Univention Corporate Server
is a Debian derivative focused on enterprise environments.
- Status: active (2021-06-03)
Homepage: https://www.univention.com/
- Origin story:
Microblog: https://twitter.com/univention
- Corporate sponsor: Univention GmbH
- Government sponsor:
- Funding model: funded by sales and support
- Location: based in Bremen, Germany and Berlin, Germany and Wakefield, Ma, USA
Join: https://www.univention.com/about-us/careers/ https://www.univention.de/ueber-uns/karriere/
- Research publications:
- hardware wishlist:
- hardware supported:
- hardware certification:
user IRC: irc://irc.freenode.org/univention
- devel IRC: (only internally)
- Debian IRC:
user list: https://www.univention.com/about-us/newsletter/ (announcement only)
- devel list:
- Debian list:
user forums: https://help.univention.com/
- devel forum:
- Debian forum:
Security contact: security-maintainers@univention.de
Debian derivatives census maintainer: Philipp Hahn <hahn@univention.de>
Debian derivatives census page: Derivatives/Census/UniventionCorporateServer
Debian derivatives census output: http://deriv.debian.net/UniventionCorporateServer/
- Subscribers:
Debian page: https://www.debian.org/misc/children-distros#ucs
Distrowatch page: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=univention
Wikipedia page: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Univention_Corporate_Server
- Distribution type: installable
- Debian derivative model: uses Debian binary packages and adds/modifies some source packages
- Debian archive quantity: full archive
- Based on: Debian stable (current UCS-5.0 release is based on Debian-10-Buster)
- Interfaces:
- Init systems: systemd
- Archive tool: repo-ng (custom setup based on apt-ftparchive)
- Build status:
- Build tools: pbuilder
- Image build: from scratch | repack
- Image tool: debian-cd (customized)
- Install tool: debian-installer
VCS repository: https://github.com/univention/univention-corporate-server/
Bug tracker: https://forge.univention.org/bugzilla/
- Bugs forwarded to Debian: Not user-tagged, filed as standard bugs by people from @univention.de
- Package tracker:
- Architectures: amd64
- dpkg vendor: Univention
- Patches repo:
Docs about UCS for Debian developers: https://github.com/univention/univention-corporate-server/blob/5.0-0/CONTRIBUTING.md
Docs about Debian for UCS developers: https://docs.software-univention.de/developer-reference.html#chap:packaging
- Univention glossary:
- Package comparison:
- Popcon information:
- Quality assurance information:
- lintian information:
- piuparts information:
- CI/autopkgtest information:
- static analysis information:
- list of developers:
- developer blogs:
- developer microblogs:
- derivatives of this distribution:
- mirrors list:
- mirror CDNs:
- mirror tools: ftpsync
- changelogs pool:
apt repositories: https://updates.software-univention.de/
deb [arch=amd64] https://updates.software-univention.de/ ucs500 main
deb-src https://updates.software-univention.de/ ucs500 main
Last updated <<2021-06-03 15:51:56>>