Differences between revisions 34 and 35
Revision 34 as of 2017-02-13 08:56:54
Size: 5758
Editor: ?AlexandreRossi
Comment: httpredir.debian.org has been discontinued
Revision 35 as of 2017-02-13 10:02:33
Size: 5773
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: CloudFront too now
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This service is based on a CDN network provided by Fastly ([[https://debconf16.debconf.org/talks/97/|deb.debian.org Debconf16 talk]]). This service is based on a CDN network provided by Fastly and CloudFront ([[https://debconf16.debconf.org/talks/97/|deb.debian.org Debconf16 talk]]).

Translation(s): none

DebianGeoMirror is discussion wiki to manage Debian global mirror servers by DNS.

New URLs for Apt lines

There is one type of Debian Mirror archive URL with the new Debian GeoMirror capability.

httpredir.debian.org / http.debian.net

It is a service based on http redirections. It is still under development. More details at the following address and the pages linked from there: http://lists.debian.org/debian-mirrors/2012/01/msg00025.html and source code.

Mirror administrators don't need to do anything special to receive users from the redirector.

Only APT version 0.7.21 or greater (i.e. squeeze or greater) support HTTP redirections.

http.debian.net is the old name from the testing phase, httpredir.debian.org is the current and official name.

httpredir.debian.org has been discontinued because of lack of maintenance and now redirects to http://deb.debian.org .


This service is based on a CDN network provided by Fastly and ?CloudFront (deb.debian.org Debconf16 talk).


/!\ This service is deprecated, please do not use it. It is currently being used as an alias for http.debian.net to allow existing sources.list entries to continue to work in light of the original service having been shut down.

You can see what is CDN at:

requests for mirror administrators

First of all, please set mirror directory structure. You have to set your mirror by

curl -H "HOST: cdn.debian.net" http://YOUR.MIRROR.IP.ADDRESS/debian/

cdn.debian.net can handle IP-based Virtual Host (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/ip-based.html ) without any modification at server-side.

If mirror server use Name-based Virtual Host (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/en/vhosts/name-based.html ), please fill "ServerAlias cdn.debian.net". After that, please send mail to debian-mirrors@lists.debian.org and ar@debian.org.

Technical information on cdn.debian.net

Contact: Yasuhiro Araki ar@debian.org



Health check

by HTTP (1) every 10 mins.

Geo Routing

GeoIP(2) for 42 countries (4) and 6 continents

Server list

autogenerated + http://cdncheck1.araki.net/hosts/ (password required)

Source code


Source IP Routing


  1. cdn.d.n checks rsync tracefile by HTTP(/debian/project/trace/#{tracefile}) for each server every three minutes. If server is down, this server is removed.
  2. Use GeoIP to check DNS server which client uses.
  3. Auto making from Mirrors.masterlist. But for Japan, hand-optimized. ( I round up volunteers for your country!)
  4. At 2009 Apr. 13.
  5. Apply at 2010, Aug, 7.

Technology and Codes:

At first, CDN find requester's IP in CIDR entry of the mirrors.

At 2nd, CDN find requester IP's location by Max-mind DB. Max-mind DB is same DB file for geoip-bin.deb package.

At 3rd, CDN checks nation/continent rsync footprint on each mirrors. In order to avoid dead/old/partial mirror.

At last, CDN return nation/continent IP address by DNS-balance (http://openlab.jp/dns_balance/dns_balance.html)

Do you want source? All codes are available in SVN at

Now these codes are maintained by three of DD in Japan.

It is watching servers: 154 (alive: 113) at June.4 2010.

All of these are

  • generated from data in http://www.debian.org/mirror/submit.

  • all architectures
  • mirrored by rsync
  • routed by GeoIP or CIDR
  • HTTP health checked every 10 minutes. If a server is failed, it will be removed next DNS caching (please wait 20minutes or less).
  • same directory structure.
  • weighted DNS round-robin based on band-width related comment on


You can see list of servers in


There are experimental mirrorbrain-based redirectors for debian-cd and debian-video.

Mailing List

How to get server list data merged?

  1. Submit information about a mirror of Debian at http://www.debian.org/mirror/submit.

  2. As a result, "Mirrors.masterlist" is generated.
  3. You can see latest data at