be the official Operating System in the NPA and powers National Projects as Canaima Educativo (Educational Canaima) for children.

Clonezilla live

Clonezilla logo Clonezilla live is a Debian derivative aimed at being a disk imaging and cloning derivative.



CoreBiz is a Debian / Ubuntu derivate aimed at small and medium-sized companies which are willing to migrate their IT infrastructure to Linux. CoreBiz serves as a highly available hyper-converged virtualization cluster, including an LDAP-based directory server and modular extensions, such as the CoreBiz backup server, file server, groupware server or the desktop client. It includes a centralized configuration management and a web-based admin frontend and plays well in a mixed Linux / Windows environment.


CrunchBang logo

?CrunchBang is a Debian GNU/Linux based distribution offering a great blend of speed, style and substance.

Cumulus Linux

Cumulus Logo Cumulus Linux is the industry's first, full-featured Linux operating system for networking hardware.

Cyborg Linux

Cyborg Logo

Cyborg is a Ubuntu-based security distribution designed for penetration testing and forensic investigations. Although it is primarily designed for security enthusiasts and professionals, it can also be used by any Linux user as a desktop system for day-to-day computing. Besides standard Ubuntu software, Cyborg-Linux has pre-installed GNOME metacity and compiz Desktop Environment, more than 700+ open-source tools for penetration testing, and a custom-built Linux kernel 3.13.0-40-generic.

Cyborg was first released in 04/Dec/2014 under code name “Cyborg-Hawk” as the most advanced, powerful and yet beautiful penetration testing distribution ever created. Lined up with ultimate collection of tools for pro Ethical Hackers and Cyber Security Experts.

Simplify security in your IT infrastructure with Cyborg. Its real strength comes from the understanding that a tester requires a strong and efficient system,that benefits from a strong selection of tools, integrated with a stable linux environment.

It has 700 + tools while other popular distro have 300+ and also dedicated tools for and menu for mobile security and malware analysis.

Distro Features:-

*Exploitation Toolkit:- Toolkit to test the integrity of your IT Infrastructure.Best exploit of for best results

*Reverse Engineering:- Reversing the core code for the analysis by going backwards through the development cycle

*Forensics:- Uncover the Digital evidence. Investigate them and interpreting electronic data for use in a court of law.

*Stress Testing:- Determine the amount of stress your computer, network, program or device can bear.

*Mobile Security:- Penetrate the mobile security and fix the vulnerabilities of it . Mobile Security covers every known platform for smartphones.

*Wireless Security:- Secure your wireless world. Cyborg have top level tools to test your security.


DANOS logo

The Disaggregated Network Operating System (DANOS) is a Telco-grade Network Operating System (NOS) seeded to The Linux Foundation by AT&T.

DANOS was defined by AT&T’s “dNOS” software framework white paper to be a more open, cost-effective and flexible alternative to traditional networking equipment. DANOS is based on a subset of the Vyatta NOS used internally in AT&T’s network. It is a ready-to-use Debian-based distribution that makes use of the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) libraries to provide highly efficient software packet-processing on x86 hardware in addition to Broadcom’s Open Network Switch Layer (OpenNSL) libraries to support a hardware programming plugin architecture for merchant silicon based forwarding.


DebOps logo ?DebOps is a Debian derivative aimed at providing a set of Ansible roles and playbooks which can be used to set up and manage Debian-based infrastructure. The project is designed to be scalable from one host to an entire data center, and provides various services and facilities to allow management of multi-host infrastructure.


Debathena owl logo Debathena is a packaging of the clients and configuration for MIT's Athena workstations for Debian and Ubuntu. Debathena on Ubuntu 12.04 is deployed on MIT's public Athena computer labs, and we support all current Debian and Ubuntu releases on private workstations, laptops, etc.


Deepin Logo Deepin is a Debian-based distribution that aims to provide an elegant, user-friendly and reliable operating system.

Devuan GNU/Linux

devuan logo Devuan is a derivative aimed at providing a Debian-like OS without the encumbrances of Systemd. The init systems sysvinit and openrc are fully supported.

