Q4OS is a Debian derivative focused on security, reliability, long-term stability and conservative integration of verified new features. System is distinguished by speed and very low hardware requirements, runs great on brand new machines as well as legacy computers..
- Status: active (2018-08-16)
Homepage: https://q4os.org/
- Microblog:
- Corporate sponsor:
- Government sponsor:
- Funding model: based on donations
- Location: based in Germany
Join: mailto:devteam@q4os.org
- Research publications:
- hardware wishlist:
- hardware supported: Intel/AMD: x64, x32; ARM: Raspberry Pi/armhf, Pinebook arm64, Pine64/arm64 and more
- hardware certification:
- user IRC:
- devel IRC:
- Debian IRC:
- user list:
- devel list:
- Debian list:
user forums: https://www.q4os.org/forum/
devel forum: https://www.q4os.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=5
- Debian forum:
- wiki:
- Security contact:
- Debian derivatives census maintainer:
Debian derivatives census page: Derivatives/Census/Q4OS
- Debian derivatives census output:
- Debian page:
Distrowatch page: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=q4os
- Wikipedia page:
- Distribution type: live image | installable
- Debian derivative model: ?
- Debian archive quantity: full archive | overlay
- Based on: Debian stable
- Interfaces: console KDE Plasma, Trinity
- Init systems: systemd
- Archive tool: ?
- Build status: ?
- Build tools: ?
- Image build: ?
- Image tool: ?
- Install tool: debian-installer
VCS repository: https://sourceforge.net/projects/q4os/
Bug tracker: https://sourceforge.net/p/q4os/tickets/
- Bugs forwarded to Debian: ?
- Package tracker: ?
- Architectures: amd64 i386 armhf arm64
- dpkg vendor: ?
- Patches repo: ?
- Docs about Q4OS for Debian developers:
- Docs about Debian for Q4OS developers:
- Q4OS glossary:
- Package comparison:
- Popcon information:
- Quality assurance information:
- lintian information:
- piuparts information:
- static analysis information:
- list of developers:
- developer blogs:
- developer microblogs:
- derivatives info:
- mirrors file:
- mirror tools:
- changelogs pool:
- apt repositories (source, binary, stablerelease/nextrelease):
deb [arch=armhf,arm64,amd64,i386] http://q4os.org/q4repo q4os-2-0-cn main
# No source packages are provided yet but there is an empty Sources file
deb-src http://q4os.org/q4repo q4os-2-0-cn main
Last updated 2024-12-02 12:12:56