debian bcn2014 meeting
23 feb 2014
The venue
- alexm should confirm confirm some venue details. Here you have all questions that we had and some new ones:
- Is the venue completely confirmed? Is the UB-CPL agreement closed?
- Can we sell food in the venue? If not, can we give free food to the attendees?
- What time will we be able to enter to the venue? What time will we have to leave?
- What dates and times will we be able to enter to the venue to test and prepare video stuff?
- When will we have wifi user for the conf? Who will give it?
- Is all vieo stuff clear?
- UB parking will be available? Are there any conditions?
- Will we have a closed room to leave the baggage?
- Where and when will we put the banner?
- We need a table or 2 for the info point, can UB provide them?
We think that we have sponsors enough to pay all our expenses, but we need more details since some sponsors are still pending. There is a group working on this: thanks!
We hope we can do a definitive budget during next meetings.
The schedule is almost definitive. There is a group working on this: thanks!
Logo, t-shirts, banner...
- We appreciate very much Siri's efforts, but we still think that is not a very good idea to have a logo that is very similar to a local political party. We will contact Siri to ask her if she could change the background color or the design.
- We need the definitive design as soon as possible, on March 2nd at the latest.
- T-shirts: alex can make the t-shirts, but he needs someone else that could advise him. Any volunteer?
- Banner: max offered to make the banner, but he needs more details about dimensions, where the banner will be placed... Any volunteer to help him?
- We also want to make a poster (DIN-A4) and spread it around, so people can print it and put it wherever they think it can be useful (universities, schools, companies...)
We need to make:
- Badges for people and staff (with different colors). Volunteers?
- Indications in the venue (for rooms, toilettes...). Volunteers?
- Posters for the talks with remaining time (5, 10 minutes...). Volunteers?
We need volunteers table ASAP. Once we have it, we will mail all people of participants list that have marked themselves as volunteers to ask them to fill the table. Alba offered to do the table. Alba could you do it in two days? If not, monica offered to do it.
Although we don't know how many kids will come, we want to have a mini-area for kids in the patio, with drawing material, some games,... alex can take drawing material and if anyone can bring some game (lego style for instance) would be great. We need a big thin matress or a carpet as well. Anyone has one?
Friday and Saturday nights
- Friday night: we would like to have a bar where people could meet and have some drink (fosdem style). It should be big enough for about 50 people. Adria will ask for one that is in Hospital Clinic area. If anyone else knows another one that is more centric, please feel free to ask for it.
- Saturday night: we would like to have a Debian Women anniversary event, but we are empty of ideas and we don't know how many efforts we will have. Any idea is welcome. If no ideas or volunteers appear, we won't do anything.
Next meetings and decisions
There are only three weeks left for the minidebconf and we still have a lot of work to do and decisions to take. Decisions will be taken fast, so if you want to give your opinion, be online! (or accept the decision taken )
We think we should make tematic IRC meetings to finish open topics (like desgin, sponsors...) but we haven't defined dates.
We propose the following dates for "general" meetings:
- March 1st or 2nd: general IRC meeting (with more time than 1 hour), a dudle will be opened to decide the exact datetime.
- March 9th: general face-to-face meeting. We propose doing it at Almina Mar (or Ricci Bar) at 11:00h but if someone can't attend, plese feel free to open a dudle.