Donau Lotus

Donau is an Operating System designed for everyone. Its latest Beta stage, Donau Lotus, builds upon that idea with a new interface and a completely reworked codebase.


doudoulinux logo DoudouLinux is a live distro for kids. It focuses on providing an environment as easy to use as a gaming console, for children aged from 2 and in the children's language natively. Our first official release is supported in 15 languages and new languages are on the road. DoudouLinux offers the traditional Linux educational games, plus multimedia applications, applications for work, as well as entertaining games (Linux has to be fun too!). Finally we are currently moving toward digital contents because we think that not only children have to understand that computers are fully programmable and should obey their owner only, but they also have to learn how to use digital contents and moreover how to create them, in order to publish them online later, with a cool license ;)


https://www.elivecd.org/wp-content/uploads/logo-elive-animated.gif Elive is a Debian derivative aimed at marrying the stability and power of Debian with the beauty and efficiency of the Enlightenment desktop environment.


Emmabuntüs Debian Edition

logo Emmabuntus

Emmabuntüs DE is a Debian derivative based on XFCE. It strives to be beginner-friendly and reasonably light on resources so that it can be used on older computers. It also includes many modern features, such as large number of pre-configured programs for everyday use, dockbar for launching applications, easy installation of non-free software and media codecs, and quick setup through automated scripts. The distribution supports English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages.


Endless logo Endless OS is a Debian derivative aimed at first-time computer users in emerging markets, with an easy-to-use UI based on GNOME, support for low-cost hardware and apps and content pre-loaded to offer a rich desktop computing experience even with expensive, poor or no internet connectivity.


Epidemic logo Epidemic is a Debian derivative for the easy use to new people in Linux system Debian.


FUSS logo

FUSS is a client & server GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux. It is used in around 80 schools which count 5.000 PCs, 64 servers virtualized with Proxmox VE. FUSS is a project born in 2005 in the Province of Bozen-Bolzano, a small region in the northern part of Italy. FUSS stands for Free Upgrade for a digitally Sustainable School and was born with the aim to bring freedom and transparency in the schools of South Tyrol as far as digitalization is concerned. We want students and teachers to be able to use the same software at school and at home, without any kind of restriction, in a transparent way. This was only possible by means of free software using GNU/Linux and many free educational tools available for schools.


https://www.finnix.org/w/skins/finnix/logo.png Finnix is a console-based LiveCD with a focus on system administration tasks. It is available for x86/AMD64 and PowerPC/PPC64 architectures, and is aware of and will work out of the box with several virtualization systems (Xen and User Mode Linux). Finnix is the oldest LiveCD still in production (since 2000), and has been a derivative of Debian since 2005.


Freedombone logo

Freedombone is a home server Debian derivative for self-hosting of internet services such as email, blog, chat, file storage and many other web apps.


Freeduc logo

Freeduc is a Debian derivative aimed at educational needs, based on KNOPPIX.



GNUSTEP is a Debian derivative aimed at shipping the GNUstep software for developers and users interested in Objective-C MVC development (Cocoa on Apple macOS). The focus of this is developers.


SSI logo GauSSIan is a Debian derivative aimed to run Aixplorer® ultrasound machines.


http://download.greenbone.net/logos/gos-logo.png The Greenbone OS (GOS) equips the Greenbone Security Manager appliances with a comprehensive and powerful basis. This includes the Greenbone Community Edition which can be received for free.

The main elements of Greenbone OS are the base operating system, a administrative interface and the scan applications.


https://grml.org/img/logo.png Grml is a Debian based Live system aimed at system administrators.

Hamara Linux

hamara linux logo

Hamara Linux aims to be the distribution of choice for Indian users and organizations, whilst making sure that the common people, gets access to technologies in their most accessible form.


HandyLinux logo

HandyLinux is a french Debian derivative for very beginners aimed at being a bridge between nonfree and free software users. HandyLinux is available in french and in english.

Huayra GNU/Linux

Huayra logo

Huayra is a Debian derivative aimed at schools in Argentina.


http://www.inquisitor.ru/images/footer-logo.png Inquisitor is an open-source hardware testing and certification system, suitable for both enterprise and home use, customizable, modular and available in both server-less Live CD/DVD format and server-controlled network boot production system.

