KNOPPIX is a Debian GNU/Linux derivative preinstalled and preconfigured, with a changed boot procedure that allows running the system with hardware-detection live directly off CD, DVD, USB flash disk or diskless (via PXE) over a network.
- Status: active (2021-02-19)
- Microblog:
- Corporate sponsor:
- Government sponsor:
- user IRC:
- devel IRC:
- Debian IRC:
- user list:
devel list:
Debian list:
- user forums:
- devel forum:
- Debian forum:
- wiki:
Debian derivatives census maintainer: Klaus Knopper <> (knopper* on IRC)
Debian derivatives census page: Derivatives/Census/Knoppix
- Debian page:
Distrowatch page:
- Distribution type: live image, installable
- Debian derivative model: uses Debian binary packages, modifies configurations, changes boot procedure, adds source/binary packages
- Based on: Debian stable+testing+unstable+experimental
- VCS repository:
- Bug tracker:
- Forwarded bugs:
- Architectures: i386
- Patches repo:
- Docs about Knoppix for Debian developers:
- Docs about Debian for Knoppix developers:
- Knoppix glossary:
- Package comparison:
- Popcon information:
- QA information:
- lintian information:
- piuparts information:
- static analysis information:
- list of developers:
- developer blogs:
- developer microblogs:
- derivatives info:
mirrors file:
- apt repositories:
Last updated 2024-09-29 13:44:09