Meetup in Paris, April 2018
- Announcement:
Location: CNRS
- Start: 2018-04-11, 19:15
- End: 2018-04-11, 22:00
Supported by Debian France, see the article (in French) about this event.
- Main coordinator: anoe at debian dot org
Useful information
The meetup is hosted by the Institute of Complex Systems of Paris Île de France (CNRS), in the 13th art., Metro stations Nationale or Place d'Italie on line 6, Olympiades on line 14.
More information on how to get there.
Location on OpenStreetMap.
The entry codes will be indicated here 24 hours before the meetup (or by email for those who will be registered):
- First door code: XXXX
- Second door code: XXXX
- Conference room 1.1 on the first floor via staircase or elevator.
Please register so we can plan your welcome in the best conditions.
For any questions concerning the organization, you can contact Alexandre Delanoë (anoe at debian dot org).
19H15 Welcome Participants
19H30 Round table, presentations
19H45 − Talk
Titre: How to secure email sending with Debian
Speaker: Loïc Billet, Consulting IT
Summary: To be able to send email notifications from the mobile that he had developped, Loïc set up a secure mail server with the help of debian packages. Loïc is going to describe how to secure email sending with Debian. He will be talking about Postfix, ?SpamAssassin, Dovecot, Roundcube, Apache, Mysql, Mutt, Swaks, SPF, Dkim, Dmarc…
20H15 − Workshop
Title: Buster default install Workshop
Host: Aurélien Couderc, DD applicant
Résumé: The goal of the workshop is to test the default installation of buster in it’s current state for various desktop environments depending on attendees preferences and time, and detect what’s missing or inconsistent in the default install: missing or superfluous software, usability papercuts for basic usage…
21H00 Key Signing Party
# |
Name |
Notes |
2 |
Aurélien COUDERC |
zecoucou.f.f |
71A7E533F291A324 |
1 |
Alexandre Delanoe |
anoe.d.o |
305D 6E2C |
You can also register on TODO meetup link
With many thanks to:
CNRS for hosting this event.