Fux eG

While the old entrance at Bodenstedtstraße 16 (Hinterhof Eingang West), 22765 Hamburg (OpenStreetmap waypoint), still works, it's much better to use the new entrance on the corner of Bodenstedtstraße and Zeiseweg, AKA the new main front entrance to Fux. The Cantina, where we'll have lunch and dinner is located just on the left after you entered the building through that main entrance, and the Dock Europe seminar rooms are located in the 2nd floor on the left (west) side of the building.

The event will be hosted in the former Victoria Kaserne, now called Fux (or Frappant), which is a collective space located in a historical monument. It is located between S-Altona and S-Holstenstraße, so there is a direct subway connection to/from the Hamburg Airport (HAM) and Altona is also a long distance train station.

There's a gigabit fibre uplink connection and wireless coverage (almost) everywhere in the venue and in the outside areas. (If needed, we can also fix locations without wireless coverage.)

Within the venue, there are three main areas we will use, plus the garden and corridors:

dock europe

[ATTACH] Bodenstedtstraße × Zeiseweg



dock europe is a meeting space within the venue which offers three rooms which can be combined into one big one.

dock europe also provides accommodation for some us, see further below.

CCCHH hackspace

/!\ The CCCHH hackspace rules currently still requires everyone to wear a facemask upon request of anyone else in the room.

Just down two corridors in the same floor and building as dock europe there is the CCC Hamburg Hackspace which will be open for us on all five days and which can be used for "regular Debian hacking" or, if you find some nice CCCHH members to help you, you might also be able to use the lasercutter, 3d printer, regular printer and many other tools and devices. It's definitely also suitable for smaller ad-hoc workshops but beware, it will also somewhat be the noisy hacklab, as it will also be open to regular CCC folks when we are there.

fux und ganz

The Fux also has a cantina called "fux und ganz" which will serve us (and other visitors of the venue) with lunch and dinner. Please register to ease their planning as well!

Available rooms

TODO: elbrus doesn't know this for 2025

Available beds on site

Dock Europe provides 34 beds in 10 double-rooms, 2 triple-rooms and 2 quad-rooms in the venue. The rooms are nice, small, clean, have a locker, wireless and are just one floor away from our main spaces. There's also a sufficient amount of showers and toilets. Breakfast is available (for those 34 people) as well. The beds were distributed on a first come, first serve base.

If you are interested in staying there, please contact Holger via mail.

TODO: check prices


TODO: check days and times

Beds are available from April 30th until and including the morning of the 5th of May.

Breakfast is from 8-9 localtime, please try to finish during these times so the cleanup can be done.

Please specify with whom you'd like to share a room, else allocation will be random.

Photos here

other housing options


TODO: add link to the schedule once we have it.

For other locations, and for traditional Hamburg-style food: for those who're looking for Schweinshaxe aka Eisbein aka joelho de porco aka pork's knee:

https://anno1905.de/: about 500m from venue. Alternatively: https://www.groeninger-hamburg.de/ .

For Labskaus: https://oldcommercialroom.de/ "a bit expensive but really good".


Filtered coffee is served for breakfast. After breakfast, there are moka pots available in both kitchens and some ground coffee you can use to brew yourself a cup or two. For alternative caffeine consumption options, the fridge in the kitchen by the Seminarraum has plenty of Club-Mate.

The Cantina serves all sorts of coffee during its opening hours. Please note that the during the lunch and dinner most of the staff are busy serving food — if you see a queue, it may be a good idea to wait a bit. Please adjust your thirst for coffee to the staff availability to help them avoid burning out 🙂

If you prefer to go out for coffee, there are plenty of coffee shops near the Altona station, some of them open as early as 7:00:


Nightlife, Dancing

Located in the cellar of the venue building / Victoria Kaserne there is https://www.slot-hh.org/: "SLOT is a collectively operated, non-profit space for parties and concerts, debates and exhibitions – all incoming money in turn goes out to support political/cultural projects, initiatives and struggles." Excellent DJ sets, perfect for dancing. And very reasonably priced.

And there's Centro Sociale at https://centro.wonkee.de/ which is known to offer live concert shows.