Differences between revisions 10 and 11
Revision 10 as of 2018-10-11 15:01:30
Size: 3323
Editor: HectorOron
Comment: update steamos maintainer
Revision 11 as of 2020-02-27 04:14:15
Size: 3267
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: maintainer mail bounces
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 29: Line 29:
 * Debian derivatives census maintainer: Héctor Orón Martínez <hector.oron@collabora.com>  * Debian derivatives census maintainer:


SteamOS logo

SteamOS is a Debian derivative aimed at providing a gaming experience built for the big screen.

# Jessie based
deb [arch=i386,amd64] http://repo.steampowered.com/steamos/ brewmaster_beta main contrib non-free
deb-src http://repo.steampowered.com/steamos/ brewmaster_beta main contrib non-free

deb [arch=i386,amd64] http://repo.steampowered.com/steamos/ brewmaster main contrib non-free
deb-src http://repo.steampowered.com/steamos/ brewmaster main contrib non-free

# wheezy based
deb [arch=i386,amd64] http://repo.steampowered.com/steamos/ alchemist_beta main contrib non-free
deb-src http://repo.steampowered.com/steamos/ alchemist_beta main contrib non-free

deb [arch=i386,amd64] http://repo.steampowered.com/steamos/ alchemist main contrib non-free
deb-src http://repo.steampowered.com/steamos/ alchemist main contrib non-free

Last updated 2013-12-26 22:20:43