Differences between revisions 24 and 25
Revision 24 as of 2017-02-01 15:44:20
Size: 2465
Editor: Diego Alonso
Comment: added spanish translation link
Revision 25 as of 2017-06-18 09:41:24
Size: 2465
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: Jessie is oldstable
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[[DebianWheezy|Wheezy]] is the current oldstable. [[DebianJessie|Jessie]] is the current oldstable.

Translation(s): English - español -Français - Italiano - Svenska

DebianReleases > OldStable

oldstable is a codename for the previous Debian stable repository, as long as security updates are provided. It is not just a name of the old stable version(s) of Debian.

When security updates are not provided anymore for oldstable, the repository is moved to http://archive.debian.org/.

Jessie is the current oldstable.


Q) Why oldstable ?
A.1) In a large organisation, it can take a while to plan, test and upgrade all computers.
A.2) Some Debian based custom distribution's stable version can be based on oldstable. Having oldstable is convenient for them too.
Q) When is it released ?

The old-stable is "created" 1 just before a new stable is released.

Q) How long will security updates be provided?

The security team tries to support a stable distribution for about one year after the next stable distribution has been released, except when another stable distribution is released within this year. It is not possible to support three distributions; supporting two simultaneously is already difficult enough. source: Debian Security FAQ

See Also

  • Status/Stable - Current status of Stable

  • DebianReleases - more about the different Debian releases.

    • Debian Stable - The official Debian release (the one with the fewer bugs, and security issues).

    • Debian Unstable - repository where new & untested packages are introduced.

    • Debian Testing - repository with packages from unstable, if no bug are found within 10 days.

  • LTS The Long Term Support project provides limited support for some releases after they are not oldstable any more.

  1. It's just a symlink to the distribution codename (1)