MiniDebConf Berlin 2024

Live Streaming

We are streaming talks live over the weekend: Video Stream

Dates and format of the event

Debian people will meet in Berlin. We will be hacking from Tuesday to Friday, and have talks on Saturday and Sunday and then hacking again on Monday and a bit on Tuesday before departure. And for those who celebrate, there will be a cheese & wine party on Thursday evening and some day trip on Friday.

Please note that Monday, 20th May is a public holiday in Germany and elsewhere, "Pfingsten" as it's called in German. That also means, basically all shops are closed on Monday (same as on Sundays in Germany).

More information on


Mini-DebConf Berlin will take place on the c-base hackspace: OpenStreetMap. The main hall and the seminar room are open for activities. There is a bar in the main hall where you can order drinks. The underground area is invitation only!

Partners and sponsors supporting this event

Please contact us if your company is interested in supporting this event. Thanks a lot for making this MiniDebConf possible!

We are also grateful for all the support that [ATTACH] has provided to make this event happen \o/

Group Photo

Group Photo

(original size -

Video archive

note from the video team - this is preliminary and videos might change without notice. There have been encoding issues, that gonna be fixed, but it will take an undefined amount of time


Tuesday (14 May 2024)

Time (UTC+2)




Ming Dynastie

Lunch, table is reserved for 38



daily standup meeting

Wednesday (15 May 2024)

Time (UTC+2)




Italian restaurant "Tasty"

Lunch, table is reserved for 30. Menu: ; Preorder:



daily standup meeting

Thursday (16 May 2024)

Time (UTC+2)



all day


DSA/secteam/buildd/FTP masters meeting


Kurdish restaurant "Erbil "

Lunch table is reserved for 25. Menu: Google maps menu



daily standup meeting


outside/urbec, tarzeau & the cheese team

cheese and wine party

Friday (17 May 2024)

Time (UTC+2)





day trip


Fincan Neukölln

5 volunteers who'll help setting up the venue and helping in the kitchen


Fincan Neukölln

We will be joining the Küfa there. Food will be served for us 20:00 onwards. We have five volunteers who'll be helping. :)

Saturday (18 May 2024)

For the schedule for that day, please visit the Talks schedule; Video Stream.

Time (UTC+2)





Lunch: We will eat pizza at the venue. First batch is ready 12:10, second batch 12:40. 2 volunteers picking them up needed!


Group photo participants

Group photo




Sunday (19 May 2024)

For the schedule for that day, please visit the Talks schedule; Video Stream.

Time (UTC+2)





Lunch, order food by Saturday, 7 PM here




Monday (20 May 2024)

Please note that Monday, 20th May is a public holiday in Germany and elsewhere, Pentecoast ("Pfingsten" as it's called in German). That also means, basically all shops are closed on Monday (same as on Sundays in Germany).

Time (UTC+2)





Lunch, we'll be going to Umami Sushi (no pre-order needed)



daily standup meeting

19:00-open end

Monster Ronson's Ichiban Karaoke

We'll go to open karaoke night! (Entrance: 5€)

Tuesday (21 May 2024)

Time (UTC+2)







Lee Garrett

final standup meeting


Departure and final hacking day

Standup meetings (Tue to Thu, and Mon+Tue)

On Tuesday to Thursday, and on Monday, there will be a standup meetings at 15:00, lasting max. 30 minutes. Its purpose is to make short announcements of the day (or for the next day) but mostly to tell the other participants what people are working on individually or as a team / in a sprint. This make it possible to join others, find helpers, and in general get to know what's going on.

On the final Tuesday, there's a final standup meeting at 12:00.

Reports and news about the event

Call for Proposals

The call for proposals is open! Please submit your proposals on the MiniDebConf website. We are especially looking for talks by minorities. The intention is that talks are held in English but if you don't feel comfortable giving a talk in English, please let us know.

Talk topics can be anything Debian or Free Software related.