JaSP packages

JaSP packages logo JaSP packages is a Debian blend aimed at creating a true universal operating system, which should be the same goal that Debian advertises.

Kali Linux

Kali Logo

Kali Linux is a security auditing operating system and toolkit that aims to be the most advanced and versatile penetration testing distribution ever created. Kali Linux incorporates more than 300 penetration testing and security auditing programs with a Linux operating system, delivering an all-in-one solution that enables IT administrators and security professionals to test the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies. Kali Linux offers a smoother, easier penetration testing experience, making it more accessible to IT generalists as well as security specialists.

All the programs packaged with the operating system were evaluated for suitability and effectiveness before being included. They include Metasploit for network penetration testing, Nmap for port and vulnerability scanning, Wireshark for monitoring network traffic, and Aircrack-ng for testing the security of wireless networks.


Knoppix logo

KNOPPIX is a Debian GNU/Linux derivative preinstalled and preconfigured, with a changed boot procedure that allows running the system with hardware-detection live directly off CD, DVD, USB flash disk or diskless (via PXE) over a network.



Linux Mint is a GNU/Linux distribution. Its Linux Mint Debian Edition (a.k.a. "LMDE") is based on Debian Testing.


Lernstick logo
A Debian Live derivative since 2009 aimed at schools with broad hardware support.

  • Lernstick EDU consists of a wide range of free educational software.
  • Lernstick EXAM offers a secure, customisable environment for exams that can be booted from USB-Flashdrive or PXE.

Lernstick is the building block for the secure exam management solution CAMPLA (Cloud Assessment Management Platform).



?LiMux is a Ubuntu derivative aimed at providing the main OS platform for the municipality of the city of Munich.


lihuen logo Lihuen GNU/Linux is a Debian derivative aimed at being an educational and administrative desktop.


http://lh4.ggpht.com/_xMeBreCezqk/TT_8Xbb7rFI/AAAAAAAAAbs/Zn26-Malmeo/s128/LinEx_2010_small.jpg LinEx is a Debian derivative aimed at easing the digital inclusion of each and every person in Extremadura (a region located in the South West of Spain). LinEx 2010 is a technological solution and it's free software: LinEx 2010 is the first distribution of a Public Administration that incorporates the quality testing as an integral part of its development. Thus, the best possible experience of installation and use is ensured. LinEx facilitates the early detection and correction of defects, both technical and those which come from the usability of the user. LinEx has different flavours; LinEx Colegios (education), SESLinEx (health department), LinEx SP (libraries and administrative areas), JEXGuia (city councils), JEXPYME (enterprise) and JuegaLinEx (young people, gamers, leisure and free time).


LinuxAdvanced Logo LinuxAdvanced is a Debian based Live system primary developed for use in schools/education.

OS Lotos


OS Lotos is a Russian Debian derivative. Its structure includes many free software components. OS Lotos based on Debian Buster and distributed in several editions: KDE, GNOME, Cinnamon, XFCE, MATE.



Maemo is aimed at running on Nokia internet tablets and phones like the N900.

Matriux Linux

Matruix Logo

Matriux is a Debian-based security distribution designed for penetration testing and forensic investigations. Although it is primarily designed for security enthusiasts and professionals, it can also be used by any Linux user as a desktop system for day-to-day computing. Besides standard Debian software, Matriux also ships with an optimised GNOME desktop interface, over 340 open-source tools for penetration testing, and a custom-built Linux kernel 3.9.4.

Matriux was first released in 2009 under code name “lithium” and then followed by versions like “xenon” based on Ubuntu. Matriux “Krypton” then followed in 2011 where we moved our system to Debian. Other versions followed for Matriux “Krypton” with v1.2 and then Ec-Centric in 2012. The newest version Matriux v3 RC1 k0d3 name “Leandros” was released on 2013-09-27 which is a major revamp over the existing system.

