Translation(s): none
These are some statistics of female participation in Debian.
Last generation date: September 2023
There might be errors in the data, particularly it's possible that someone was omitted. If so, feel free to fix it.
Women that have at some point maintained packages
This is taken from except for the first three cases, which are taken from old changelogs. Some names have been manually added in the case of team maintained or co-maintained packages. More information has been manually gathered from
- 1997-02-12 Susan G. Kleinmann
- 2000-04-28 Claire M. Connelly
- 2000-07-23 Rhonda D'Vine
- 2001-02-25 Amaya Rodrigo Sastre
- 2001-03-29 Genise Pearce
- 2003-01-22 Petra Malik
- 2003-05-13 Deedra Waters
- 2003-07-05 Karolina Lindqvist
- 2003-07-08 Sandra Jean Chua
- 2003-10-27 Michelle Ribeiro
- 2004-03-08 Hanna Wallach
- 2004-07-25 Erinn Clark
- 2004-07-30 Marcela Tiznado
- 2004-08-08 Helen Faulkner
- 2004-08-09 Silke Reimer
- 2004-10-19 Margarita Manterola
- 2004-12-07 Fernanda Giroleti Weiden
- 2005-01-10 Miriam Ruiz
- 2005-05-18 Sonia Hamilton
- 2005-05-25 M. Alex Hermosilla
- 2005-08-04 Christine Spang
- 2005-08-15 Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez
- 2005-10-06 Pilar Gonzalez Villalba
- 2005-10-30 Ana Isabel Delgado Dominguez
- 2006-04-13 Elizabeth Krumbach / Bevilacqua
- 2006-05-19 Tássia Camões Araújo
- 2006-09-28 Meike Reichle
- 2007-02-02 Silvia Alvarez
- 2007-02-26 Mika Matsuzaki
- 2007-04-14 Michelle Konzack
- 2008-01-04 Vanessa Gutierrez
- 2008-03-09 Christine Caulfield
- 2008-03-22 Sarah Connor
- 2008-07-11 Penny Leach
- 2009-03-28 Runa Sandvik
- 2009-04-26 Maia Kozheva
- 2009-08-17 Alice Ferrazzi
- 2009-12-26 Karolina Kalic
- 2010-02-01 Yulia Novozhilova
- 2010-02-xx Tatiana Al-Chueyr
- 2010-07-22 Franziska Lichtblau
- 2010-10-24 Mónica Ramirez Arceda
- 2010-11-08 Mackenzie Morgan
- 2011-04-19 Luciana Fujii Pontello
- 2011-08-12 Romanella Di Ferdinando
- 2011-08-12 Julia Palandri
2011-08-21 Jessica ?McKellar
- 2011-11-19 Allison Randal
- 2011-12-19 Lucia Prado
- 2012-01-03 Eleanor Chen
- 2012-03-29 Melissa Draper
- 2012-03-xx Beatrice Toracca
- 2012-04-05 Elena Grandi
- 2012-07-13 Sorina Sandu
- 2012-07-28 Ariane Boehm
- 2012-07-31 Eva Reisinger
- 2012-07-31 Julia Ertl
- 2012-09-30 Vivia Nikolaidou
- 2012-11-11 Bojana Borkovic
- 2012-11-11 Jana Barbara Wisniowska
- 2012-11-14 Nandaja Varma
- 2013-04-07 Diane Trout
- 2013-11-xx Mechtilde Stehmann
- 2014-06-25 Ulrike Uhlig
- 2014-07-xx Sophie Brun
- 2014-11-xx Scarlett Moore
- 2015-08-21 Ana Rodríguez López
- 2016-xx-xx Ana Custura
- 2016-06-xx Tatiana Malygina
- 2016-06-05 Sarah Coudert
- 2016-08-18 Sruthi Chandran
- 2016-10-13 Daniele Adriana Goulart Lopes
- 2017-03-27 Elana Hashman
- 2017-03-30 Nadiya Sitdykova
- 2017-08-07 Valerie R. Young
- 2017-08-29 Giulia Cantini
- 2017-11-07 Shamika Mohanan
- 2017-12-14 Katerina Kalou
- 2018-01-11 Kira Obrezkova
- 2018-02-19 Anja Boskovic
- 2018-05-07 Chiara Marmo
- 2018-05-16 Silvia Puglisi (hiro)
- 2018-07-29 Helen Koike
- 2020-05-09 Emily Shaffer
- 2020-08-13 Shruti Sridhar
- 2021-01-06 Lisa Julia Nebel
- 2021-02-03 Peymaneh Nejad
- 2021-02-08 Anja Boskovic
- 2021-09-09 Emily Shaffer
- 2022-01-06 Ileana Dumitrescu
- 2022-01-14 Agathe Porte
- 2022-02-13 Katharina Drexel
- 2022-03-30 Heather Ellsworth
- 2022-07-18 Shannon Brady
- 2022-07-23 Enkelena Haxhiu
- 2022-08-11 Gabriela Pivetta
- 2022-10-15 Sandra Uwah
- 2022-10-17 Lydia Ojoawo
- 2023-05-27 Lara Giuliana
- 2023-05-27 Ana Luiza Rodrigues da Silva
- 2023-05-27 Gabriela da Gama Pivetta
- 2023-12-12 Jacqueline Agatha Agnes Ferreira
Women with DD account
This information is taken from and, except for the first case, which was taken from old mailing list archives, the de-activation of accounts is taken from LDAP.