Please also provide us with information such as additional speakers, scheduling restrictions, or any special requirements we should consider for your event.

Sprints, Lightning Talks and Ad-Hoc Sessions

If you are interested in organizing a sprint, please talk to the talks committee and/or the organizers. We currently plan a lightning talk session on Sunday and will likely solicit ad-hoc sessions (e.g. outcomes of the hacking days) on Sunday as well.


Self-registration is mandatory, so we can keep an eye on venue capacity etc. Also, registration shall have the benefit of free food if you are a Debian contributor, but this has not been fully settled yet.


Making a Mini DebConf happen costs money, we need to rent the venue, video gear, hopefully can pay hard working volunteers lunch and dinner and maybe also sponsor some travel. So we really appreciate companies willing to support this meeting!

Please contact if you want to sponsor this event.

We have two sponsor categories:

Plus, there's corporate registration as an option too, where we will charge you 250€ for the registration. Please contact us if you are interested in that!

Contact / Organization / Remote participation


The event will be hosted at, which is close to the public transport station "Jannowitzbrücke".

Available beds on nearby

While hunting for somewhere to stay, I (philh) found these plausible looking options, but you should judge for yourself:

I actually ended settling on: SMARTments business, Berlin Karlshorst, Treskowallee 115 -- €601 p.w. for a single apartment (but that's with a discount via, so I'm not sure if others might get charged €683 p.w. for that) -- that's a few stops away on the S-bahn.

Note that I'm not a local, and most of the research just involved me clicking around's offerings, and doing a little extra research, so someone else really ought to be able to come up with better ideas.

Other options:



Beverage will be available at the bar throughout the event. The bar is only open if a "bar bot" is behind the bar, who will announce their presence loudly. The is a coffee machine at the bar that you can freely draw coffee from.

Nightlife, Dancing

* There is a carneval of cultures from May 17-20 in Kreuzberg, not far from the venue. If you have downtime, consider going!

Debian Sprints and BoFs

This Mini-Debconf is a perfect opportunity to host Debian sprints and ?BoFs.

A "sprint" in this context means several people working on a common goal for several days and these people are happy to collaborate and onboard interesting parties. BoF is another internet folklore term and means bird of a feather (session), and basically is a hacking session like a sprint, just usually happeing on one day only.

So whatever, sprint, BoF, fubar: we would welcome if teams assemble and work together on their projects. The following stuff will happen:




Debian Rust team hacking


Debian Bananas team hacking


Debian Fonts team hacking


See goals under my github account/and twitter (agave font italic, and console fonts)


DSA/security team/buildd people/FTP masters will meet on the 16th adjacent to ?MiniDebconf.

Cheese & Wine Party

On Thursday evening, dinnertime; preparation approximately 3 hours before that. There is a likelyness, that there will be cheese left to eat a day later, and also no one would mind cheese late arrivals :)

The event is very simple: bring good edible stuff from your city/country. We like cheese and wine, but we love the surprising stuff that people bring from all around the world. So, you can bring non-alcoholic drinks or a typical food that you would like to share as well. Even if you don't bring anything, feel free to participate: our priorities are our attendants and free cheese.

Day trip

Be respectful

Debian event organisers are committed to providing an event where all participants feel safe. All attendees are expected to treat all people and facilities with respect and help create a welcoming environment. If you notice behaviour that fails to meet this standard, please speak up and help to keep this event as respectful as we expect it to be.

If you are harassed and requests to stop are not successful, or notice a disrespectful environment, the organisers want to help. Please contact us at We will treat your request with dignity and confidentiality, investigate, and take whatever actions appropriate. We can provide information on security, emergency services, transportation, alternative accommodations, or whatever else may be necessary. If mediation is not successful, organisers reserve the right to to take action against those who do not cease unacceptable behaviour.

See the DebConf Code of Conduct and the Debian Code of Conduct.

Open tasks