Matriux arsenal is divided into sections with a broader classification of tools for Reconnaissance, Scanning, Attack Tools, Frameworks, Radio (Wireless), Digital Forensics, Debuggers, Tracers, Fuzzers and other miscellaneous tool providing a wider approach over the steps followed for a complete penetration testing and forensic scenario. Although there are were many questions raised regarding why there is a need for another security distribution while there is already one. We believed and followed the free spirit of Linux in making one. We always tried to stay updated with the tool and hardware support and so include the latest tools and compile a custom kernel to stay abreast with the latest technologies in the field of information security. This version includes a latest section of tools PCI-DSS.

Matriux is also designed to run from a live environment like a CD/ DVD or USB stick which can be helpful in computer forensics and data recovery for forensic analysis, investigations and retrievals not only from Physical Hard drives but also from Solid state drives and NAND flashes used in smart phones like Android and iPhone. With Matriux Leandros we also support and work with the projects and tools that have been discontinued over time and also keep track with the latest tools and applications that have been developed and presented in the recent conferences.


A beautiful and customizable Linux build for out of the box features for an Internet Kiosk. You can use the Meilix Generator (Web app) to make a Linux for your own brand/event, also add apps and features you need pre-installed, it will create an ISO Image of your Linux, which you can use as a live boot or install on PCs.

https://meilix-generator.herokuapp.com/static/favicon/apple-icon-180x180.png is a Debian derivative aimed at building out of the box features for an Internet Kiosk.

Mentor Embedded Linux Omni OS

Mentor(R) Embedded Linux(R) Omni OS is an embedded Linux® distribution based on Debian. Mentor Embedded Linux Omni OS provides the key benefits of an enterprise-class Linux distribution with the customization capabilities, footprint and real-time performance of an embedded OS. Suitable for industrial, medical, consumer and mil-aero applications.

Metamorphose Linux


Metamorphose is a complete operating system, aimed at beginners or advanced users


example logo Mobian is a Debian derivative aimed at running on mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones.

NEMS Linux

NEMS Linux - a Debian derivative providing a modern pre-configured, customized and ready-to-deploy Nagios Core distro designed to run on low-cost micro computers.


netrunner logo


  • OLPC logo

OLPC is an Debian derivative aimed at packaging the Sugar desktop and activities.


OSMC Logo OSMC is a Debian derivative aimed at being a mediacenter distribution.

Open Network Linux

onl logo Open Network Linux is a Debian derivative aimed at Bare Metal Switches.

Open Secure-K OS

LumIT Labs logo Open Secure-K OS, the next generation live operating system following liveng patterns (whitepaper here: https://liveng.readthedocs.io), by LumIT Labs.


http://substantiel.fr/liens/images/logo-ordissimo.jpg is a Debian derivative aimed at being the easiest to use (especially for the elderly) for a complete desktop use (internet, email, photos, webcam and many other applications). It contains a custom simplified desktop interface.



PakOS is a humble attempt to make an OS primarily for Pakistani People with their peculiar problems, limitations in terms of resources available at their disposal and tastes. Pakistan as a nation has very limited resources at its disposal. Most of the people who use computers have very old hardware available. This makes the PC owners forced to use outdated OSs like Windows XP which is extremely outdated and resultant full of viruses. People are glued to Windows OS and can't think outside the box. Hence PakOS, a completely open source OS with extremely light foot print in terms of RAM and processor usage. I hope to make it work in 256 MB RAM and a single core processor in real world use, with visual outlook similar to windows. Also it has to be reasonably secure for home, office, Internet and offline use


Pardus logo

Pardus Linux is a GNU/Linux distribution jointly developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM). It started its life as a Gentoo-based project before developing its own unique identity. Since late 2012 the distribution is based on Debian GNU/Linux.


Parrot logo

  • Parrot is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Testing and designed with Security, Development and Privacy in mind .It includes a full portable laboratory for security and digital forensics experts, but it also includes all you need to develop your own software or protect your privacy while surfing the net.



Parsix GNU/Linux is a live and installation DVD based on Debian.


pengwin logo

Pengwin is a Debian derivative made for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). It was created by WSL users who recognized the potential of the platform.


http://primtux.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/favicon.png PrimTux is a French Debian derivative for 3 to 12 years old children that can be used at home or at school.

Progress Linux

Progress Linux Logo Progress Linux is a Debian derivative focused on system integration.

