1. Task description
The Debian Multimedia Maintainers team aims to make Debian a good platform for audio and multimedia work. This basically means packaging/maintaining multimedia applications and libraries, and collaborating with other maintainers or teams as well as upstream projects in order to improve audio/video support in Debian.
2. Get involved
First read the FAQ and consider if you want to join the team.
Help clean up bugs in bugs.debian.org.
Help with packaging.
3. deb-multimedia.org
This team has nothing to do with deb-multimedia.org. See DebianMultimedia/FAQ for further details.
4. Infrastructure
https://lists.debian.org/debian-multimedia/ for general Debian multimedia and packaging discussion
Packages QA:
PET Instance:
Debian Maintainer Dashboard:
Debian Pure Blends pages:
http://blends.debian.org/multimedia/tasks/index For the list of tasks that packages are categories into
http://blends.alioth.debian.org/multimedia/ For a summary of activity from Multimedia Team contributors
Salsa Project: https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team
Launchpad Project: https://launchpad.net/~pkg-multimedia-maintainers
Git Repositories: List at https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team, web interface at https://salsa.debian.org/multimedia-team/<package>.git
5. Realtime kernel
The Debian Multimedia team is not working on including a kernel image with the realtime-patches applied in Debian. Much of the realtime-patches have been accepted in the mainline kernel, to the point that for most purposes the stock Debian kernel is suitable even for realtime-like work.
Pengutronix has been working on realtime-patches for Linux kernel and now those patches are part of Debian official kernel, Debian Linux-RT kernel for the i386 and amd64 architectures is available from Debian main archive.
6. Backports
Any backports created by the team are uploaded to the official Debian backports service, please check the instructions to use them or contribute to them.
7. Interaction
Mailing list - development list
IRC: #debian-multimedia on irc.debian.org (OFTC)
- NB: if you drop in and don't get an immediate answer, hang around for awhile and you'll have a better chance of someone getting back to you.
/DevelopPackaging - coordinate the packaging effort
/Sponsoring - getting your multimedia related packages sponsored quickly
/Formats - Open multimedia file formats in Debian
/Discussion - make Debian a rocking audio/video workstation
/Policy - system guidelines and specifications
/Links - other interesting projects and pages
/MultimediaCodecs - information about codecs available for Debian and how to install them
8. Usual roles
Currently there are no strict roles defined. All members can work on all packages, although there is some sort of split. A list of people actively involved in the packaging effort can be found here.
TODO document
9. History
The Debian Multimedia Maintainers team is the result of the merger of the Debian Multimedia team and the Debian Multimedia Packages team. There is still some duplicate infrastructure that should converge on a best-effort basis.