Translations :

A person who makes use of the ["Debian"] distribution of ["GNULinux"]. See DebianUserModels for a formalized version.

You are one of the most important components of a healthy open source distribution. Many of the philosophies that form the foundation of OpenSource development are based on the "many eyes make better code" idea.

Debian, and the wiki, need you to report bugs when you find them. Also the debian-user mailing list.


You can see the ?PageIndex, or use the search box.

If you are new to Wiki, you might want to visit the ?HelpPage, set your ?UserOptions, and then play around on the ?SandBox.

See also: ?ReadmeFirst and ?TextFormattingRules.


Some pointers for a DebianUser :

Have a look at the [ Debian Users Worldmap] to see where we live :-)

Discussion about this page and wiki website : ?DebianUserDiscussion