Warning: This has been unused for a long time and is therefore not supported by debtags any more.
Creating a custom tag source
You can add a custom tags source to /etc/debtags/sources.list or /etc/debtags/sources.list.d.
Quick tutorial:
create a directory /etc/debtags/personaltags
create the file /etc/debtags/personaltags/vocabulary adding some facets and tags. For example, you could use this:
Facet: personal Description: Personal preference Tag: personal::essential Description: I cannot live without it Tag: personal::useful Description: Tried it and found it useful Tag: personal::bad Description: Tried it and did not like it Tag: personal::interesting Description: It looks interesting, but I have not tried it yet
create the file /etc/debtags/personaltags/tags-current adding some tag data. For example, you could use this:
mmv: personal::essential mc: personal::essential xdiskusage: personal::essential buffy: personal::useful debtags: personal::interesting
gzip both files. You should then have /etc/debtags/personaltags/vocabulary.gz and /etc/debtags/personaltags/tags-current.gz
add the new tag source in a file inside /etc/debtags/sources.list.d:
tags file:/etc/debtags/personaltags/
run update-apt-xapian-index
This is it. You should now be able to run software-center or packagesearch and find your own facets and tags.
Since new versions of debtags (>= 1.7.3), you can create a package that installs the tag data somewhere (say, in /usr/share/mydistro/tags) and installs a file under /etc/debtags/sources.list.d/ to automatically get debtags to use them.