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Debian Unstable (also known by its codename "Sid") is not a release, but rather the development version of the Debian distribution containing the latest packages that have been introduced into Debian. It is not a "rolling release", as no release-like quality assurance and integration testing is done on it.

To understand what a Rolling Release distro would be, just follow the example of Arch, which has an ISO released monthly and with constant updates not having constant releases. In the case of unstable, the ISOs with the installer are not made available so that the user can install with a snapshot from a certain date, for example, and there are no release notes (since it is not a release). Unstable in Debian can be considered something that is in constant development, so it is Rolling Development and not Rolling Release. In Debian Unstable there is no promise that it will be ready for use.

As with all Debian release names, Sid takes its name from a ToyStory character. In the movie, Sid is the kid next door who breaks his toys and makes nasty creatures of them.

While other release code names progress in time from being "testing" to being "stable", Sid is forever doomed to being unstable. Sid will always be the unstable branch. When the current "testing" repository becomes mature and is released, "testing" becomes the latest "stable" release. From there, a new "testing" repository will be created with the next planned code name, and packages will continue to trickle down from Sid into "testing" just as before.

Sid is where packages go after they've been uploaded by their maintainer, and cleared for release by the FTP master. When packages have met certain criteria, they are automatically moved from Sid to the current "testing" repository. The "Unstable" repository is updated every 6 hours.

Sid exclusively gets security updates through its package maintainers. The Debian Security Team only maintains security updates for the current "stable" release.

The sequence of package propagation in the Debian development process is as follows:


There are no "unstable" full CD or DVD images. Due to the fact that the packages in "unstable" change so quickly, it is more appropriate for people to download and install "unstable" using a normal Debian FTP mirror.

If you are aware of the risks, choose one of the following ways to get set up on Sid:

If you are already using a stable system use the method described above for upgrading to unstable changing your apt sources from "stable" (or the codename for the current stable) to "unstable".


What are some best practices for testing/sid users?

The most important thing is to keep in mind that you are participating in the development of Debian when you are tracking Testing or Unstable. This means that you should know your way around Linux, Debian, and the Debian packaging system.

There are a couple of things you can do in order to ease your life as a testing/sid user such as:

Does Sid have package "X"?

You can track the status of any package by using the Debian Package Tracker.

Is package "X" broken?

If it doesn't work for you, then there's a good chance it's broken. Your problem may either be unique to your system or experienced between several users. Because of this, Debian has a Bug Tracking System (abbreviated as BTS). Feel free to submit a bug report if you don't see your bug already there. Please read How to report a bug using reportbug and reportbug if you are unsure how to write a good bug report.

Can I use Sid packages on "stable"?

Trying to do so is highly discouraged. Attempting to mix packages between Debian repositories will likely create an unusable system. For more information about best practices, check out DontBreakDebian.

If you wish to use newer software, it is best to install packages from Backports.

Can I use Sid packages on "testing"?

Yes, with some care. This is referred to as a "Testing-Unstable Mix". Configuration is required to ensure a testing system stays on testing, without apt upgrading every package to the unstable version.

First, create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20-tum.conf with these contents:

APT::Default-Release "/^testing(|-security|-updates)$/";

Then, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and copy one testing line to unstable, for instance:

deb testing main
deb unstable main

Run apt update to refresh the cache. Use apt -t unstable install foo to install package foo from unstable rather than testing.


Where can I get help with Sid?

You can get help in the #debian-next channel on OFTC and on the mailing lists.

See also