Proxmox VE


Proxmox VE is a complete server virtualization management solution based on Debian. It supports two types of virtualization: container-based virtualization and KVM full virtualization and manages virtual machines, storage, virtualized networks, and HA clusters.

Proxmox Mail Gateway is an open-source email security solution based on Debian, and protects users from spam, viruses, and malicious emails. It is a full featured mail proxy deployed between the firewall and the internal mail server and allows to control incoming and outgoing email traffic from a single platform.

/!\ Please note that this page is not about Purism's PureOS but about another older Debian derivative with the same name that is now inactive. Please do not modify the historical information on this page.


http://pureos.org/images/logo_small.png PureOS is a Debian (testing branch) based liveCD/USB built with the Linux Live scripts.

Purism PureOS


PureOS is a Debian derivative developed as both a developer release based on Debian testing, and a stable release based on Debian stable. Originally designed for security and freedom conscious desktop users, PureOS is for everyone who values freedom. PureOS is considered "free as in Freedom" by the FSF. https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.en.html

/!\ NB! The upstream project name is simply "PureOS". The name of this page includes its main sponsor merely to distinguish from an earlier distribution of the same name which is no longer active (project leader of said other distribution has agreed to hand over domain to new project, but formal and practical handover is progressing only very slowly).


q4os logo Q4OS is a Debian derivative focused on security, reliability, long-term stability and conservative integration of verified new features. System is distinguished by speed and very low hardware requirements, runs great on brand new machines as well as legacy computers..


Qlustar logo


Qubes logo Qubes OS is a reasonably secure operating system. It provides security by compartmentalization, using Xen and templates to allow the user to run individual isolated qubes, integrated into a single, unified desktop environment.


quirinux logo Quirinux is a Debian derivative intended to be a complete live-usb solution for animated filmmakers.


raspbian logo

Raspbian is a Debian derivative targetting armv6 devices with vfpv2. Primarily but not exclusively the raspberry pi. We are based on debian armhf but with reduced compiler defaults to that our binaries will run on such devices.



Rescatux is a GNU/Linux and Windows rescue cd but it is not like other rescue disks. Rescatux comes with Rescapp. Rescapp is a nice wizard that will guide you through your rescue tasks.

Rescatux core is based in Debian stable with some added packages and custom scripts. Super Grub2 Disk integration is based on Debian Unstable.

StamusN logo

SELKS is both Live and installable Network Security Management ISO based on Debian implementing and focusing on a complete and ready to use Suricata IDS/IPS ecosystem with its own graphic rule manager. From start to analysis of IDS/IPS and NSM events in 30 sec. The name comes from its major components: Suricata Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana Scirius. After starting or installing SELKS, you get a running Suricata with IDPS within a NSM platform, Kibana to analyse alerts and events and Scirius to configure the Suricata ruleset. SELKS is released under GPLv3 license.


http://serviceplatform.org/images/projects/spaceflight.png SPACEflight is a live demonstrator for the Internet of Services. It combines Debian with the open-source service platform SPACE and an intuitive KDE-based service desktop integration.


SalentOS logo SalentOS is a GNU/Linux operative system based on Debian that uses Openbox as window manager. SalentOS has been designed to combine simplicity and completeness.


Septor logo

Septor Linux is a operating system that provides users with a perfect computing environment for surfing the Internet anonymously. Septor providing users with a stable and reliable distribution that is based on Debian GNU/Linux and works on a wide range of computers. Distribution featuring a customised KDE Plasma deskop and Tor technologies

Serbian GNU/Linux

Serbian GNU/Linux logo

Serbian GNU/Linux is a operating system for the Serbian Linux community, providing users with a stable and reliable distribution that is based on Debian and works on a wide range of computers. Distribution featuring a customised KDE desktop and lightweight Openbox window manager.


