DebianLatinoamerica/LocalGroups - Information about National Local Groups
DebianLatinoamerica/GetInvolved - How to get involved in Debian Latinoamerica
DebianLatinoamerica/LocalMeetings - Meetings in the region
Planeta Debian Spanish - Weblogs of developers, maintainers and collaborators (in spanish)
debian-events-ha - Events with Debian affiliation in Hispanic America
This is the main page for Debian Latinoamerica Wiki section on the Debian Wiki. All the contributions in english and spanish is welcome.
This initiative started on the BoF Debian in Latin America in DebConf6
- Join efforts in Latin America towards the developing in the Debian Project.
- Distribute knowledge between Latin American developers
- I think we should start to escribir en castellano.
- Being an integral project, information about Spain and Brazil is welcome here, yet main development branch is about Debian in Latin America
- If as a Latin American country Brazil is welcome, This page must be in Portuguese as well as any tool used by Debian Latinoamerica.
- Please stick to all the Debian Wiki Guidelines, Netiquette and Common Sense.