- 1996-04-18 Susan G. Kleinmann (sgk) -- 2009 (emeritus)
- 2000-10-29 Claire M. Connelly (cmc)
- 2001-03-29 Genise Pearce (demonishi) -- 2003 (emeritus)
- 2001-05-30 Amaya Rodrigo Sastre (amaya)
- 2004-01-23 Petra Malik (petra) -- 2008 (account locked due to inactivity)
- 2005-07-15 Helen Faulkner (helen)
- 2005-11-16 Margarita Manterola (marga)
- 2006-06-14 Marcela Tiznado (mlt)
- 2006-07-04 Erinn Clark (erinn)
- 2006-10-16 Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez (ana)
- 2007-03-14 Christine Spang (christine)
- 2008-02-10 Christine Caulfield (chrissie) -- 2014 (emeritus)
- 2008-04-18 Meike Reichle (meike) -- 2013 (emeritus)
- 2008-04-18 Martina Ferrari (tina)
- 2008-04-18 Miriam Ruiz (miriam)
- 2010-09-04 Rhonda D'Vine (rhonda)
- 2011-05-23 Francesca Ciceri (madamezou)
- 2012-03-27 Mònica Ramírez Arceda (monica)
- 2012-03-27 Ana Carolina Comandulli (caroll)
- 2013-10-21 Patty Langasek (harmoney)
- 2014-11-22 Tássia Camões Araújo (tassia)
- 2015-02-07 Nattie Mayer-Hutchings (nattie)
- 2015-06-22 Diane Trout (diane)
- 2015-08-14 Laura Arjona Reina (larjona)
- 2016-10-16 Karen M Sandler (karen)
- 2016-12-24 Mechtilde Stehmann (mechtilde)
- 2016-12-21 Jessica Clarke (jrtc27)
- 2017-02-18 Ulrike Uhlig (ulrike) -- 2021 (emeritus)
- 2017-04-25 Lisa Baron (jeffity)
- 2017-08-11 Allison Randal (wendar)
- 2017-09-30 Elana Hashman (ehashman)
- 2018-12-05 Molly de Blanc (mollydb)
- 2018-04-24 Elena Grandi (valhalla)
- 2019-05-27 Sruthi Chandran (srud)
- 2020-04-05 Ana Custura (acute)
- 2020-05-31 Bernelle Verster (bernelle)
- 2021-03-23 Scarlett Moore (sgmoore)
- 2021-07-14 Sophie Brun (sophieb)
- 2022-10-09 Anupa Ann Joseph (anupa)
- 2023-04-08 Agathe Porte (gagath)
Women with DM keys
- 2010-08-09 Maia Kozheva
- 2015-11-08 Mechtilde Stehmann
- 2016-10-xx Elena Grandi
- 2017-01-22 Ana Custura
- 2018-08-03 Helen Koike
- 2019-07-25 Scarlett Moore
- 2021-12-24 Peymaneh Nejad
- 2022-11-27 Agathe Porte
- 2023-01-25 Ileana Dumitrescu
Debian and Outreachy or GSoC internship
The following lists are probably incomplete. All the information was manually researched.
List of women who did an Outreachy or GSoC internship and who have a DD account or uploaded packages:
- Tássia Camões Araújo (DD account, Outreachy with Debian)
Ulrike Uhlig (DD account, Outreachy with Debian on AppArmor)
- Scarlett Moore (DD account, Outreachy with Debian)
- Molly de Blanc (DD account, Outreachy elsewhere)
- Helen Koike (Outreachy on Linux Kernel, has DM key)
Valerie R. Young (Outreachy with Debian on ReproducibleBuilds)
Saira Hussain (Outreachy with Debian on ?ContinousIntegration, is package uploader)
- Renata d'Avila (Outreachy with Debian)
- Kira Obrezkova (Outreachy elsewhere, is Debian package uploader)
- Peymaneh Nejad (GSoC with Debian, is DM)
- Enkelena Haxhiu (GSoC, is Debian package uploader)
List of women DDs or package maintainers who are part of Outreachy, formerly OPW:
- Hannah Wallach, co-founder
- Karen Sandler, Outreachy co-organizer, DD account
- Molly de Blanc, Outreachy organizer for Debian, DD account
- Sruthi Chandran, Outreachy team in Debian, DD account
Latest uploads from DD accounts
Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum for having such great statistics, it's possible to find out the latest uploads done for Debian:
Non DD/DM female contributors
If you are a non DD/DM female contributor, please add yourself in the table below.
Name or Nickname |
Country |
Area of contribution |
Do you want to become a DD/DM? |
Italia |
l10n |
not sure, thinking about it |
Solveig |
France |
closing bugs, upstream l10n |
Absolutely not (I just wanna do the fun stuff) |
Alba |
Catalonia |
maintenance of packages |
Yes |
Information about the data and the graph
The list was first compiled by Margarita Manterola, and has been extended by Francesca Ciceri, updated in 2015 by AmayaRodrigo and Ana Guerrero, updated in 2021 by UlrikeUhlig. The graphs have been generated by a script available on Salsa initially written by Elena Grandi and rewritten by Ulrike Uhlig, by parsing this page and using matplotlib to plot the data.