SolusOS logo

SolusOS is a Debian Stable based distribution aimed at providing a stable distribution with up to date applications, being user-friendly and making it easy to do tasks such as proprietary graphics driver installation



SolydXK is based on Debian stable. SolydX uses the Xfce DE and SolydK the KDE DE. SolydXK aims to be simple to use, providing an environment that is both stable and secure. SolydXK is an open source alternative for small businesses, non-profit organizations and home users.


https://sparkylinux.org/images/sparky-logo5-150px.png ?SparkyLinux is a lightweight, fast and simple Linux distribution designed for both old and new computers featuring customized lightweight desktops. It has been built on the top of Debian GNU/Linux.


SprezzOS logo

Designed for power users, developers, servers and clusters, SprezzOS combines first-class HPC support with impeccable taste.


SteamOS logo

SteamOS is a Debian derivative aimed at providing a gaming experience built for the big screen.

Steam Runtime

The Steam Runtime is a series of Debian derivatives used to provide Steam games with a predictable library stack. It's an implementation detail of Steam and Proton rather than a product in its own right.


StormOS logo StormOS is a port of Debian Wheezy onto the Illumos base.


Symbiosis is a Debian derivative aimed at being an easy-to-use hosting platform.


Tails logo

The Amnesic Incognito Live System, i.e. Tails, is a Debian Live-based system aimed at preserving your privacy and anonymity: all outgoing connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network; no trace is left on local storage devices unless explicitly asked.


Tanglu Logo

Tanglu is a Debian derivative aimed at providing more frequent releases than Debian and being targeted at Desktop users. Its goal is to be used together with Debian, where Debian runs on servers and Tanglu on desktops. Tanglu can be used to test new upstream software while Debian is in freeze.

In short, you can think of Tanglu as a community-maintained Ubuntu.


ThengOS logo ThengOS is a Debian derivative developed for Malayaless (Malayalam-speaking people mostly from Kerala, a South Indian state) by Malayalees".


ToriOS was a Debian based Operating System.


http://lh5.ggpht.com/_WjBTQHvkEMA/TULqcC3S_UI/AAAAAAAAAWA/FlLh3cQwP4Q/s288/tucunare_atual.png Tucunaré is the result of customizing the operating system Debian GNU/Linux and many other free software necessary for the exercise of citizenship and culture. It uses LTSP. It is the main distribution used in custom projects for Digital Inclusion in Brazil.

TurnKey Linux

TurnKey Linux Logo

100+ ready-to-use solutions: discover and leverage the best free software. Deploy solutions quickly on bare metal, virtual machines, or in the cloud.

Free as in speech: free software with full source code and a powerful build system (TKLDev). Free of hidden backdoors, free from restrictive licensing and free to learn from, modify and distribute.

Secure and easy to maintain: auto-updated daily with latest security patches.

It just works: designed for ease of use, built and tested collaboratively by the community.

Backup and migration: built-in backup software (TKLBAM) saves changes to files, databases and package management to encrypted storage which servers can be automatically restored from.


https://assets.ubuntu.com/sites/ubuntu/latest/u/img/logos/logo-ubuntu-orange.png Ubuntu is a Debian derivative aimed at popularising and polishing Linux.



  • UltimediaOS is a Debian derivative aimed to be full redistributable and to provide the best multimedia integration for older and modern hardware.

Univention Corporate Server

https://www.univention.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Univ_Logo_pos_400x97-300x72.png is a Debian derivative focused on enterprise environments.


http://vanillux.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/vanilluxlogo.png Vanillux is a Debian / Ubuntu, Gnome3 rolling release.


Volumio logo

The free and open source audiophile music player designed to maximize audio quality.

Voyage Linux

Voyage Linux logo" Voyage Linux is Debian derived distribution that is best run on a x86 embedded platforms such as PC Engines APU/ALIX/WRAP, Soekris 45xx/48xx/65xx and Atom-based boards. It can also run on low-end x86 PC platforms. Typical installation requires 256MB disk space, although larger storage allows more packages to be installed. Voyage Linux is so small that it is best suitable for running a full-feature firewall, wireless access point, Asterisk/VoIP gateway, music player or network storage device. Currently, Voyage Linux has the following editions:

All editions are delivered as distribution tarball and Live CD in i386 architecture. AMD64 architecture is available for Voyage Linux only. We also offer SDK to ease customizing Voyage Linux, using Debian Live framework.


