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Venue of MiniDebConf Barcelona 2014
This page is about extra information of the venue, you'll find the main page of the venue of the main page of the event. |
Facultat d'Informàtica, UB
Location: Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
Price: ~1500€ sponsored by Càtedra de Programari Lliure
Other spaces
You can see main spaces in the main page of the venue
- Entrance, where Infopoint and merchandising booth can be placed. The UB can let us a counter.
TBD. Connection requires authentication. We must request a user for these days. This is a work in progress.
Advertising in the building
We can put a huge banner, ~8x2m, if no other UB event is celebrated during the same days (and if we have the resources to make one).
We will not be allowed to put a double banner at the entrance, ~3x1m.
- Days before the conference, posters can be placed to announce the event to the students.
Backup Venue
If the UB falls through for any reason, we have an alternative venue: