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Debian > Debian GNU > Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
What is Debian GNU/kFreeBSD ?
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is a general purpose operating system, an official Debian GNU distribution using the kernel of FreeBSD instead of the Linux kernel. About ninety percent of the Debian software archive is available for Debian GNU/kFreeBSD.
Development of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD has ended
The development of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD has officially terminated as of July 2023 due to the lack of interest and volunteers. You may find the official announcement here.
Basic info
The port's official status
- Installation and testing:
Debian "Wheezy" images: kfreebsd-amd64 or kfreebsd-i386. This is the preferred old method of install.
Newer images based on unstable:
- Then you have to upgrade by changing then contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to:
deb sid main deb unreleased main
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD Tips - recommendations, best practices or things tried that worked well
- Support and developer discussion
IRC channel: #debian-kbsd on (OFTC)
- Announcements
Developer info
- How to help:
testing - the developers have only a limited range of hardware, and only certain virtualisation software; let us know how kfreebsd works on others.
DD-accessible machines (called "porterboxes") running GNU/kFreeBSD can be found in the machine database.
Patches that are only needed for Debian (either because they're fixed-upstream, or because of their Debian-specific nature)
Patches that are only needed for upstream (i.e. merged in Debian, or not needed in Debian for some reason)
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD Jessie release planning
Ging was a Live distro based on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD in 2005 but has not been updated
Inclusion into Debian archive was confirmed in 2009
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD Talk at DebConf15; Heidelberg, Germany; 2015-08
133rd Tokyo-area Debian study session; Shibuya, Japan; 2015-11 original slides in Japanese