VyOS logo VyOS is a Debian-based distribution for routers and firewalls that provides access to all features through a unified CLI in the style of Juniper JunOS. It includes static and dynamic routing, firewall, NAT, VRRP, multiple VPN protocols and more.


Vyatta logo

Vyatta is a Debian derivative providing IPv4 and IPv6 routing, stateful firewalling, IPSec and SSL OpenVPN, intrusion prevention, and more.

Wazo Platform

http://wazo-platform.org/images/logo.png Wazo is a Debian derivative aimed at being a fully free software unified communication platform.


Webconverger logo is a distribution aimed at only supporting web applications. The typical use cases fulfilled are public access browsing and Web signage.


Whonix logo

Whonix is a desktop operating system designed for advanced security and privacy. Whonix mitigates the threat of common attack vectors while maintaining usability. Online anonymity is realized via fail-safe, automatic, and desktop-wide use of the Tor network. A heavily reconfigured Debian base is run inside multiple virtual machines, providing a substantial layer of protection from malware and IP address leaks. Commonly used applications are pre-installed and safely pre-configured for immediate use. The user is not jeopardized by installing additional applications or personalizing the desktop. Whonix is under active development and is the only operating system designed to be run inside a VM and paired with Tor.


Logo YunoHost ?YunoHost is a server operating system aiming to make self-hosting accessible to everyone.



Neptune is a Debian derivative aimed for creating a fast running Live System for USB Sticks.


(new project at RELIANOID Project)

Debian based derivative specialized in Application Delivery tasks in order to build high availability, massive scalability and secure services, data centers and networks very easily. Formerly Zen Load Balancer.


ev3dev logo ev3dev is a Debian that runs on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 and other MINDSTORMS compatible devices.


gNewSense logo gNewSense is an FSF supported distribution to create a completely Free Software distribution (Using the 4 freedoms defined by the FSF). [ More correctly, it is to create a Free System Distribution as defined in the FSF's Guidelines for Free System Distributions. ]

HPE Linux (hLinux)


HPE Linux (hLinux) is a Debian derivative produced by Hewlett Packard Enterprise for use by various HPE projects.


nakeDeb logo

a naked Debian but safe for work ...

nakeDeb is a french Debian based derivative distribution intended to deliver an ultra-minimal debian installation allowing you to quickly install a working system or use it as a lightweight live backup.

nakeDeb is built on Debian stable, uses Fluxbox as default window manager and the i3wm window manager as alternate session. No full desktop environment, noDE!

nakeDeb is full keyboard controllable and uses the Nord Theme colorscheme.

The original version of nakeDeb is distributed in French: you may come across a few words or manual in French. An English version is also offered.


Relianoid Logo

Debian based derivative specialized in Application Delivery and Site Reliability to build high availability, massive scalability and secure services, data centers and networks very easily. (formerly Zevenet, Zen Load Balancer)


rtros is a Debian derivative aimed at being an router operating system for pc. It is based on freerouter which speaks routing protocols and does packet forwarding.


semplice logo

Semplice is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian with the goal to provide a simple, fast, lightweight and cool environment.



siduction is a distribution based on Debian unstable. It aims at being a fast and bleeding edge distribution while still usable for productive work. It also wants to widen the testbase for Debian unstable. siduction wants to stay as close to Debian as possible, follow the spirit of the DFSG and the debian social contract and work with upstream in every possible way.

TTOS Linux

https://a.fsdn.com/allura/p/ttos-linux/icon?1555254804?&w=90 TTOS Linux is a Debian derivative aimed at providing a stable base for development of TTPC Systems software.



ubilinux is a Debian derivative, based on Debian 8, aimed at supporting x86 SBC for Embedded applications. Previosuly supporting Intel Galileo and Intel Edison, now it provides an installer for the UP Board SBC, providing a Linux Kernel 4.4 which includes patches to enable HDMI Audio and 40-pin I/O header.


xanadu logo

It's a derivative of Debian that uses SID as base (100% compatible) and LXDE as desktop environment, designed to be lightweight, yet useful, contains tools for rescue systems, forensics and anonymous browsing, plus everything needed for use on the desktop.