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Here you can find articles, interviews and other publications about the Debian Women project.
Articles on Debian Women
2011-06-13 4Linux e Debian Women ministrarão curso inicial de administração de sistemas para meninas no FISL (Português)
2011-05-18 Nördfeministisk kraftsamling (Swedish)
2010-10-10 Las mujeres y el Software Libre ¿Geek women? (Español)
2008-06-13 Yo quiero ser una chica Debian (Español)
2008-XX-XX Debian Women y Ubuntu Women, desarrolladoras de software libre (Español)
2007-04-22 Debian Women: la cuestión de género en el software libre (Español)
2004-12-14 Debian group encourages women developers (English)
2004-12-10 Frauen mischen Open Source auf (Deutsch)
2004-12-08 Debian Women: Geek feminists in action (English)
2004-11-24 Debian Women en español (Español)
2004-08-08 Nace "Debian Women" (Español)
2011-08-07 People behind Debian: Margarita Manterola, Debian Women member (English)
2011-04-21 People behind Debian: Meike Reichle, member of Debian Women (English)
2010-10-09 Frostbite Media: Interview with Margarita Manterola (English)
2008-11-18 Debian women y Barrapunto (Español)
2007-12-07 Desarrolladoras de software libre en un mundo de hombres (Español)
2007-08-05 Miriam Ruiz at Cerise Magazine (English)
2006-12-01 Fernanda Weiden at the German "Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung" (English) (Deutsche Version)
2005-06-15 Fernanda Weiden at pro-linux (Deutsch)