About Debian EzGo
DebianEzGo is a project to integrate EzGo into Debian to share its effort with whole Debian community. We aims to provide culture-based open and free technology with native language support and appropriate user friendly, lightweight and fast desktop environment for low powerful/cost hardwares to empower human capacity building and technology development in many areas and regions, like Africa, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Vietnam using Debian.
EzGo is a set of free software collection as LiveCD aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and self-learning. It includes open tools and open content for both Linux and Windows systems.
The main contributors behind this project are:
- Bamboo Community University
- LXDE project
- Ministry of Education Taiwan
- oneVillage Foundation
We are looking for more contributors, please join us.
EzGo's target are new and first time linux users. Which is making a user interface and art work on top of a distribution of Linux which is easy, especially for the new user.
Key design aims are:
- Ease of installation and setup. The system pre-installed with all applications that users may needed, rather than needing additional installation and extensive configurations.
- Features which will be familiar and easy to use for users familiar with other operating systems (except where there is a compelling reason to do things differently).
The strategy is to use:
EasyLXDE - a DebianPureBlends project
WeStart menu - a sorted category menu structure
- Open Content - Teaching/Self-learning materials
Specific User friendly Art works for each EzGo release
The EzGo is a LiveCD created by OSS Application Consulting Centre (OSSACC) which is a Ministry of Education Taiwan funded project, and its executive the Software Liberty Association of Taiwan (SLAT).
It is a set of free software collection aims to promote the usage of free software on teaching and self-learning. It includes open tools and open content for both Linux and Windows systems.
The motivations for this project were initialed from Skoleinux gathering at Oslo, Norway since 2008, AndrewLee and EricSun both attended the gathering and learnt many things and experience.
Then later on 2009, Debian project hold the first Debian Mini Conference in Taiwan during the International Conference on Open Source(ICOS) 2009. While the opening of the mini-DebConf, the OSS Application Consulting Centre proudly announced that the next version of EzGo will be based on Debian.
During the fun off-side event of mini-DebConf, the momentum of discussion from Jonas Smedegaard, Prof. Lee-Yen, oneVillage Foundation and Bamboo Community University drives AndrewLee to initials this Debian EzGo project to integrated EzGo's effort into Debian.
This project is in initialing stage. We welcome any idea and suggestion.
Please see how to Contact us below.
辦公 Office
Package name on menu |
status in Debian |
OpenOffice有加裝Openclipart套件 |
openclipart |
文書_Writer |
openoffice.org-writer |
試算表_Calc |
openoffice.org-calc |
簡報_Impress |
openoffice.org-impress |
資料庫_Base |
openoffice.org-base |
繪圖_Draw |
openoffice.org-draw |
心智圖_Xmind |
unknown |
組織圖_Dia |
dia |
PDF檢視器_Okular |
okular |
PDF編輯器_PDF Eedit |
pdfedit |
專案管理_Planner |
planner |
專案管理_Ganttproject |
ITP: 436792 |
Package name on menu |
status in Debian |
小畫家_GNU Paint |
gpaint |
小畫家_KolourPaint |
kolourpaint4 |
企鵝小畫家_Tuxpaint |
tuxpaint |
向量繪圖_Inkscape |
inkscape |
影像處理_Gimp |
gimp |
排版軟體_Scribus |
scribus |
相片管理_digikam |
digikam |
相片管理_F-Spot |
f-spot |
相片瀏覽_Eye of Gnome |
eog |
相片瀏覽_Gwenview |
gwenview |
視訊擷取_Cheese |
cheese |
2D製圖_QCaD |
qcad |
2D動畫_KToon |
ktoon |
2D動畫_Pencil |
3D動畫_Blender |
blender |
影音 Multimedia
Package name on menu |
status in Debian |
音樂播放_Audacious |
audacious |
音樂播放_Rhythmbox |
rhythmbox |
音樂播放_Amarok |
amarok |
影音播放_VLC |
vlc |
影音播放_Totem |
totem |
影音播放_SMPlayer |
smplayer |
影音播放_MPlayer |
mplayer |
音樂編輯_Audacity |
audacity |
音樂製作_tuxguitar |
tuxguitar |
音樂製作_Rosegarden |
rosegarden |
聲音錄製_gnome-sound-recorder |
gnome-media |
音樂擷取_sound-juicer |
sound-juicer |
影音錄製_XVidCap |
xvidcap |
影音錄製_recordMyDesktop |
gtk-recordmydesktop |
影片編輯_Kino |
kino |
影片編輯_Kdenlive |
kdenlive |
影音轉檔_OggConvert |
oggconvert |
光碟燒錄_K3b |
k3b |
光碟燒錄_Brasero |
brasero |
網路 Network
Package name on menu |
status in Debian |
瀏覽器_Firefox |
iceweasel |
網頁設計_KompoZer |
kompozer |
郵件管理_Thunderbird |
icedove |
郵件管理_Evolution |
evolution |
即時通訊_Pidgin |
pidgin |
即時通訊_Kopete |
kopete |
即時通訊_Emesene |
emesene |
網路電話_Ekiga |
ekiga |
BBS連線軟體_PCMan X |
pcmanx-gtk2 |
檔案傳輸_gFTP |
gftp |
檔案傳輸_filezilla |
filezilla |
遠端桌面檢視器_vinagre |
vinagre |
終端伺服器用戶端_tsclient |
tsclient |
BitTorrent客戶端_transmission |
transmission |
Package name on menu |
status in Debian |
數學_GeoGebra |
數學_Dr.Geo |
drgeo |
數學_Kig |
kig |
數學_KmPlot |
kmplot |
數學_KBruch |
kbruch |
數學_Kayali |
數學_KAlgebra |
kalgebra |
數學_wxMaxima |
wxmaxima |
化學_Kalzium |
kalzium |
化學_Ghemical |
ghemical |
化學_Avogadro |
avogadro |
化學_GChemPaint |
gchempaint |
化學_Chemical calculator |
gcu-bin |
化學_BKchem |
bkchem |
生化_Pymol |
pymol |
物理_Step |
step |
天文_KStars |
kstars |
天文_Stellarium |
stellarium |
天文_Celestia |
celestia |
地理_KGeography |
kgeography |
地理_Marble |
marble |
語言_KLettres |
klettres |
語言_KHangMan |
khangman |
語言_Kanagram |
kanagram |
語言_KWordQuiz |
kwordquiz |
語言_Parley |
parley |
幼教_GCompris |
gcompris |
打字練習_KTouch |
ktouch |
程式設計_KTurtle |
kturtle |
程式設計_Scratch |
遊戲 Games
Package name on menu |
status in Debian |
馬鈴薯小子_ktuberling |
ktuberling |
數學遊戲_TuxMath |
tuxmath |
打字遊戲_Tux Typing |
tuxtype |
數獨_gnome-sudoku |
gnome-games |
華容道_gnotski |
gnome-games |
數學拼圖_gnotravex |
gnome-games |
連線大師_KNetWalk |
knetwalk |
彈珠台_Pinball |
pinball |
打磚塊_lbreakout2 |
lbreakout2 |
泡泡龍_Frozen-bubble |
frozen-bubble |
俄羅斯方塊_kBlocks |
kblocks |
高爾夫球_Kolf |
kolf |
桌上冰球_Tuxpuck |
tuxpuck |
超級企鵝_SuperTux |
supertux |
企鵝滑雪_Planet Penguin Racer |
planetpenguin-racer |
企鵝歷險_Pingus |
pingus |
賽車遊戲_Supertuxkart |
supertuxkart |
賽車遊戲_TORCS |
torcs |
國際象棋_glchess |
gnome-games |
接龍遊戲_AisleRiot |
gnome-games |
上海麻將_mahjongg |
gnome-games |
附屬應用程式 Accessories
Package name on menu |
status in Debian |
終端機_terminal |
lxterminal |
文字編輯器_gedit |
gedit |
拍下畫面快照_screenshot |
gnome-utils |
計算機_gcalctool |
gcalctool |
單位換算_ConvertAll |
convertall |
筆記_Tomboy |
tomboy |
星際譯王_Stardict |
stardict |
電子白板_gtkwhiteboard |
gtkwhiteboard |
手寫板_xournal |
xournal |
External links
Help out, make suggestions
Andrew Lee: ajqlee at debian.org
Alioth: https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-ezgo/
Mailing list: debian-ezgo-packaging@lists.alioth.debian.org
Pages related to the DebianEzGo project are dual-licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0 (unported) and the GPL. (The GPL is used to ensure that documentation can be used for commenting code if necessary, and also to ensure that all images come with the "source" code, e.g. the .xcf or .psd file.)